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2024 Vocal Synth Predictions


Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
2023 was an all-time high for vocal synths, with Synthesizer V dramatically expanding its roster, Voisona pushing CeVIO's technology to new heights, VOCALOID surprising us with B-Studio, a big update on Maghni AI, and we even got a teaser of new software from the creator of UTAU! Teto, Gumi and Kafu changed everything we thought we knew about multi-engine voicebanks, we received two new languages for a major engine, and multiple companies improved their support for rap.
The number of completely unexpected announcements makes next year the hardest to predict yet, but that doesn't mean we can't try. :tonio_ani_lili:

Did any of your predictions for 2023 come true?

  • Synth V releases a powerful alto I really like. But for real this time.
The monkey's paw curled for Rose and her need for per-song company approval...
  • Yanhe and Tianyi V5 are lost at sea and don't turn up until at least Q3.
They took us by surprise and shipped completely without warning in February, hitting the official Vocaloid Shop in April. Classic VSinger shenanigans, but not the type I predicted.
  • Dreamtonics' first party releases slow down, but VOCALOID6 releases ramp up, resulting in a year that's equally busy.
Unfortunately, V6 was so quiet about their first party voices that we all forgot about them, to the extent Dreamtonics accidentally released one with the same name, and had to be reminded. Thankfully four of default voices for V6 made it out of production hell just before the year ended. Dreamtonics released as many letters as ever: twelve this year.
  • SOLARIA starts being spotted in the wild more often, normal producers are baffled by the SynthV stans, but appreciate the engagement.
Yes, though any excitement was significantly dampened by many equating her to unethical generative AI, requiring frequent corrections. Times may change, but confusion about what vocal synths are remains eternal, as seen in...
  • A new weirdo US tech startup tries to release AI voices, but their marketing undercuts the spirit of the vocal synth fandom by being transparently profit focused and anti-art. A bunch of obnoxious thinkpieces about a 'new age of music' are published, in which journalists react to vocal synths as though it's a brand new concept for the 5th time this decade. Someone manages to use the word 'metaverse', somehow. This results in backlash from real singers, and vocal synths become the subject of fear and controversy for a few months. Then CeVIO or AHSoft release a new anime character and everyone gets back to business.

My 2024 predictions:

  • Maghni AI delayed, hello darkness my old friend
  • A Vocaloid B-Studio voicebank jumps to V6
  • Synthesizer V voicebank for...*throws dart*...Galaco!
  • Crypton announce a new voicebank for literally anyone, on anything
  • 'Synthesizer V can only do realistic voices' is put to bed at last by a kooky experimental voice
  • New Korean vocal synth, but it's also on a brand-new Korean engine
  • New English deep powerful alto SynthesizerV who can kick my ass with a good licence IT'S HER TIME


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
I don't know if I've ever actually done one of these. Let's see...

- Another previous Vocaloid gets a V6 AI update, but no other V6 new banks drop
- More Vocaloid -> SV announcements besides the Miki/Kiyoteru releases
- Maybe another Vocaloid -> CeVIO?
- SynthV releases full Spanish along with a native Spanish alphabet soup bank
- SynthV beta for a new language -- either Korean or French maybe
- Maghni AI outdoes its crowdfund but is pretty quiet during dev until the second half of the year closer to the intended release date
- CeVIO AI finally drops a male bank 😂

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
Last year's predictions:
I normally don't attempt to make predictions on these threads because I'm terrible at guessing the future (a great case in point, the sudden appearance of V6), but I'm gonna throw in my wild card - with the rise in mainstream awareness and popularity of vocal synths in the West, eventually a VB based on a famous Western singer will be announced. Think of Miriam but with waaay more hype based on the name. Considering how popular SynthV is becoming among musicians who aren't vocal synth fans, I expect this famous Western bank to be on that engine.
There's been a few more celebrity Japanese voices, but still nothing for English voices. I dunno if the rise of the tech bros in the AI space has put off Western singers from allowing voice samples to be used in vocal synths.

