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1st Place introduces HIPPI


I am Thou and Thou aren't Shit...
Oct 19, 2018
Up to now

Also while her talk voices are cute, I'm a bit sad she hasn't a more mature tone =S Not saying it's a bad thing because it still fits but yeah, for some reason I've always imagined her with either a very cool voice (like, cooler in pronunciation and such than One herself) or that one typical mature voice tone you'd hear in some animes' ladies characters
I was personally hoping she would sound similar to Saki Nikaido from Zombie Land Saga. But Junko Konno, also from Zombie Land Saga, can talk in a really cute way, then suddenly sing in a really deep pitch for a rock concert.


Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
I don't think the Arias needed another cute, kiddie sounding voice; a deeper, rock-suited tone would have been a more useful addition to the group (and CeVIO as a whole) in my opinion. I'm also getting a bit of a mismatch between her design and voice at the moment. Holding on to a string of hope that her singing voice (if made) might sound different.


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
Arggg this was not the voice type I was expecting or hoping for. But... I don't hate it either. I'm curious to see how she will sound synthesized! Hopefully she'll still be distinct from IA and ONE, and maybe (if she gets a singing voice??) will suit more rock-like songs still.


Oct 8, 2019
She is sweet and youthful but calling her moe is imo exaggerating just because she didn't meet people's expectations in terms of vocal type, and I don't see how this is any indicator of her potentially not being suitable for rock when some of the best rock vocals we have are cutesy as well ( Rin Kagamine, Otomachi Una, Rana ).


kiyoteru enthusiast
Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
She sounds like she's speaking through a voice changer? Interesting. (edit: I'm guessing it's to make her sound "synthesized" like IA and ONE's talk banks, but it really stands out haha)

It's not really a voice I expected from that design, though I don't really have a strong opinion either way. I really like her English though!


v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018
i really like the design, but i think i made a post a while back about how i like 'high contrast' design like black/white (i like kafu's design) so its no surprise i really like hippi's design too. i am not super into the voice but like many others i dont hate it either. i like her "edgy" design as it reminds me of rock/punk outfits which i want to see more in vocal synth. i dont think her voice wouldnt fit with rock imo, but it is hard to tell just from the sample in the video. its cool that she will havce english, and i like how she sounds/speak in english! im hoping her voice can sound out to some degree next to IA and One, because the two of them are just.... not my thing so id love to hear a voice in this trio that piques my interest.
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Deleted member 6215

HIPPI's voice is alright, but not what I expect honestly. I expected a lower voice from her. I feel like it'll contrast from IA and ONE if that makes sense.
(I can't imagine her NOT having a lower voice)


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
Yeah I hope it still has some depth, I guess. I don't think it'll be bad, even though I don't know that it's the expected voice based on the image. Funnily enough, her voice actually kind of reminds me of Monomi from Danganronpa 2? 😅

Also did she pronounce One’s name as o-ne? I’ve been pronouncing it as one, so I guess I’ve been wrong.
It's definitely o-ne, since it's said how it would be in Japanese, just like how IA is ee-ah rather than eye-ay! :)


May 17, 2018

1st Place has announced that 'virtual artist' Hippi's debut single (one of the tracks she sung during her concert appearance) will be released October 8th, it uses human vocals. To me this suggests that Hippi isn't currently planned to be a vocal synth, but doesn't rule it out for the future.
If that's the case, then maybe this thread should be moved into the virtual youtubers section.

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