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  • Woohoo, my new laptop was finally delivered. Apple had to send a second one after the first disappeared somewhere in transit. M3 Max goes brrrr.
    Piapro Studio and Vocaloid 6 both seem to mostly work fine so far, with some issues. Piapro isn't officially certified for Sonoma (the minimum OS version for the new Macs) yet. It runs, but you can't edit lyrics because the text fields have a super narrow height that doesn't let you see or interact with the text.

    Vocaloid 6 seems okay so far, and is officially supporting Sonoma. The playhead does seem a little bit weird running it in VST mode though, but I could be doing something wrong. It wants to constantly play from the DAW playhead's position, even when I move the one in Vocaloid. I'll have to experiment with that more.
    Found the solution for the playhead thing. You need a track with a silent audio clip, and you drag the Vocaloid Bridge plugin onto the clip itself, to set up an ARA bridge that allows two way sync between the DAW and Vocaloid VOCALOID6 Setup guide for PreSonus Studio One series - VOCALOID - the modern singing synthesizer -

    Aside from the extra setup, it works super smoothly once that's out of the way (and you can always hide the silly extra audio track from the timeline and mixer). No buffering before playback like Piapro, and you can move the playhead/loop markers/etc and instantly jump around and play from either the DAW or Vocaloid.
    My new laptop flew from the Shanghai area to my state in a couple of days, but has been sitting in a distribution center a few hours away for nearly two weeks.

    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    Apple finally revised their estimated date, so hopefully this madness will be over this coming week. Otherwise I'll have to call them and see if they can figure out what's going on with the courier.
    Wisdom teeth are gone, and everything is meh. The good news is I made sure my song for the Expo contest is in a releasable form, in case I don't feel like doing any work on it this week. I'd still like to tweak some things, but given the glacial pace I write and revise lyrics at...
    Wow. The V6 Gumi starter pack is like half the cost on ssw.co.jp as from Yamaha (and is currently 10% off). Does anyone know if that site plays nicely with non-JP customers (address format, any serial numbers, etc.)? 🤔
    I had no problems registering my gumi v4 complete through them, but I haven’t purchased through them. (Bought a physical from another seller) They have an international shipping option, so I would assume they have some sort of support for non-JP customers with purchasing.
    Cool, it worked. It takes PayPal, and their forms are mostly straightforward if you translate them. The only weird thing is the phone number field, but it accepted all of the digits with a country code. (And I should hope I never receive a phone call from any retailer...) The only downside is the email with the serial numbers is in Japanese, so that takes some effort to decipher.
    TR-909 drums go brrr. Starting to feel like my attempt for the Miku Expo contest is starting to come together, even if there's still some serious lack of time to write the verses. Chorus is at least in an acceptable state, and the arrangement is in a good place for the most part.
    Hopefully I don't lose too much steam when I get my wisdom teeth removed later in the month. 😆
    go for it!! :miku_ani_lili:and don't worry for wisdom teeth, at least for me it didn't hurt (both upper left and right) and I absolutely loved that for 2 days I could eat ice cream, I even didn't need to take any medicine hehe :miku_sakura_lili:
    I took off from work for the week, since I have plenty of PTO (though I'm still on-call for part of it). Hopefully it goes well and I'll just end up with a few days of downtime to work on the project.
    Miku Expo song contest: "Submissions may be in any language."
    Me: "Does Splatoon squid count as a language? You may not be able to understand it, but I assure you it's very positive."
    Does anyone know if it's cool to edit yourself on VocaDB, or if that's undesired? I noticed, to my surprise, someone put me on there last year. And I figured I might as well add my later releases and additional official links. 🤔
    Yes! The Miku version of Hibikase is actually on Spotify! The live version from Magical Mirai 2021 is on there. It's just under GigaReol instead of being tagged with Giga and Reol separately (found it by clicking through Drop Pop Candy on the 2023 album). End of public service announcement.

    Chilling at a local fan-run vocaloid projection event. Small scale, but cool it happens.
    Watching the Hololive concert stream. Got to fill the gap between streamed Crypton concerts somehow lol
    Ooh, a live performance of a KIRA song (Sparks). Worth it.

    And wow, IryS is good at this. Everything on the Gravity performance came together well.
    I need to watch it later, Hololive concerts are ALWAYS good!!
    * eyes Native Instruments' summer 50% off sale *

    * looks at wallet 🤔 *

    Also, their freebie download is an Irish harp Kontakt library.
    Avanna users rejoice (it's me, I'm Avanna users)

    I think I already have it though
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    Minds me I missed the virtual instruments sales for Music day (also pleased they wrote it Fête de la musique it felt appreciating T3T"' ) Too bad because the Nagoya harp plugin seemed interesting
    Tried listening to one of my unreleased songs on my car radio and phone, and had to go back and fix more things. Needed a little low-passing to avoid "boom" on bassy setups...and I spent an hour trying to track down and fix some background crackle/hiss that was driving me nuts. Turns out, the one time I used a drum loop instead of making my own from one-shots, there was some background noise that got brought up from compression. >_< (Ended up throwing a denoising VST on it and calling it a day.) Silly analogue drums and their not being TR-909s...
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