Also, with the appearance of a rock VB for SynthV, I think it's only a matter of time before a proper metal VB appears on a engine. (Perhaps it could be related to the famous Western VB prediction?)
Still nothing, but I remain hopeful for more specialised VBs.

Yet again, I will continue to pine for other languages on synths that aren't English, Japanese or Chinese. I'm still wishing on multiple stars for German support, dammit.
We got a German dictionary from Eclipsed Sounds, and SynthV expanded to Cantonese and Spanish! Maghni AI is also on the way, though it's still too early to see whether it can deliver the promise of multiple languages.

This year, my main prediction is Crypton throwing in the towel regarding NT (but not publicly admitting it) by announcing an AI version of Miku, on either V6 or SynthV. The fandom pressure for Miku AI has been rising throughout this year, and experimental attempts on YT haven't helped.


🕯️praise gakupo🕯️
Jan 12, 2022
oooo this is my first time doing this :sweetann_ani_lili: how exciting

regular predictions:
  • one of the tohoku sisters gets a sv bank; the others (and zundamon! :zundamon_lili:) are announced
  • otomachi una sv is released and doesn't have as many issues as gumi sv
  • the nt update is incredibly underwhelming
  • another vipperloid gets an ai bank on a commercial synth
  • kiyoteru and miki sv are the GOATs and drain my whole wallet
  • eclipsed sounds announce their first vocal that isn't celestial themed; it's a vocal type that hasn't been represented on sv so far and everyone is hype af
  • lily ai announced
  • the improvements from vocaloid beta get added to v6
  • v6 finally allows u to draw the pitch directly on the note instead of it being split along 2 parameters
delulu/wishful thinking predictions:
  • voisona/cevio cross-lang
  • iroha ai with kyounosuke's new voice
  • gackpo ai is released and has data for every language gackt is fluent in
  • yamaha finally puts up for sale a version of the v6 editor w/o any of the additional vocals...
  • ...and makes the v6 shadow gang able to be bought individually
  • sachiko ai!!
  • ahs buy piko from sony and resurrect him on sv


Miss Retrocore, at your service!
First, reflecting on my 2023 predictions:
-Takahashi AI Talk will sell well and they'll announce Takahashi AI Song in response
I got bored with following CeVIO, but it seems I was right about the first half.
-Either we get Fee Song or the U-Stella guy kicks the bucket
Instead we got a new girlie lol
-The new Audiologie vocal is either welcomed with enthusiasm or gets stuck in Asterian's shadow the way Anri got stuck in Solaria's
So, Jun was this year and he was a cultural reset for me *shot*. Okay, in all seriousness, he did get overshadowed, but by Teto!
-More V6 releases
Well DUH this happened XD
-Internet announces Gackpo AI, Una AI, or both
-Finally at least a demo for Rosa's SynthV
"rOSA SyNtH Is TOteS haPpENinG BrO" for the umpteenth time
-Still no news on Piapro NT
I think that software update was this year?

Stuff that would be cool:
-Virvox SynthVs announced
Like that's gonna happen XDDDD
-Yokune Ruko comes back in some form (Voicevox?)

Now for my predictions this year:
First off, I've been less interested in following new voicebank releases lately, unless they really interest me that much (I followed the releases of Jun and Teto very closely, and then Anri Arcane. And barely followed the releases after or in-between). It's basically a mix of getting bored with that cycle, being content with the voicebanks I have, and not overall vibing that strongly with the new releases (I like them, but I don't have an incentive to get them). Besides the point, while I myself use AI vocal synths more than standard vocal synths, I am also finding AI to be oversaturated these days, I'm tired of the fandom pressure for everything to be AI. One of my New Years' resolutions is to use standard vocal synths more because I really do appreciate their sound, I'm still a huge fan of Sonika, and I'm quickly becoming a huge fan of Clara.

