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Unpopular Opinions


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
This one occurred to me while I was in the shower (Shower Thoughts: Vocaloid Edition Subreddit when): I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with Plug 'n' Plays. I've heard a lot of talk of "If you make a P'n'P cover you're a FAKE!" and variations on the phrase. There's some VSQs that are just so freaking well-made, though, that touching them seems almost wrong (I have one in mind specifically). I don't think there's anything wrong plugging those into various VBs and sharing the end result, and I think it's a show of respect to the creator of the VSQ to do so (assuming, of course, you make certain they take all the credit, and you credit yourself for the render only). I think it's really only an issue if you make a career of it, so to speak.

On the inverse: I think it's annoying when people take a VSQ, adjust a few notes or pitch bends, and then credit themselves for the tuning. Acknowledging and crediting yourself for making adjustments or changing some things up? Sure! But unless you've made substantial changes, crediting yourself for the tuning seems... I dunno, disrespectful? At the very least, credit the person who made the original VSQ and then yourself. Not crediting the tuning to the OG creator only works if you erase literally every last bit of tuning they did and rebuild it from the ground-up.
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I feel so high in the blue, blue sky
Dec 2, 2019
LOL, i find it funny that both vsqx examples you linked were made by the same person.

I think Plug and plays are perfectly fine! besides, why else distribute fully tuned vsqs? I personally like to use untuned vsqs, or just make my own since i need the practice tho. Also, I think this is a bit different for English voicebanks, since every single one seems to have some sort of quirk you'll have to iron out. that's just a personal preference when i'm working though, i'm pretty sure i've heard some good pnp english covers around


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
LOL, i find it funny that both vsqx examples you linked were made by the same person.

I think Plug and plays are perfectly fine! besides, why else distribute fully tuned vsqs? I personally like to use untuned vsqs, or just make my own since i need the practice tho. Also, I think this is a bit different for English voicebanks, since every single one seems to have some sort of quirk you'll have to iron out. that's just a personal preference when i'm working though, i'm pretty sure i've heard some good pnp english covers around
Yeah, I went ahead and deleted the second one because it was actually a cover that had made some pretty big changes from the OG VSQx... I really oughta do my research before preaching a sermon, eh? :clara_ani_lili: And yeah, that was written primarily with Japanese banks in mind. I don't think True P'n'Ps are really possible with English banks. Either way, so long as the proper person gets the credit, I think it's all good!
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I feel so high in the blue, blue sky
Dec 2, 2019
Yeah, I went ahead and deleted the second one because it was actually a cover that had made some pretty big changes from the OG VSQx... I really oughta do my research before preaching a sermon, eh? :clara_ani_lili: And yeah, that was written primarily with Japanese banks in mind. I don't think True P'n'Ps are really possible with English banks. Either way, so long as the proper person gets the credit, I think it's all good!

I've never even heard the original use of the 2nd vsqx, I just recognized that both vsqs were made by the same person :yohioloid_lili:

alas, why must english be so difficult. when i first joined the community, I thought a plug and play was a type of easy to use voicebank that people looked down upon for some reason (i'm not sure if i was mistaken or if there are multiple definitions to this day lol) though, i'm really not sure if I used a vb that feels like it fits that definition.

But yeah! 100% on the crediting. that goes without saying :D. I'm honestly unsure why people don't credit, besides general ignorance


UTAU is my religion!!!
Feb 28, 2019
Plug n' Play is fine imo only if you give CREDIT!!!! Where it's due!!! I might be soft on the whole opinion because um ... that was me a few years ago when I was an UTAU noob jdkdjsbn I think it's a good way for beginners to see how different styles of tuning look and how they sound, so they can play around and learn to see what works for them. For beginners especially (like those who've only been doing it for < 1 year? maybe less idk) I wouldn't think of it as cheating, more like a helping hand?

And then you gotta give credit!! Like what Peaches2217 said about crediting the UST but not crediting the tuning as if it's youd own. Credit the UST/Midi creator but don't claim that you did the tuning :( besides when most people look at the credits and will probably just assume the tuning is yours anyways unless you actually come out and say it :kaito_move::kaito_move:


I feel so high in the blue, blue sky
Dec 2, 2019
I really wish people would release un edited vsq because if such a pain to un edit it especially when you have note bending and don't get me started on using h for breath
Honestly by the time i think to save an unedited version of my vsqs im already halfway into tuning :yohioloid_lili:


Jun 10, 2020
ashes to ashes
I actually think the amateurishness of mambo-p's vocals helps bring out the wacky scenarios and humor in their songs. If he tuned too realistically or intricately, it would take the listener's mind off the story (and likely wouldn't fit the vibe at all. The lyrics are too specific and fantastical to be sung in a ballad style or anything like that).


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
I actually think the amateurishness of mambo-p's vocals helps bring out the wacky scenarios and humor in their songs. If he tuned too realistically or intricately, it would take the listener's mind off the story (and likely wouldn't fit the vibe at all. The lyrics are too specific and fantastical to be sung in a ballad style or anything like that).
Y’know, I can see that! Lookng back, it DOES fit the vibe... I do wish it was a little better-excecuted though.
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Sep 21, 2019
Teo is a fine song......til the chorus which no tuning god and HQ voicebank can save.

