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VOCALOID Favorite Vocaloid Concept Art/Alternative Designs


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
I was looking at Vocaloid concept art today and I gound this picture of Galaco without her cardigan
I really like it, more so than her official design. The cardigan is cute and all, but I like the simplicity of the first picture, and I think it gives more focus to her colorful hair. I think it just feels a lot more balanced, with the hair being the focal point and the rest of the design not overpowering it. Plus without the cardigan you can better see the shape of the dress.

Also, Uni's old design!
So I know when Stardust was announced with her initial design there was drama about it looking too much like Miku, and the same thing happened with Uni. (Kind of funny if you think of their similarities...Both space themed, both sing in languages other than jpn/eng, both had designs that resembled Miku too much so they got changed and their new designs were met very positively)
But I really like Uni's original design, and the art style. The shorts were cute, the hair looked really sleek and good, and overall I just like the techy concept. I really like Uni's new design too, but I always thought the old one was cool and I kinda miss it.

Any concept art/alternative designs that you particularly like?


Hardcore Fan
Apr 8, 2018
I don't recall a lot of Vocaloids that have concept art right now, but Miki 2012 is one of my favorites! (It was technically meant to be for a V3 update that neer happened so it counts right?) It keeps the same colors and theme but it's a lot fluffier/softer.


Hunter Dex is a concept art design that I wish made it to the final product. It's so much more detailed and unique than what we ended up getting! The concept for Daina mostly looks the same as her final minus the colors, so I like them both equally.

Uhh...does this count as concept art?? I just really like this VY2 design because it keeps the spirit of the boxart haha. I even based my own VY2 design off of him a bit! Also since I'm talking about Nagimiso, I might as well bring up Agitation, one of my favorite Project Diva modules. It's so...out there and not a Miku design you'd expect but that's why I love it!


I never looked into the Yohioloid design contest entries until recently since there was no tag or website where I could easily look, but one of my friends introduced me to this one and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it! It actually keeps the monster theme the older PFX Vocaloids had and includes the PowerFX logo on it. The multiple eyes, the stitched neck...I just love every single part of this design, I can'ttt :yohioloid_smile_lili:
Here's the original pixiv post with more concept art of him.


I know the alternate Zolas are like official, technically? But I rarely ever see people giving praise to ideolo's designs, and they're my favorites! I love how they all have scarves, mismatched shoes, and little tuning forks. I know the other Zola designs have tuning forks, but I like how these ones were implemented the most. I also like the hair and eye colors they're much more unique than what we usually see from Zola designs.

I also really love Umetani's Zola designs, they're so 90s boy-band like and pretty.


The world of alternate Vocaloid designs is pretty deep, but I love this Xin Hua design! Just...everything about it is so lush and gorgeous, especially the dress details and colors.



Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
Miki's unused V3 design and Pink Xin Hua... aaaaaah they're so cute!

Like @cafenurse mentioned in another thread, I also really liked Xingchen's original design. While I do prefer her final design, I'm extremely happy that Quadimension's repurposed it! It's just too good to go to waste.



Oct 8, 2019
Tbh Uni's old design reminds me more of Miki than Miku.

I prefer Cul's original debut design. Her official standard design looks extremely dated and cheesy. From a technical standpoint I suppose it's a superior design because it has more defined and recognizable silhouette and just has features to separate her from other vocaloids but I'm sure if they exaggerated some features in her original debut design it could have been as good. Either way, I can't help myself but like her og design better, it has more charm to it.



Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
Tbh Uni's old design reminds me more of Miki than Miku.

I prefer Cul's original debut design. Her official standard design looks extremely dated and cheesy. From a technical standpoint I suppose it's a superior design because it has more defined and recognizable silhouette and just has features to separate her from other vocaloids but I'm sure if they exaggerated some features in her original debut design it could have been as good. Either way, I can't help myself but like her og design better, it has more charm to it.

Cul's design is what inspired this thread actually!
I really like her original design. I like the one she has now too, but this one feels really different from what we usually see and I like the aesthetic a lot.

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
Uhh...does this count as concept art?? I just really like this VY2 design because it keeps the spirit of the boxart haha. I even based my own VY2 design off of him a bit!

View attachment 2498
I adore that VY2 design! It matches his original boxart really well.

I personally love the concept design of Miku with her hair in a half ponytail wearing a cardigan(?). It's super-cute!


Jul 18, 2019
I vaguely remember gakupo had a grey hair beta design I can't seem to find it. If someone can find it I would appreciate it greatly.
  • Wow
Reactions: peaches2217


Jul 18, 2019
No it was short hair I remember it having a grey and green color scheme it also didn't have the samurai motif
Last edited:


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
Would it be this one? It's the only one with short hair I could find, and it's not so much a concept as just a picture of Gackt. It still looks pretty cool, though.
Sep 21, 2019
I hope you don't mind if I share an UTAU design, I don't know any Vocaloid ones that haven't already been mentioned. orz

I really like the design Sukone Tei had at the time of her release, much more than her current one. I like the thicker, fluffier bangs on the original and the squared off headphones; the rounder ones used in her newer design are too bulky looking, imo. Also, her goofy oversized sleeves were probably my favorite thing about her original design, but I think they got rid of them in the newer artwork.

Also, while I was looking for beta/concept/alternate art, I ran across this super cool design for Tei that was done for a design contest when they were trying to create concept art for her. I'm in love with her entire outfit and she looks so fabu.
tei alt.jpg


Oct 8, 2019
I actually really like Big Al's debut design/original boxart

I think it was good call of PowerFx to use the design he has now cuz otherwise he most likely would have sold worse and I like it too!

With his 10th being nearby, I think it would be great if PowerFx sold special limited boxed version with his original boxart but seeing as he's such a dated voicebank developed by company who isn't involved in voice-synths anymore I doubt they'd bother doing that.


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
While we're on the topic of V2 Engloids, I love the E-Capsule redesigns of Zero-G's and PowerFX's V2 Engloids! These are the designs I default to for Sonika and Sweet Ann, Tonio's is perfect for his voice, and Big Al reminds me of Eric Slingby. (Prima's design doesn't at all fit her voice, but she's still cute.)
Sep 21, 2019
I also really love the Rin module for the Lost One's Weeping in Project Diva X. The design is simplistic, but kind of cool in a way. Also, Rin looks great with dark brown (almost black) hair. I want more Rin designs that give her a different hair color!

(Sega, y u no put this in Future Tone?!)

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