Overly long preface aside, these are my predictions:
-The fourth member of the Starry Court is lIlI's dream contralto.
-The ES Spanish vocal releasing in 2024 is going to be male (the one vocal I plan to buy next year, unless I really don't like the voice that much)
+This vocal will provide the rolling 'r' data so all SynthVs will properly roll 'r's when he releases (except Anri1 lol)
-The new AO guy will, unfortunately for him, release at the same time as Frimomen, or at least get overshadowed by some big-deal release like Jun did.
+He'll get an official daki too, and so might Andi. But not Anri because AO is a husbando factory XD
-Gumi SynthV seems to be doing well so, Una SynthV
-The Maghni AI crowdfund is a success; but they have problems with shipping the physical crowdfunder rewards, and at launch, the program is a broken piece of shit.
I'm not even gonna bother making predictions about Rosa SynthV or Piapro NT again lol.

And for personal predictions, that hopefully 2024 is the year that I finish Deci Mal's English voicebank!


Apr 13, 2018
my last year's predictions:
- 2023 is Miku 16th Anniversary, I think Crypton will announce a new version of Miku NT during Magical Mirai in Osaka (august) or in Tokyo (september). Usually in Tokyo they hold a talk session with key figures of Crypton
- Crypton might announce something also before, during Snow Miku 2023 talk session in february
- the new version of Miku NT will include some features seen on Vocaloid 6, thanks to collaboration with Yamaha (I remember that when Wataru Sasaki of Crypton announced Miku NT, he said that they will continue to make collaboration with Yamaha)
- on the same way, there will be an updated version of Miku Vocaloid keyboard and Sekai piano
- some teaser for Rin, Len and Luka NT
for 2024, I think:
- we know that in a few months (february~march) there will be an update for Miku NT, so it's just a matter of time to see what are Crypton plans in terms of new features
- it's interesting to note that also in a few months, the beta period of the next Vocaloid engine will end, and because Crypton continues to make collaboration with Yamaha, it's possible that some features of the next Vocaloid will be in a later update for Miku NT
- it's also Luka 15th anniversary, so it might be a good timing to announce Luka NT (and probably also Rin and Len NT)
:miku_lili: :luka_lili: :rin_smile_lIlI::len_smile_lili:
edit: I would love a Project Sekai console porting for PS4/Switch (or Switch 2 launch title) and some kind of announcement during Project Diva 15th anniversary in july. It can take some time for a new title, but in the waiting, it'd be so nice to get a Project Diva memorial collection vol.1 (Project Diva, 2 and Extend) and vol.2 (Project Diva F, F2nd and X) and vol.3 (Project Mirai, 2 and DX) :lapis_smile_lili:
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OSTER project fan!!!
Oct 13, 2023
Predictions!!! I've never done these !!! They're meant in good fun/faith though! ♡
- Yamaha announces a new first party vocal that's not a silhouette person for Vocaloid6
- A mainstream VTUBER becomes a Vocaloid 6 Bank
- Another UTAU is brought to Vocaloid 6
- At some point in the year, Yamaha will introduce an update that breaks every voice.

- KAFU SynthV releases a year later at late summer-early fall of 2024
- Una is announced for SynthV due to the success of Gumi AI
-> Una's bank is a port of her two Vocaloid 6 Banks mixed together. People still buy it.
- A spanish dreamtonics letter vocal that has the "ñ" in it.
- AHS teases a Yuki SynthV bank
- AHS releases a Miki/Kiyoteru demo (given)
- Project Sekai features a song with only SynthV to complete the trinity

- A new vocal comes out on NT
-> I'm saying Luka, but she will only have a japanese voicebank and cost the same.
- Aside that, NT continues with minimal updates

- CeVIO has another male vocal announed....AI moment (praying)

- (I'm sorry Maghni AI)
-> though the croudfund will be a success & the product will launch on time - features will be incomplete and will need to be patched in at an unknown later date.
-> BUT!!! it will overall be met with positive fandom reception from the engloid community (Core Fanbase)
-> A furry UTAU will be announced as a voicebank


