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  • I updated my wishlist to reflect a wider definition of Engloid. Unfortunately it means my wallet is angry and I need to track down a copy of V3 Nana ENG ;;
    @patuk I don't think so. The promo art had her carrying an American flag, which was dropped for her V4 English release. It might not have been on AH's shop at all, though I'm not sure where else I would have seen it...
    Aah gotcha!
    Also I tried looking through websites where people could be selling her that Leon most likely looked into as well (wanted to check just in case ). I'm little surprised her V3 is so hard to come by.
    @peaches2217 @patuk Aw thank both of you very much!! I've been scouring Buyee and FromJapan, as well as keeping an eye out for anyone on Twitter selling parts of their collections LOL. The well wishes are appreciated <33
    Made an Audius account and posted a couple of Leon/Lola wips! :)
    Interesting to see Zero-G was apparently working on a Sonika update before V5 dropped. I wonder what happened to that project now? (And why'd they admit it to a stranger in an email lmfao)
    @uncreepy Ah yeah thanks for posting! It was on the Amino, but people were talking about it briefly on Twitter and I had saved the image. I'll go ahead and @DefiantKitsune who was wondering about it as well :)
    I'm assuming the thought process was, Stockley is expensive, update with a less well-known VA first to save money and see if updates are even lucrative, before chancing a V1. But who knows? :/
    TBH i wouldn't believe anything from Amino unless further evidence presents itself
    @DefiantKitsune I mean unless they edited/faked the email (which, to be fair, is possible) I'm willing to take it at face value. All's been quiet for so long now, though, I suppose if the project was real it's been halted at least for now :/
    Mmmmmm I might use my birthday money to give in and buy Piko. To hoard all the unloved un-updated V2s akfjs;fjsd
    When will Vocaloid return from the war. When will Yamaha make good decisions. Hm.
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    -I think starter packs were an excellent solution to that. Now, older fans who already have many voices, may not want to shell out more money than necessary (esp if they don't like any of the default 4). Even with the discount for having V4. And if potentially new users don't like any of the standard V5s they won't be charmed by that $300 price tag either. I think having a version with bundled voicebanks and a bundle without would be ideal? Idk
    -I understand the software itself ages, but to be fair it was made for Windows 7. It's not all that old. And supporting the importing of V2s really wouldn't hurt. They don't function on a fundamentally different level than V3-5 voicebanks do, after all. If people who cracked the program have gotten V2s into V5 and V5s into V4, they can't be all that different. I'm probably more bitter than most on that point specifically because I'm such an Engloid fan though, I'll give it that.
    -I... want to like Amy, but every time I hear her sing it just sounds like she's got her nose pinched closed. And the strange consonant behavior of both Amy and Chris turns me off. Sorry asjfsalf
    -Fair enough, but multiple companies who were big moneymakers/voicebank releasers have either alluded to not wanting to do updates or not having the dev kit to do so. PFX backed out, Zero-G is all silent, Voctro died, Internet Co said "nah" and who even knows what Crypton's up to lately. So I think the issue(s) started behind the scenes well before V5's release tbh. I really hope we get some news soon, and I'm staying positive, but I'm a little worried, is all ^^;;
    Vocaloid2 was made for XP??? Prima doesn't even officially SUPPORT anything after Vista.
    Cracking programs often causes unsafe behavior that wasn't expected.

    As far as starter packs go, I agree but they tended to be limited, and around the same price.

    Win7 doesn't even official SUPPORT it.
    ZG did say they were interested in vocaloid still, and they usually don't give info till near launch. And Crypton is reliably slow like every time so
    also voctro and pfx died long, long ago as far as vocaloid production goes
    @DefiantKitsune No way it can't be. I swear my Tonio CD says Win7. Now I gotta check this when I get home tomorrow omg?? :0 (EDIT: Found an old pic of his disc I had on my Google Drive. It does list Windows 7, along with XP and Vista. I thought maybe it's just Zero-G, but PFX's site lists Ann and Al as not officially supported on Win8 and up. Win7 seems good? Not sure)

    That's fair. I wish starter packs had been more popular and such. It's just a bummer that I've seen so many people hate all 4 V5 standards, and it'd be nice if they could pick and choose what voice(s) to buy with the editor instead of having it decided for them, y'know?

    Well I just hope we hear something from someone soon :)
    Anyone know where I can buy a non-Crypton centered Vocaloid poster? Pref Engloids but CHNloids or others cool too. Probs gonna hafta be fanmade?
    This link has Engloids and also a lot of Japanese ones, too!
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    Guess I'll finally update YT channel art and stuff. I really need to make more videos, too, and I still have like 20 Vocaloids to draw if I want my entire collection in the header. RIP.
    I should buy Piko before he gets tossed for good...
    @DefiantKitsune yup, I think I'll bite the bullet and do it, while I can still bug Yamaha for a V4 code. I doubt he's being produced anymore and it'd be a real shame if he went the route of Miriam and it was impossible to buy him anymore. I already spent a year looking before I found a second hand Miriam, I don't need that stress with Piko :')
    Apparently, now you need to get the Piko code from Ki/oon again? honestly just email everyone
    @DefiantKitsune Oh is it Ki/oon? I thought it was Yamaha. I'll figure it out when I get to it, haha. Thank you!
    I just filed my taxes, looks better than I thought. Plus I just got a (small fast-food style) raise. Summer tuition will be totally covered, and part of fall. Maybe that V5 upgrade will be in the cards soon after all... :)
    Ah, I realized I didn't buy a single Vocaloid in 2018. Saving for tuition is stressful ;;
    Ah, first day of classes. It looks like I won't finish this Leon cover in time for his anniversary. Sorry, my old boy... ;;
    I installed everyone onto my new laptop. It took like 4 hours to track down all the installers (used another laptop with a DVD drive for the boxed ones) and import codes for the V2s. Remind me never to move like 20 banks onto a new laptop ever again ;;
    I ended up putting all my zip files, installers, serial codes, character reference art, etc. for each of my Vocaloids all on one external hardrive that's clearly labeled in a folder hierarchy which synth software it's for and which character/voice bank. Just because I don't want a catastrophic disaster to happen.
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    Hahaha, I've done that now. I had all my downloaded 'loids (+ the import and deactivation tools) in a "Vocaloid Installers" folder on an external drive, and I have all the codes written out, but I had to find a laptop with a DVD drive (my new one doesn't have one) that worked so I could pull the installers off the discs and put them on the external drive as well, and got lucky by finding a screenshot of Tonio's V4 code since I'd written it down wrong apparently... And I think the last thing I'll do is add text files of all their codes to their respective folders.

    I think I need to organize better, especially if I'm buying another 3 Engloids and the V5 editor with 8 extra voicebanks oh god... OTL
    Can you run Vocaloid off an external drive? V1 and V2 seem to play nice about letting me install directly to the external drive, but V4 doesn't allow you to change install location of the editor. If I can't run all of it from an external drive I may as well just deactivate and uninstall the few I have on the drive and install it all to my laptop anyway, right? Instead of doing it in parts and pieces :L
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