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Unpopular Opinions


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
While I would DIE to own Miriam and be ecstatic if she got an update, I feel like she's been somewhat-undeservingly elevated to near-God status in the West?

Like, she's one of the best V1s and a lovely voice to hear, but she's old, has some weird results (Ms. Stockley herself said she wasn't entirely sure what she was doing during recording), and some newer Engloids can cover her roles. Also no one's done it lately to ZG but seeing "Miriam V5 when" constantly gets a little tiring.

This also applies to Piko, except unlike Miriam I honestly think he's nothing special at all. There are tons of VBs that cover his roles- Fukase in particular owns him, he's MQ at best, and no one in Japan really had or has any interest in him so no sane company would put all the money up for an update anyway (I'm reasonably confident a lot of people who want Miriam updated would buy her, I can't say the same for Piko.)

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
While I would DIE to own Miriam and be ecstatic if she got an update, I feel like she's been somewhat-undeservingly elevated to near-God status in the West?

Like, she's one of the best V1s and a lovely voice to hear, but she's old, has some weird results (Ms. Stockley herself said she wasn't entirely sure what she was doing during recording), and some newer Engloids can cover her roles. Also no one's done it lately to ZG but seeing "Miriam V5 when" constantly gets a little tiring.
Miriam is still my favourite Engloid to this day (despite being a retired VB), but Avanna can do Miriam's niche with better quality and ongoing software support. But at this point, I'd still be down for another Miriam Stockley VB on another synth, since Zero G doesn't seem to be interested in Vocaloid anymore.
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Oct 8, 2019
I swear I don't have weird hate boner for DV and I wanna keep using it and seeing it grow...with that being said. It's nowhere near as capable as UTAU and sounds worse. While I like to think I haven't yet heard a vb that fully takes advantage of DV's capabilities from what I've heard so far they're sound-vise like utaus on an upper MQ resampler and they behave like cevios.

Edit: ANOTHER ONE "ok but this vb sounds good when actually tuned well 🥺"proves nothing and goes for every vb.
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May 19, 2020
Okay okay, here's a take.

I believe that the only reason people use Miku for ogs anymore is to try and get project diva/live/ect cred. I mean, I could make this song with another Vocaloid or synth, but what if it goes viral? It won't ever have the possibility to be done live! I would have waisted the song! LIke, i know that's not actually the thought process, but it's there in the back of your mind without realizing it. Nobody is going to check out your song if you used like, Galaco or your own original Utau, for example, so you better crack out Miss Miku.

There is a timelike where Miku lost her thrown in the v3 a new-idol-every-month era and Vocaloid songs have a lot more vocal variety, and we're sadly just not in it.


long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
So am I the only one who thinks that MEIKO's English makes her sound like an entirely new VOCALOID?
I don't know if I'd say entirely new, but god if it doesn't sound a world apart from how she normally sounds. Oh, how I wish we had just got her append on V2.

Chinese VOCALOIDs are functionally awful. They barely work under regular conditions and the moment you try to do any form of note-bending or phonetic editing they're hell. I believed this for a while anyway but after using Chinese voicebanks on Synthesizer V I can say confidently that VOCALOID Chinese is a disaster.
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long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
I could see someone saying the same about English vocaloids
Trust me they're nowhere near as bad. At least you can brute force an Engloid to at least sound halfway decent, in fact you can improve their sound by editing their phonemes heavily. Doing so with a Chinese VOCALOID is asking for a bad time. The main problem if Engloids is that the programming on some of them is... less than desirable, whereas Chinese VOCALOIDs have good programming and a terrible system. That being said, Eleanor Forte is far and away the easiest experience I've ever had with an English bank.


Jun 10, 2020
ashes to ashes
warm, soft, melancholy vocarock songs > fast, 130+ bpm, ear-gratingly loud vocarock songs. In other words, I wish there were more Sayako's and less Greenlights Seranade's.

Seriously, there are way too many songs that are basically just 2D dream fever in a different key, or Wowaka on drugs + fancier mixing. (And don't even get me started on that one hi-hat run. you know what i'm talking about. i barely ever hear interesting drum patterns in high tempo vocarock, just "ta-PSH-ta-PSH" droning in and out the entire track...)


Watch Levius and Stan Natalia Cromwell
Sep 16, 2019
Saw this thread in my notifications so let me drop an unpopular opinion I’ve been sitting on for a little bit. I’m not a big fan of Miku’s voice at least not in cases where they keep her default voice and don’t try to make her sound different or interesting. Like if the producer has a distinct style for how they tune her such as Pinocchio or Kikuo in those cases I don’t mind listening to her. But other than Miku just sounds really boring to me now and I usually see if other vocaloids/human singers have covers of songs she sings. She’s not a bad vocal I think I’m just kinda over her now.
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The Poor
Jun 26, 2020
Ok actual unpopular opinion. Miku's voice doesn't fit rock songs and literally any rock song she is given (Love is War, etc.) would sound better with Luka, Rin, Meiko, vflower, etc. She only gets songs like that because, well, its miku and easy clout.