Passionate Fan
Mar 6, 2022
I was hesitant to make these predictions last year, though I've felt they're likely since Vocaloid 6 was released:
  • Crypton will release Miku for Vocaloid 6, either as a replacement for NT or as a parallel offering.
  • The upcoming "major update" for NT will either be a software update that will at least put its output closer to Vocaloid 4...or an announcement of discontinuation in favor of the former prediction.
  • Luka or the Kagamines will have a release, either for Vocaloid 6 or NT.


robot enjoyer
Sep 10, 2020
Last year's predictions:
  • Major announcement is made on NT's status: false
  • dwango and Techno-Speech collab: false. Bokakore got quieter.
  • SynthesizerV feature updates slow down: false. I was also completely incorrect in thinking the 'gold' series would continue.
  • Audiologie's new VB incorperates eboy/egirl style: This one's a resounding true IMO.
  • A song is released that is bigger than Phony or Goodbye Sengen: false.
  • Kirune's popularity spikes with a popular meme song: false.
  • Giga and q*Left are hired to make a HARU demo: false.
  • Dedicated Isotope concert: false.
  • VOICEVOX's commercial version is released: false.
  • Nana contest VB is a smash hit: false, sadly.
So, not a great track record on wacky predictions! Lol. But I think there are a few candidates that could follow-through as candidates for next year:
  • Isotope concert is bound to happen at some point.
  • VOICEVOX's commercial release is a ways off but 2024 is a potential candidate.
  • I think Kirune and Fuiro have their work cut out for them but I'd love to see them gain some ground this year.
  • NT status update seems likely. I bought Miku NT when it was on sale and ended up liking it, so my fingers are crossed for improvements to the vocoder.
General 2024 predictions:
  • Somehow AHS pulls together a "Kaai Yuki AI" for SynthesizerV. It doesn't really sound like her.
  • Maghni AI struggles due to its lack of presence on the Japanese side of the community/exposure to people that make original songs.
  • A couple of new VBs for Voisona 2.0 surface. Both are made in the image of popular utaite.
  • Eve vocaloid album 2.
I think it'll be a quieter year than this year.


Miku-Avanna-Gumi enthusiast
May 23, 2019
This is more wishful thinking than anything else, but I'd like to see Miku NT get English or at least English add-on phonemes (like Number Bronze's case but a lot less complicated to use) - Nope. Did not get that, or much of anything else really.

People try to file lawsuits on Diff-SVC due to copying the voices of copyrighted characters and even celebrities. The fandom gets MAD. - RVC was blocked on Google Colab and I think there were some copyright claims on the videos, that might count

Also, Miku AI still hasn't happened.

-More SynthV letterloids (can't go wrong with them)
-Crypton does something, whether it be updating NT in some way or doing something in another engine.
-Gumi gets yet another voicebank
-Gakupo update (it's about time he got one, and it's fairly probable considering Gumi got two in the past couple years and Una got one)
-Rin and Len and/or Luka NT
-The rest of the Vocaloid6 "silhouette/shadow" voicebanks come out
-More voicebanks for V6
-SynthV gets a new language

Wishful thinking:
-New Project Diva game, especially if it's a continuation of the F/X series with the more stylized rendering that's still often used in concerts (FT/MM is fine but I miss that style); if it has Diva Room or some form of interaction/extra gameplay that would be lovely as well

Less serious:
-V7 randomly comes out


Miss Retrocore, at your service!
Wishful thinking:
-New Project Diva game, especially if it's a continuation of the F/X series with the more stylized rendering that's still often used in concerts (FT/MM is fine but I miss that style); if it has Diva Room or some form of interaction/extra gameplay that would be lovely as well
Project Diva, come back to meeee~


Passionate Fan
Mar 6, 2022
@pico English support for NT is honestly one of my biggest sticking points. I'd feel a lot better about them sticking to their own platform, providing it's continually improved, if they at least supported English instead of treating Miku English like such an afterthought. First-class multi language support was one of the biggest features in V6, in my opinion.


