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Is the VOCALOID Statement True to the Person Below?


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
True, sort of. I've only experienced one after joining the fan base, and it was really more just a good feeling I had all day, rather than something I did.

(Ah, shoot, Sharkartist posted ahead of me. :))

False. I'm only on the Discord here. :)

The person below owns at least one Vocaloid concert CD (physical or digital).


Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
True, MikuPa 2011 CD box is my only concert recording CD though.

The person below recently discovered a producer they hadn't heard of before and whose music they like.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
True! I didn't know about complextro until I found Soh Yoshioka's music on YouTube. If you like that sound, check him out!

The person below doesn't own any Crypton vocaloids yet.


That one Mew fan
Apr 8, 2018
True! I wanna buy Miku (mostly because Haku was such a part of the fandom for me growing up) and have strong interest in Meiko, but not yet.

The person below still associates Galaco with Internet Co. more than Yamaha.


Probably an Artist, Probably a Praying Mantis
Apr 8, 2018
True, I binge songs all the time on my phone.

The person below me wants to meet a famous Vocaloid Illustrator/Artist.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
False. Just going to use Piapro until I find some need to invest.

(Ack! Beat to the post again!)

False. It's Miku.

The person below has tried to get a song of theirs played in a public, IRL venue.


Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
Nope. I know I ain't that good lol

The person below has heard a Vocaloid song played somewhere normal (outside concerts/conventions/etc) and got real excited


Lead Guitar, One Minute Winter
False. I've done a few songs with my own vocals (by the way, all my content is original). Still, most of the content I've done is Vocaloid/UTAU.

The person below plays an instrument (I sure do, I play a seven-string guitar).


P.S. To answer @mobius017's prompt, I actually have played my own songs on a livestream... that nightmare show where I was disoriented so bad because the songs kept getting cut short halfway... @.@ And the recorded audio turned out to be so bad... turns out Facebook is the one at fault for that.


Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
I do! I play multiple instruments, and always adding to that list

The person below listens to mostly mature Vocaloids


Lead Guitar, One Minute Winter
False! I don't normally listen to any Vocaloid songs other than mine, and the Vocaloids I normally use are either Miku or Avanna with her gender factor brought down way low to the point she doesn't sound mature at all! XD

And if I do listen to other Vocaloid tracks it's very likely it's... well, Miku! :P

I'm sorry, but when it comes to Vocaloids I always prefer bright timbres because of the clarity that they bring. The only exception to this is V4 Flower, which can hold her own due to her powerful tone, but most songs written with her in it are just... ._. Yea I'm not one to like dark or sad songs.

Finally someone that also plays an instrument! :clara_lili: I can't believe we have that in common! >3<

The person below owns the entire Megpoid set (all V4 banks and Megpoid English).



Lead Guitar, One Minute Winter
False! For me, it's definitely metalcore, but it's hard to get into the kinds of metalcore that the other Vocaloid producers do, so it's usually from outside the Vocaloid scene.

The person below listens to at least one Vocaloid artist that is not primarily EDM (WintermintP, Scythe of Luna, LIQ, supercell, etc).


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