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Other Maghni AI by VocaTone Studio and Misbah Studios


Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
He has reacted positively to the idea on Twitter before, but mentioned contractual complications, which may cause difficulties for any Vocaloids they're looking to port. We've seen exclusivity clauses affect characters like Stardust/Minus, so while VocaTone is clearly interested in characters like Oliver, I wouldn't consider any updates confirmed until stated directly.


vocal synth weirdo
Nov 2, 2020
Egh, Yohioloid always sounded really flat in a really unflattering way anyways, and Oliver can't be redone for obvious reasons.. (Fukase, Gakupo, Lily, and even Sachiko do his voice type much better imo). I think VocaTone should honestly just leave their Vocaloid past behind them in this instance. If anything English Vocaloid related had to come to Maghni AI, I'd like to see them somehow give updates to Vocaloids like Miriam, Avanna, Dex, Daina or Ruby via collaborations with their original devs and voicers. Outside of English, maybe Voctro Labs could help give updates to Bruno, Clara, and MAIKA, and Voxwave could finally come to their senses and actually put ALYS on an engine French Vocaloid fans could get excited about lol.


Watch Levius and Stan Natalia Cromwell
Sep 16, 2019
Considering vocatone doesn’t have any money or software I doubt they have the means to update anything. Vocaloid is effectively done as they aren’t handing out licenses and most companies have opted not to update or can’t and vocatone hasn’t even gotten their new projects off the ground so they have no software to port an older bank to. So I think there’s really nothing to worry or think about updates for their banks were never happening.


vocal synth weirdo
Nov 2, 2020
Considering vocatone doesn’t have any money or software I doubt they have the means to update anything. Vocaloid is effectively done as they aren’t handing out licenses and most companies have opted not to update or can’t and vocatone hasn’t even gotten their new projects off the ground so they have no software to port an older bank to. So I think there’s really nothing to worry or think about updates for their banks were never happening.
Well yeah this, its all just unlikely hypothetical speculative stuff, thats like 90% of what this forum is since being a Vocaloid fan means being disappointed by everything nonstop lolol (But really though? What else is there to talk about??).

In all actuality, I just hope Aurum and Audine can get off the ground at some point. Developing a GOOD English voicebank for commercial use is already incredibly hard as it is, and if they can just somehow come up with any sort of product that can stand toe to toe with Eleanor Forte / SynthV in both output and usability, that will be enough of a starting point to work from as far as future projects are concerned.
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Watch Levius and Stan Natalia Cromwell
Sep 16, 2019
Oh yeah I’m not trying to ruin anyone’s fun I’m just saying for any legit discussion it wasn’t ever a possibility. In terms of what if’s well vocaloid is basically just that now lol I am wishing vocatone the best we’ll see what they do.


Hardcore Fan
Apr 8, 2018
Misbah studios made a progress report of everything they did in January.

Mostly just writing reclists, but they started on making the engine at least?


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
👏 Reclists👏are👏useless👏if👏you👏don't👏have👏a👏functional👏engine👏to👏use👏them👏on

Here's hoping they work more on that last part in the coming months!
Agreed but hey if they got like, actual decent ones for several languages then that's good! It's something, at least. I hope the editor gets a lot of love in the coming months though.............
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Passionate Fan
Apr 9, 2018
Palembang, Indonesia
I just looked at the sheet, and...
Malay Implementation 100%
Whaaaaaa? Are they serious?

Quick info: Malay is used as a national language of 4 countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei, tho with minor differences in each countries. Songs made in the language are easily understood and positively accepted in all the countries.

But I don't really think that the market is good. Indeed these countries are considered highly consumptive in the Southeast Asia region, online commerce is a thing many people are using it, people are spending on gacha games, yada yada. Idk about the rest of the countries, but sadly in Indonesia piracy is still a big thing. Kinda ironic huh? And just a very small amount of people are interested on using voice synthesizers. Also people easily associate this thingy as "yet another weaboo shit".


Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
I'm more puzzled by them having esperanto there. An artificial language intended to be a global auxiliary language (and failed in that), nowadays it's estimated that under two million people in the world can use it on a moderate level. Now that's not a very big market is it? I don't know if esperanto reclists may be partially utilized for other languages or vice versa (I'd assume they can partially use indoeuropean language reclists with esperanto, since they have some similarities). But putting work into the capability of singing a very niche language that maybe three people in the world would actually make use of seems kind of pointless. Especially when they have much more important things to focus on.

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I think it would make way more sense just stick to English, Japanese and Chinese first, rather than creating lots of reclists for languages that might not even get a VB. Looking at the list, I'm stoked they're working on German, but it won't mean anything if no German VB is created for Maghni because the market isn't there.

Also, Swahili support? Are vocal synths even well known throughout the African continent, let alone Swahili-speaking areas? I'll also echo Hamano's comments about the Esperanto reclist - that language is way too niche to support a VB.


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
That's good insight! Thanks uncreepy! I had assumed (or hoped) it was something like this. I remember the exact same complaints when I used to be a big Paladins player, and new cosmetics would get released while longtime bugs were still being ironed out. People would complain and message the devs relentlessly until someone finally came out and said, you do realize the art team doesn't know how to code right? That isn't their job. LOL

Re: the languages, I think it's fantastic to have a wide range if they're decently-made and get used! I'd love a Swahili, Esperanto, etc bank as long as they're good. But I'm a bit of a language nerd myself, and I do understand the concern about potential market (or lack thereof). I'm sure the more prominent languages (the Vocaloid 5, French, maybe German) will get more attention first, and then others will be phased in in time :>


Dec 10, 2020
I'm wondering if you will be and to blend the VB's together. With so many languages at your disposal you could feasibly make it sing anything anyway you want it to. You think you might not need a certain language but the more they add the unique phonemes you're going to get. Thats probably not going to be get but that would be my dream vocal synth.


crying over Rune Factory 6
Jul 5, 2018
...Why are people acting here like there would be no German market?? There definitely is one and so far only AHS recognized that. Yuzuki Yukari V3 was the only Vocaloid to ever be available with a German interface and they came here for concerts and sold their voicebanks at cons multiple times. You might not know it, but many people here struggle with english so a Voice Synth being compatible with German right from the start will definitely get quite some people to buy it. And then also being able to cover songs they know? Fantastic. Also just look up all the tries of people to get Synths to sing in German. All the German Utaus (that mostly are not released 'cause reclists are hard). There is a market and it being available will just make the market bigger.


vocal synth weirdo
Nov 2, 2020
I'm hopeful that they'll pull through. If they come out with something promising that's even half decent with potential to grow, I will definitely be on board to support a kickstarter. The angle of "preserving culture through technology" is really cool and I hope they stick with it and actually build up the educational angle somehow through both marketing and features.
I think when it comes to language implementation, its kind of a "if you build it, they will come" sort of deal. Creating a single commercial voicebank isn't as gigantic a feat of conquering logistics as some might think it is, and I don't think they will be necessarily shooting themselves in the foot if they release a Swahili supported vb if they set realistic expectations and a fair price set. Vocaloid rollouts were as messy as they were because of Yamaha's restrictions and timeframes third parties had to adhere to. The fact that Zero-G is able to sell their vbs for 30-40 bucks regularly is proof that many jp Vocaloids are as expensive as they are just because they can be lol, (aside from the Vocaloids with famous voice providers at least, and I know that parties like Crypton do tend to factor in character usage rights into the price as well.)



Jul 18, 2019
Germany is 4th in biggest music market so it definitely makes sense. If we are going by market it would be English, Japanese, German, French, Korean, Chinese, and Brazilian Portuguese. Surprised to not see Spanish/ Spanish speaking countries but it I would imagine it's because of exchange rates.

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