Aspiring Fan
Apr 30, 2022
Never done this before! A bit pessimisstic about my predictions due to this lol

- vx_stable releases, most likely after March when the beta testing period ends. It is a (much needed!) successor to Vocaloid the way CeVIO AI succeeded CCS and A.I.VOICE did Voiceroid.
- SynthV adds new language (most likely Korean)
- AHS makes another AI update for their former characters. Unsure which one but Yuki would be the most best choice, obviously
- The reason SynthV Kafu was delayed was due to her sounding to similar to KAF, regardless of if they publicly admit this or not, and due to this her final release sounds more similar to her CeVIO (or has a vocal mode that does so)
- CFM returns to Vocaloid(???) and NT development is either put on hiatus or dropped entirely

Wishes and/or extremely unlikely
- Official paid SeeU RVC bank (lol)
- AHS makes Macne AI, maybe they could just hire a new, similar VP for the Cocos? or just update Macne Papa since SynthV seems to be the only synth where male vocals succeed
- SOME synth company, ANY takes advantage of new music trends (K-Pop, hyperpop or anything else) and makes a voicebank dedicated to it. Ritchy and D-Lin might technically count but IDK..
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Aspiring Fan
Dec 25, 2022
So it's prediction time! Overall a lot of my last year predictions came true more or less, but I was keeping them mostly realistic so that's not too surprising

The (mostly) realistic ones:

- Azumi Ririse, Azumi Suo, Tohoku Zunko and Frimomen get singing banks (possibly for SynthV?) at some point (Kind off happened. AHS keeps teasing Frimo SV but no concrete release date yet)
- More MEDIUM 5 AI banks (Did happen. Hi Yongye)
- More Bandori Cevio AI banks (Well we did not get more of the girlies on Cevio but we did get an SV version for POPY and ROSE so like kind off happened?)
- New vocal synth programs by indie developers drop (Hadn’t released yet but Hello Maghni AI)
- Assuming Xia Yu Yao AI does well we might get more VOICEMITH characters transitioning to SynthV (Did happen. Hi Oscar)
- AI banks in languages other than English, Japanese or Chinese (Hi first Cantonese voicebank for SynthV Wei Shu. Also Saros is technically considered a bilingual bank I believe? So now we have Spanish in SV too that isn't just via cross lingual.)
- Gakupo and Una on Vocaloid 6 (Hi Una V6 Sweet and Spicy)
- Ace Studio's popularity will skyrocket in the western fandom when english language singing/UI implemented but tanks immediately as soon as they implement whatever subscription model they had in mind for the program. (Kind off happened but not entirely for the reasons I predicted… *insert Roblox oof here*)
- Singing banks for the VirVox bois (Probably not SynthV tho) (Well Voicevox implemented a pseudo singing feature so it partially happened? Does that count?)

The "this may be wishfull thinking but I kinda want it" tier:

- Haruno Sora for SnyhtV and/or Voicepeak (Both did happen! Heck yeah!)
- Crypton will finally realize NT was a mistake and gives us Crypton 6 on Vocaloid 6 or another engine (Hahaha… yeah about that...)
- New mainline Diva game that isn't an arcade port (Look I knew this was wishfull thinking but I’m still sad...)
- More accesible way for overseas users to access MEDIUM 5 vocals that isn't anicute, for example the Dreamtonics store or maybe some other alternative (Not yet, but apparetnly Ddicky finally found out about the issue so we *might* get a fix… Hopefully….)
- Cevio AI implements actual honest to god cross language synthesis of some kind (I should have known this was copium but hope dies last...)
- UTAU's I like get ENUNU banks from their managers (Did kinda happen. Hi Ruko ENUNU)
- We might finally get an official NEUTRINO GUI (Sigh...)

