Wow. What an odd thing to see.
There was not any permission given to my knowledge. Nor do I think the logo is aligned properly, it probably should be smaller and more to the left.
Hm, I'm wondering what action needs to be taken now... As the logo designer, I believe I am able to to use my rules as well as my terms and conditions to perhaps have a say in this.
But, is there interest in VVN merchandise? Would you guys be interested in that?
It's just a theory, but I think some merchandise gets simulated digitally--with a picture and a t-shirt template, they put together an image of what the merch would look like, but avoid the cost of actually printing/storing a t-shirt. That probably accounts for the logo being misaligned.
Hm, I'd assume that a case like this would almost have to be handled by lawyers/copyright law and stuff like that. Before getting involved with that, though, I'd think it would be easiest to check with Amazon to see what you can do, if you want to do that. They have a
page on copyright infringement that looks like it might be applicable, with a process for reporting.
You know, having read your merch survey thread recently, I was thinking, "Someone needs to tell
@RazzyRu about this!" But I didn't remember that you were the logo's original designer! I don't know how much people would be interested in VVN-wear (depends on how much they want to stay anonymous, I guess), but it would be great if members wanted to meet up at cons/concerts or something. Might be a subject for a poll, maybe!