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Unpopular Anime Opinions?


Extreme Sonika Enjoyer
Starting this thread cause I'm bored lmao

I don't have many unpopular opinions but here we go :O

Mine is that I don't think the music in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is that good. Don't get me wrong, the intros are amazing, but I feel like character themes and other assorted songs aren't that great. Maybe my ears are just weird lol.


Oct 8, 2019
I never saw FMA03 but my friend whose obsessed with FMA in general says that it's not as bad as people say. I guess the reason why people didn't like it was cause it wasn't loyal to the manga, or something? Idk lmao.
yeah pretty much, the community automatically sees not following the manga as disrespectful and bad despite Hiromu Arakawa actually liking this adaption and iirc working on it herself as well:p
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Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I don't think Sailor Moon Crystal is as bad as the SM fandom makes it out to be. Yeah, the first internet season is rough, but the TV season that adapted the Infinity arc (the S season in the 90s anime) was pretty good. (I haven't seen the Eternal movies yet, so I can't compare them to the Dream arc and SuperS).

I find the Black Moon arc/the R season to be overrated as hell in terms of storyline and villains. (Also, Prince Demande is a creep of the highest order, and I don't understand why the fandom tries to make him look sympathetic).

The Starlights get too much hate from some corners of the fandom, especially Seiya. I mean, I understand some of the hate in regards to 90s anime Seiya, but not so much manga Seiya. Plus, some transphobic corners of the fandom still exist, sadly, and bash the Starlights for being girls who magically disguise themselves as guys in the 90s anime.

Mamoru gets too much hate for being "useless", when in reality, at least one of the 90s anime writers didn't like him, so they tried pushing him into the background. (To further illustrate this problem, the manga actually gives him an important power upgrade while SuperS... well, doesn't.)

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I'll make one to go along with that Sailor Moon one. The Original dub back in the 90s in good in the sense that it's so bad it's good. Even some of the little things such as Molly(I forget her original Japanese name) having a Brooklyn accent gave the 90s dub some charm.
I enjoy watching the old dub when I need a good laugh. Even though it's butchered as hell compared to the OG Japanese, I still enjoy the Saturday morning cartoon vibe the old dub gave off.
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Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
the brs anime wasnt that bad. yes it was confusing but the fight scenes were cool as hell, the character designs were sick and the plot was convoluted and pretentious which is my kind of thing. i think it could have benefitted from being a little longer than 8 episodes so it could explain things better but...it was a fun little watch.

also im not sure if this is "unpopular" but man i just dont want fanservice you guys. its not that i hate lewdness and adult content, because i dont. but if i want to see naked people doing sexy things i can go watch that in a different genre. i dont want to be minding my business watching a cool show and then all of a sudden theres just a really uncomfortable fanservice scene shoved in.
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The Man Without The Plan
Staff member
I enjoy watching the old dub when I need a good laugh. Even though it's butchered as hell compared to the OG Japanese, I still enjoy the Saturday morning cartoon vibe the old dub gave off.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Part of the fun is seeing just what they changed, how badly (or how surprisingly good) they did it or just some of the weird dialogue choices and so on.
Sep 21, 2019
I actually don't have problem with anime being censored? I mean silly shit like 4kids cutting Japanese text and what not is absolutely silly (if you're going to cut the text, why leave it blank??), but for stuff like some scenes Hero Academia (which everyone LOVES to complain about right now)--I'm not bothered? In fact, sometimes I feel like it gives a scene better clarity--like I don't need to see blood or whatever everywhere to understand the intensity of a scene--too much of that can really distract from the importance of other stuff in the scene, tbh. (Also as someone who's a little more of a sensitive soul, it makes it possible for me to watch something without needing to worry about seeing stuff that might scar me for life, lol.)
Also correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Japan have different laws for what can/can't be shown in books/manga vs. on TV? If that's the case, then it's not like the animators/studio get much of a choice. :P


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Not sure how unpopular this opinion is, but I have certain grievances with some anime movies that are based on longer-running series. These are dated examples, but I'm thinking of the Bleach and InuYasha movies.

For one thing, both of these sets of movies tries to basically shoehorn in every character and their distinctive elements, even when they don't necessarily need to be there. For instance, in basically every Bleach film, you can count on the fact that every captain is going to use his/her bankai, and every character is going to use his/her strongest move, even when they're going up against the weakest of their enemies. Similarly, in the InuYasha movies, you can bet that Sesshomaru and Kikyo are going to appear in every film, even if they hardly do more than observe the goings-on and maybe dispatch one enemy that has strayed from the fight somewhere. I understand that there's an appropriate and understandable desire to ensure that the fans of all the characters get to see their favorites on screen, but when you can tell that that was obviously the only reason why a character is appearing, it just strikes me as a poor writing choice. It would've been better to re-work the plot to give all the characters a legitimate role.

The other thing is the great OP-ness of the enemies in these films. Bleach is really worse for this--in each film, the stakes are usually basically the end of the world. I get that you need to make the movies appropriately weighty, but baddies on that level were only found in the absolute primary antagonists of the respective series (i.e., Aizen and Naraku); even the individual arcs of Bleach/InuYasha didn't feature stakes that high/enemies who were that powerful. If you watch these films one after another (which, admittedly, isn't how audiences would have originally seen them), the effect is actually a little comic, seeing all these uber-powerful foes/uber-dire situations one after another, since it gets a little unbelievable.
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