The silly ones:

- We finally get that cowboy SynthV voiced by PM Seymour that one guy on twitter really wants (No cowboy SV, sorry buddy maybe next time)
- Dreamtonics finally gives mascots to their first party banks, but they are all in the form of funny stock photos they bought in a discounted bundle from Shutterstock like the thumbnail for their metal vb's teaser (Obviously this did not happen)
- Doraemon on Cevio AI (See above)
- We finally get Miku AI but it's an ENUNU voicebank (At this point I am dead convinced wat will continue to try and salvage NT with no success out of spite specifically towards me/jk)
- EmVoice gets an actual redemption arc and becomes a beloved synth in the community (Partially came true? Like it’s far from beloved but people developed a sort of post 2020 Nickleback relationship with it where they come around to either appreciating it’s existence flaws and all, or just became too indiferent to hate on it.)

So now onto new predictions! This year has been pretty damn crazy, so I am upping my game a little and get more wacky with these:

Somewhat grounded in reality:

- MEDIUM 5 finally gets a foreign distributor of some kind (C'mon Ddicky I know you can do it)
- Some other Chinese company throws their hat in the vsynth ring and develop for SynthV
- We get a few more V6 banks that aren't the first party silhouette people Yamaha announced
- We get the rest of the silhouette people
- We get Chiyu AI SV
- More unexpected SV ports for popular vocaloids
- Singing voice for Miyamai Moca (Her vp is a skilled singer it would be a waste not to)
- Bringing back the Asumi sisters SV from last years predictions. Frimomen SV will become an over night meme sensation.

The "wishfull thinking with various degrees of possibility" zone:

- New Project Diva? Pls... *Puppy eyes*
- Rest of the MEDIUM 5 girls get AI versions (I heard some stuff about not all of the VP's being into the idea but they never cite sources plus maybe they might have changed their minds so like a girl can dream)
- If Crypton is hell bent on continuing with NT I hope they fix it this year. Like not just minor fixes I hope any future NT update will blow our collective heads off with how incredible it is (Yes I am an NT hater no I am not sorry if you like it that's cool I have nothing against you but I just cannot bring myself to like it)
- Rosa SV will finally actually happen
- Final member of Eclipsed Sounds Starry Court will be a feminine alto vocal, most likely with a black hole theme and purple. Possibly goth.
- AHS will finally bless us with official Asumi siblings MMD models (Please...)
- Kamitsubaki overcome whatever hurdle they have with Kafu SV and she releases

The jokey ones:

- Gumi for EmVoice
- Symphoneme redemption arc somehow
- MiHoYo dips their toes in vocalsynths again and develop a singin bank, probably SV or V6. (apparently the Mi in their name comes from Miku and their tagline is "tech otaku will save the world" so this one is a bit more possible) Possibly Diffsinger?
- Black Mirror episode about Vocaloid that gets torn to shreds by the fandom because predictably the show will get stuff wrong
- Cowboy SV voiced by PM Seymour for real this time trust me Kanru Hua himself told me
- Porter Robbinson makes a song with Cevio AI


Passionate Fan
Apr 13, 2018
These are fun to think about, let me give it a try:

- Miku NT finally gets a substantial update, engine quality is now up to par with V4X. Crypton finally delivers with the promise of making Miku NT more reminiscent of Miku V2
- Miku NT also has a new Solid append released as a free add-on, as somewhat of an apology for Crypton being quiet for the major part of 2022/2023
- Following the NT engine update above, Kagamine Rin/Len NT are announced, releasing December 2024
- Due to overwhelming demand and current Vsynth trends, wat tweets that they are exploring the possibility of AI releases for Miku & co. They don’t intend to drop NT support however, and are still fully intending to get all NT Piaproloid releases out. No concrete announcement is made and we will not hear further details for the rest of the year.
- Miku in Fortnite. A bunch of songs are added to the Festival mode. Social media goes crazy with the ensuing crossover memes
- Project Voltage culminates in a fun spin-off Rhythm Game releasing on the Switch

(Ok that’s all for Crypton, all of the above are maybe a bit too optimistic but skaldfhlfagh it’s fun to dream)