Also I don't care if the CFM, AHS, and 1st Place are moving from the VOCALOID software because at this point, Vocaloid has become a term to describe all vocal synths separate from "VOCALOID" the software. I will continue to refer to Miku, IA, and AHSloids as vocaloids because that is where they where they were used, and that is where a majority of their vbs lie.
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Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
While that imagery is very um... uncomfortable, I still concur. I've never really liked Len. I've grown to tolerate him after the hundreds of concerts I've been watching... but he's still overrated, in my opinion.
If I may add a take of my own: I think Len was overrated during the V2/V3 era. His V2s really weren't anything special. (I never cared for Spice and never understood my fellow 13-year-olds drooling over it and him - what can I say? I was not like other girls~ [I'm sure I said that unironically at one point too].) But his V4X? His V4X Power is one of my all-time favorite banks to both listen to and use. In my opinion, V4X let Len finally live up to his reputation. Considering it's largely a polished port of his Appends, I might go as far as to say his Appends are what made him good, but as his V4X is more accessible (and, from what I've heard, easier to use)... you get what I'm saying.

He's still overused, but with the quality of his current VB, and given the fact that I keep instinctualy defaulting to V4X Power when trying out new VSQs, I don't think it's as unwarranted as it once was.
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Sep 21, 2019
I concur with what Peaches has to say, and as someone who's worked with both the Kagamines and several other vocaloids, Len V4x has got to by far be one of the easiest to produce high quality results with, especially using his V4X power. The only Vocaloid I've had an easier time tuning than Len Power V4 is Gumi power and native. (The fact that all the Cryptonloids sound so flat will forever drive me crazy because it is downright painful to tune them, especially Miku and Meiko.)(I won't speak about Luka V4x because the last time I used her was a trial from like, two years ago, LOL.)

That being said, I don't know how frequently used he is or isn't (I'm more involved with the UTAU cover scene than anything else, and have horrible luck finding new Vocaloid originals), but from the usages I have heard there is a slight issue of quality not with Len but the tuning of him; some songs go extremely overboard with the pitchbends to the point where it can be downright painful to listen to.

I do think, however, his ACT1 is not very good. Still not as awful as people made it out to be, but he is very choppy and suffers from random volume drops. (Though, I find the choppiness has a certain charm to it. I guess it reminds me a bit of Teto's original CV voicebank that was choppy, but still cute.)

Now for my hopefully) unpopular opinion:
Miku V4s are both better and worse than their V2s. Miku V4x is smoother, sure, but she's much more flat sounding and harder to tune than her original V2. Her V2 has transition issues, but is far more expressive than V4x original. (I rarely use Miku because she's just to painful for me to tune. QQ)

Rin's V4 has the issue of there being no real voicebank to match her original tone, and that there's also no sort of "in-between" or "neutral" voicebank. (It can be remedied a bit by XSY'ing Power x Sweet, but XSY can lead to some rather funky results at times.)

Len actually did gain a lot in his V4, and he's the only one who I feel like didn't have a negative thing versus his original. V4x power maintains the tone of his ACT1, albeit with a thicker timbre. (Also he's smoother and easier to tune, so yay!)

(Also, I swear I did not mean to bring it back around to Len dslgf.)

(Y'all should really keep me away from this thread before I have the chance to write a whole essay about an opinion, LOL.)


I wanted to respond to Lemony's opinion here, so here we go!
Ok actual unpopular opinion. Miku's voice doesn't fit rock songs and literally any rock song she is given (Love is War, etc.) would sound better with Luka, Rin, Meiko, vflower, etc. She only gets songs like that because, well, its miku and easy clout.
I do agree to a certain extent that Miku's voice doesn't fit rock songs (but I LOVE her voice in Love is War, Android Girl, TBW, and Ghost Rule [yes, I'm a Deco*27 shill, don't @ me, LOL]), but I do think her Solid VB is well suited for them. (See Circus-P/Cheezitzareyummy's cover of Acceleration with her Solid vb.)
However, I disagree with only using Miku for clout. Sometimes, you just have that one synth that you love to bits and will use them no matter what the cost. (Calling myself out and saying I'm totally guilty of doing this with Tei.)

I'm sure there are producers out there who do use her for clout, but it's certainly not always the case.
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Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
Oh, I think it's more about my personal opinion on the matter with Len! I wasn't trying to say anything on his quality or anything like that. I just don't like his voice. I've never cared for the shota image. Not to mention that his crazy fangirls were enough to keep me away. They're weird.
Ah, yeah, I understand that! I'm the same way with Fukase: I think he's high-quality and objectively enjoy his voice, but his fangirls destroyed him for me. I'd actually considered getting him to start out with back when I was entering the waters of production, and now I can hardly even stand him. :yohioloid_lili:

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