Also manbo-p's Gumi tuning ( or the lack there of??? ) is atrocious.
Oh, but Patuk! Have you heard this cover? I thought the chorus sounded very nice in this one! (Otherwise I agree. I’ve been struggling with tuning this song for that very reason and I legitimately would like to know how Tanji managed to make it sound good…) :yohioloid_lili: (Maybe I should just ask since we share a Discord server, LOL.:clara_ani_lili:)

Also, yeah, I cannot stand Manbo-P’s tuning of Gumi either, with exception of literally one song… it’s just really grating to me, and I usually don’t feel that way about Gumi’s voice.:len_lili:


Oct 8, 2019
Oh, but Patuk! Have you heard this cover? I thought the chorus sounded very nice in this one! (Otherwise I agree. I’ve been struggling with tuning this song for that very reason and I legitimately would like to know how Tanji managed to make it sound good…) :yohioloid_lili: (Maybe I should just ask since we share a Discord server, LOL.:clara_ani_lili:)
Oh, god bless Tanjiro and it's objectively very good cover and probably the best version I've heard but I guess I and that song just don't click :yohioloid_lili:

I actually think the amateurishness of mambo-p's vocals helps bring out the wacky scenarios and humor in their songs. If he tuned too realistically or intricately, it would take the listener's mind off the story (and likely wouldn't fit the vibe at all. The lyrics are too specific and fantastical to be sung in a ballad style or anything like that).
I can respect that and I definitely dont think every song needs complicated/realistic tuning ( I still like the very 1st og version of evil food eater Conchita the best ) and I don't always find his execution of this poor and it's not a problem I have with his VY2 songs, I think what you've described is very well executed here:

I just don't think it works with Gumi, she's just too raspy to have that charm in his songs and it sounds very unpleasing in my opinion, but that's ofc subjective.


Jun 10, 2020
ashes to ashes
Oh, god bless Tanjiro and it's objectively very good cover and probably the best version I've heard but I guess I and that song just don't click :yohioloid_lili:

I can respect that and I definitely dont think every song needs complicated/realistic tuning ( I still like the very 1st og version of evil food eater Conchita the best ) and I don't always find his execution of this poor and it's not a problem I have with his VY2 songs, I think what you've described is very well executed here:

I just don't think it works with Gumi, she's just too raspy to have that charm in his songs and it sounds very unpleasing in my opinion, but that's ofc subjective.
I definitely respect that opinion! Some voices are designed differently than others after all, and Gumi's is one of the most realistic. It would've worked better to use a different voice for some of mambo-p's most popular songs with Gumi, but he seems to like her character a lot (which i respect as well, Gumi is a queen)

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I have such a love-hate relationship with Teo, because I love the instrumentals, but then the chorus kicks in and I feel like dying inside from how high Miku is. Definitely a song that should have used a different VB, or even be played in a different key, because I think it's too high for Miku.
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kiyoteru enthusiast
Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
Teo for me feels like "the one that got away," haha. In my phase of "only cover songs no one knows" (which I still lowkey do just because I like promoting lesser known songs, but now I don't really care about throwing more popular songs in there if I like them vs me actively avoiding them in the past) I did cover an Omoi song before they got popular. I wanted to cover more of their songs, especially Teo when it came out since it's so damn good, but. Well.

(I would've done it anyway regardless of the popularity, as it was my original plan for Kiyoteru's 10th anniversary last year... then I found out someone else was covering it for the exact same reason. So I went "okay! I'll cover it later," and then someone else organized an entire chorus cover of only Kiyoterus, and... well, it's completely off my list now orz. I know I can still cover it anyway, but I have so many other things I'd like to cover that it's not really a pressing issue for me.)

Anyway, I'm not sure if this really counts as an opinion, but I'm gonna put it here anyway: if you follow someone for their content, I hope you follow them because you like their music (producers) or tuning (cover artists) and not solely for the vocal they're known to use most. People seem to get attached to others using their preferred vocal (calling them a "_____ user") and then get upset when that person uses someone else for once? I've seen people call niki a sellout just because they used Miku for Graave and assumed they were only going to use Miku from then on -- which didn't happen.

(Relatedly, I don't think it's anyone's place to tell producers what Vocaloids to use. If they want to use Miku, they're allowed to use Miku, even if Miku doesn't fit their style. It's their choice. Saying "use another Vocaloid" is just so rude to me because.... Vocaloids cost money. And they don't have to cater to you. If you want to hear a certain Vocaloid sing a certain song, that's what covers are for!! But also don't discredit the original by saying a cover is so much better than it; without the original, the song wouldn't exist. Of course there are many amazing covers -- covers that improve upon the original! And it's perfectly okay to prefer a cover over it. But it's possible to praise something without putting something else down orz. If you just don't like the song that's a different issue, and it's fine to say that there's only one or two covers that you can stand listening to, but I reeeeally wish people would stop comparing everything and definitively stating what's better than something else.)


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
Am I allowed to still jokingly call mikito-P "Traitor-P"?
I am fully joking to be clear, the only reason I do is cuz they got their P name from miki then stopped using her

Speaking of mikito-P, I noticed the other day I used to listen to Sayoko a lot but COMPLETELY avoid it now to the point where I can't remember what it sounds like. Probably because I associate it too much with my own depression and....related depression thoughts.
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