- KAFU SV is now coming out in Spring 2024, and all the demos start rolling out late January. In typical Kamitsubaki fashion, we get a LOT of demos leading up to the release date.
- SEKAI is the next Kamitsubaki character to get a SynthesizerV, officially announced a couple weeks before KAFU’s release. Summer 2024 release.
- Gackpo AI is a thing, releasing on V6 first. GUMI SV’s success will be the determining factor for a cross platform SV release, not happening until 2025.
- kokone is the next Internet Co character to get an AI release. A plot twist to many, but this will be foreshadowed by new kokone official merch being released (new kokone merch looks like it will be happening judging by the GUMI twitter acc!!! This is what I’m basing this one on)
- Lily merch is also announced. Everybody MOVED!! Lily AI speculation ramps up.
- Una SV announced later in 2024, following GUMI SV sales being successful in Internet co’s eyes.
- GUMI SV also gets a substantial update following one of Dreamtonics big engine updates. Her data set is much bigger and her Vocal Modes are more noticeably different from each other.
- VY1, VY2 & Cyber Diva each get V6 releases following Yamaha’s VY-T releases on A.I Voice. VY2 sounds very noticeably different and the change in voice provider is apparent. People will either love it or hate it, no in between.
- Galaco A.I. Voice is also released alongside with a V6 update, which had been speculated about since that really random bike company collab merch from a couple months back with the ZOLA boys.
- VX-beta test period ends. Most of the currently exclusive banks on it get released on V6, just dropping into the Vocaloid Shop randomly after maintenance. Gekiyaku/Kazehiki are the only banks to gain a fair amount of use.
- Yuki SV is announced!! Her original VP is back again to voice her new AI bank, and Yuki is an adult who works as a teacher now. Due to the recent popularity and usage of Yuki’s Vocaloid bank, a Standard bank using Yuki V4’s samples is also bundled alongside Yuki AI, in order to preserve her original voice.
- Cevio AI finally receives the VoiSona 2.0 vocoder just as Minato Futaba’s Talk voice comes out in late January. Same case as VoiSona though, all banks will need to be individually updated to make use of the new Vocoder and it will be up to each company to release the voice updates. Sasara, Tsudumi and Takahashi are guaranteed to be updated.
- More Bandori vocalists get AI banks?? Probably HaroHapi and/or Afterglow are released (Kokoro and Ran)
- idk something out of left field. Ado vocaloid. Piko revival. Someone finally leaks the Ring Suzune V3 trial bank. Yufu Sekka AI.


otomachi una enjoyer
Jan 6, 2024
Ooh, new here but I've got some predictions!!

- Seconding on the Maghni AI delay, I'm guessing it'll probably roll out sometime mid-2025
- KAFU SV rolls out to some pretty substantial success and becomes popular for a different vocal niche than the CeVIO version, her breathy sound is pretty unique in SV's repertoire so I think people will get a lot of use out of it
- SynthV update with better whisper/breathiness since it's sorely needed imo + spanish language accenting improvement
- Some other Vocaloid NT versions get brought out of beta, gonna guess Rin and Len
(edit: a silly one)
- it's never gonna happen but i want French support for SynthV so bad, lol


Silence is Purple
Apr 26, 2024
Snezhnaya, Teyvat
I don't have many predictions, but with Miki getting a SynthV, I suspect Piko will eventually get one, too.

Some other old, seemingly forgotten Vocaloids might get resurrected on a different platform this year. Like Ruby, perhaps. And Dex & Daina.

Unlikely: Kai Yuuki Synth V. I've heard it'd be difficult to do, however because original provider is an adult now, but should they find a similar sounding person to provide vocals it could be possible.


Aspiring Fan
Mar 13, 2021
I don't have many predictions, but with Miki getting a SynthV, I suspect Piko will eventually get one, too.

Some other old, seemingly forgotten Vocaloids might get resurrected on a different platform this year. Like Ruby, perhaps. And Dex & Daina.

Unlikely: Kai Yuuki Synth V. I've heard it'd be difficult to do, however because original provider is an adult now, but should they find a similar sounding person to provide vocals it could be possible.

Ruby was already happening. There's also been a hint she might be one of the Maghnites.

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