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Unpopular Opinions


MYK-IV's #1 fan
Jan 23, 2020
My computer
OKAY, for an unpopular opinion... The Meika's are seriously horrible to work with - Hime in particular. Hime sounds as if they went through 700 rounds of EQ before they even made it to the synth. Mikoto just feels like they're lacking in quality, especially when compared to Gynoid's previous voicebanks.
I can see what you mean. They REALLY do not sound great (but i still want them anyway lol)

Ok now for some of my personal opinions
-i think the way that Miku and Nana mispronounce some English words is cute
-they shouldn’t have discontinued Nana’s V3 banks
-yamaha should’ve kept their boxed vocaloids.
-(I don’t have V5 yet so forgive me if this opinion is already implemented) Vocaloid’s tuning system should be like UTAU’s: Simple, clean, and easy to learn


CUL Supremacist
Sep 15, 2018
if you enjoy them and have the coin to spend, then i'd say go ahead, regardless of quality! I mean, some of my favourites are Lily Native and Luka V4X so i don't really make it easy for myself either pahaha.

Vocaloid’s tuning system should be like UTAU’s: Simple, clean, and easy to learn
i totally agree! I personally think vocaloid should've adopted a CeVIO-esque tuning method. like drawing straight onto the note, because I know a lot of people have trouble with the pitch parameter and stuff. Because I started with Vocaloid and not other synths I find it a lot faster than UTAUs tuning method, but It really is a steep learning curve for anyone coming from other synths, which is unfortunate.
they shouldn’t have discontinued Nana’s V3 banks
now i don't have too much of an opinion on Nana, but i really wish they kept Gomoku Akatsuki as the box artist... I get that AH-Soft probably wanted to make her look more cohesive with their other products, but cmon, the OG Macne style is way too iconic to be discarded like that


MYK-IV's #1 fan
Jan 23, 2020
My computer
I get that AH-Soft probably wanted to make her look more cohesive with their other products, but cmon, the OG Macne style is way too iconic to be discarded like that
Totally agree with this too. I love how cartoony the style looks compared to most synth mascot boxart. Although I definitely prefer her V4 outfit than her UTAU/V3 one......

EDIT: I just remembered that Gomoku did the concept art for Nana and Petit’s V4 outfits, and I actually like the concept art better than the finalized V4 boxartE1CC42A3-00E1-4F98-B58D-9B552286E932.jpeg


Oct 8, 2019
I believe her V3 not being kept up is due to licensing issues? Seeing as she was only fully adopted by AHS once she became V4. if it's any consolation, her V3 is objectively inferior product and is virtually useless to own unless you're a collector or if Nana has that big of a sentimental value to you that you'd like to own her V3. Her V3's recommended vocal range was only one octave while her V4 has one of the widest vocal ranges and while her V3's tempo range wasn't bad her V4 is the fastest vocaloid product ever in terms of tempo. You aren't missing out on much.
Sep 21, 2019
Really? Everyone just stop replying to each other......... this is like the gazillionth time.... no offence.
People are allowed to reply to each other here as long as they don’t get too far off topic, and if they do, a staff member will ask people to get back on topic <3
In the future, the staff would appreciate if you would just leave this sort of thing to us. :mirai_ani_lili:

An unpopular opinion to make sure I keep this thread on track:
I don’t find power type Vocaloid vocals to really fit their name most of the time—especially when put up against power type UTAU. The Vocaloids are strong, sure, but I don’t think they can really hold a candle to banks like Teto’s sakebi or rikimi—a bank that I commonly go to when I’m working on a rock song. The Vocaloid banks I find commonly wimp out on the notes where I need them to sing the strongest (even if it’s well within their range).
I’d like Vocaloid power banks that are the same strength as Teto’s sakebi and rikimi banks (or even Ruko or Ritsu’s kire banks).


Watch Levius and Stan Natalia Cromwell
Sep 16, 2019
Off topic but I do not like Miku’s original color scheme at all the grey and black is just really hard to look at something about it bothers me. I think the new colors Ixima picked were much better for the long run and I’m glad I don’t have to see grey Miku anymore (sorry Kei)


Jul 18, 2019
I know I'm late on this but gumi v4 was an amazing update. I feel like everyone slept on it because it was edited versions of her base bank but those edits really fixed and rounded out her extends. All of them have a more natural sound to them and sounds like they are capturing more of the voice providers human ness. I feel like it wasn't clear what was different similar to evec.
Also soft whisper is one of the best vocaloid banks ever
Last edited:

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I know I'm late on this but gumi v4 was an amazing update. I feel like everyone slept on it because it was edited versions of her base bank but those edits really fixed and rounded out her extends. All of them have a more natural sound to them and sounds like they are capturing more of the voice providers human ness. I feel like it wasn't clear what was different similar to evec.
I feel like in the end, Gumi had way too many VBs for people to really play with properly in V4? I'm not a producer, but I imagine if I originally owned Gumi's V3 and I was happy with just using certain VBs, I probably would have found V4 overwhelming depending on what I used Gumi for.
Sep 21, 2019
I had no idea people slept on Gumi V4! I love her! I had all her trials at one point and I loved using her!
But I do agree V4 had too many voicebanks—I had gotten trials of all of them at one point a felt super overwhelmed. In the end I found that native, sweet, and power were the only ones that really did much. Adult was okay. Whisper was meh. And I never quite figured out the “fat” vbs.

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I'm pretty sure I've said on this thread before that I don't actually find Flower's Engrish that impressive, but after listening to some more Engrish songs with Japanese (in particular) banks recently, I've now come to the conclusion that most, if not all, usages of English with Japanese banks actually sound... not great. ^^; I will always be able to tell a quality difference between, say, Miku and Gumi's actual English banks and their Japanese banks being used for English lyrics, for example.


Oct 8, 2019
I'm pretty sure I've said on this thread before that I don't actually find Flower's Engrish that impressive, but after listening to some more Engrish songs with Japanese (in particular) banks recently, I've now come to the conclusion that most, if not all, usages of English with Japanese banks actually sound... not great. ^^; I will always be able to tell a quality difference between, say, Miku and Gumi's actual English banks and their Japanese banks being used for English lyrics, for example.
I have to agree, I know producers are allowed to use whichever vb they like and that the catalogue for eng vbs isn't as big as for jp vbs however I believe the choice of a voicebank is a fair criticism if stated politely and not hammered into the producers' heads and I honestly think 90% of engrish songs would've benefited from an actual eng voicebank. I think the only vb that pulls off "not singing in the language they're supposed to" and has value outside of experimental stuff is Maika because she actually sounds like she's convincingly singing in english, just heavily accented and that has it's charm, it actually really reminds me of my accent in english.


Aspiring Fan
Jul 21, 2018
I think it's a good thing with many variations on voicebanks - I didn't know this was kind of a controversial opinion.
I also like Gumi - and for me, it's the native, adult and whisper voicebanks I like the most, power and sweet seem less interesting at this point in time, but maybe I like them better sometime in the future, I don't know.
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Oct 8, 2019
Neutrino can create very realistic results with little user input, but it tunes everything the same way, basically giving the same singing style to everything....not ideal for a lot of music...also you'd have to use autotune or something similar to actually change how the vocals sound.
Coming back to this after Itako's Neutrino release and boy do I see your point now loud and clear. The engine really bends the voice into the singing style that's very specific to Neutrino but the voice loses a lot of individuality in the process. I wish Itako would've gotten Vocaloid release instead of us getting Kiritan 2.0 release.

Sorry for sounding kinda harsh but I'm rather disappointed, I guess there's still her utau vb :/

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