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Vocaloid Merchandise News


Bless the Lord, O my Soul
Apr 8, 2018
Holy Hell! Er...guys? When did THIS happen?

I mean, it'd be some awesome merch for any VVN member.... Sadly, I assume it wasn't done with permission....
Wow. What an odd thing to see.
There was not any permission given to my knowledge. Nor do I think the logo is aligned properly, it probably should be smaller and more to the left.
Hm, I'm wondering what action needs to be taken now... As the logo designer, I believe I am able to to use my rules as well as my terms and conditions to perhaps have a say in this.

But, is there interest in VVN merchandise? Would you guys be interested in that?


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Wow. What an odd thing to see.
There was not any permission given to my knowledge. Nor do I think the logo is aligned properly, it probably should be smaller and more to the left.
Hm, I'm wondering what action needs to be taken now... As the logo designer, I believe I am able to to use my rules as well as my terms and conditions to perhaps have a say in this.

But, is there interest in VVN merchandise? Would you guys be interested in that?
It's just a theory, but I think some merchandise gets simulated digitally--with a picture and a t-shirt template, they put together an image of what the merch would look like, but avoid the cost of actually printing/storing a t-shirt. That probably accounts for the logo being misaligned.

Hm, I'd assume that a case like this would almost have to be handled by lawyers/copyright law and stuff like that. Before getting involved with that, though, I'd think it would be easiest to check with Amazon to see what you can do, if you want to do that. They have a page on copyright infringement that looks like it might be applicable, with a process for reporting.

You know, having read your merch survey thread recently, I was thinking, "Someone needs to tell @RazzyRu about this!" But I didn't remember that you were the logo's original designer! I don't know how much people would be interested in VVN-wear (depends on how much they want to stay anonymous, I guess), but it would be great if members wanted to meet up at cons/concerts or something. Might be a subject for a poll, maybe!
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Bless the Lord, O my Soul
Apr 8, 2018
It's just a theory, but I think some merchandise gets simulated digitally--with a picture and a t-shirt template, they put together an image of what the merch would look like, but avoid the cost of actually printing/storing a t-shirt. That probably accounts for the logo being misaligned.
That definitely has to be it. There are many templates, some I've used myself. They must have put it together really quick, I think.

But we have been looking into taking action for this, such as with the page you have linked!
I'm not sure how many people would be interested in "VVN-wear" (that's a fun term! I'll use it too!), but if there's enough interest maybe I'll try something! Using it to meet up at cons makes sense!


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
FYI, as per this article on Mikufan, CFM has apparently released a new app, "Miku Navi." The app has several useful-sounding functions:
  • Provides a feed of Vocaloid news
  • Provides a shop for browsing merch
  • Can scan QR codes at some events, which can make you eligible for gifts. These codes will apparently be available at Mirai 2019, so anyone going may want to make use of this.
Currently the app is in Japanese, Chinese, and English and is available for both iOS and Android. (Content like news, merch/event descriptions, etc., is still Japanese-only, unfortunately.)


May 17, 2018
A Snow Miku figure tease from GoodSmile

Also spotted this garage kit of a Gyari style Akane figure too


May 17, 2018
It's Summer WonFes day! GoodSmile has posted a link to their gallery for the event

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Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
Magical Mirai 2019, Miku Expo Taiwan & Hong Kong and Miku Symphony 2019 figures announced:

Hatsune Miku: Kentaro Yabuki x osoba ver.

Painted prototype of Racing Miku 2019 scale:

Prototype of the Racing Miku 2013 Sugo ver.

The winner of the first Sega x Piapro figure design contest is in protoype stage:
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Apr 9, 2018
Okay, normally I enjoy following this thread to see the cool figures I'll never be able to buy, but... Wow, that heart booty figure is the worst thing I've seen all day, thanks. I keep angrily glaring at it, no woman with self respect or a shred of fashion sense would ever wear something so tacky.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Yeah, I don't feel good about the fact that that design aspect was included in an official figure, either (I guess it's official? The Kentaro Yabuki x osoba ver. is made by Goodsmile.). I don't think most figures do that, and I hope it isn't something that spreads. Person or not, the objectification doesn't give her the level of respect I think she's due.

The other figures are really pretty, though. I love the colors on Racing Miku 2019, and how the skirt manages to look light while still being made of plastic.


May 13, 2018
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks that outfit is tacky lol... I had a bad feeling that outfit would be made into a figure instead of something more interesting/relevant. Man, car deals are weird.
Plus the original artwork was better imo, the heart butt wasn't like "HELLO, I'M HERE LOOK AT ME"

I also prefered the original pose of the Sega x Piapro figure winner. This one feels forced to feel 'cute', the other one flowed better... But the sculpt looks nice otherwise.

This wonfes felt dissapointing really :miku2_move:
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Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
As expected, the prototype of Magical Mirai 2019 figure is on display at the event:

Apparently there was a somewhat low-profile announcement of a Sakura Miku figma too:
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