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SynthV New SynthV: NOA Hex from Audiologie


Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
Like ANRI Arcane, NOA Hex has been given to multiple fandom members early, so we'll see lots more usage soon.

What this means is that Audiologie has started using influencer marketing. As someone who's spent a lot of time in spaces where this is a common promotion strategy, I thought it best to give some insight, so fans can remain aware.

Creating a PR list of people to give early access to has two primary functions:

1. You almost guarantee that the creator won't criticise your product; they don't want to seem ungrateful, and they want to stay in the exclusive group

2. Because the creator feels flattered and special, they won't begrudge making you content for free, so the company saves money by paying fewer people

It's about framing. So instead of 'We want you to make a demo but we can't pay you', they say 'We've chosen you because we LOVE your work so much we want to give you the SPECIAL opportunity to use an EXCLUSIVE product!'. You target mid-sized content creators in the fandom who will feel excited to be connected to an official company.

Takeaways for potential customers: Don't take reviews from people given early access at face value.
Takeaways for people chosen for early access: Know your worth, and be aware of what the company is getting from you for your services.


v flower enthusiast
Jul 14, 2018
for a bit now i feel like ive really seen how audiologie has been on the attempt to be uh... 'hip with the kids', i guess lol. noticing the way they present their voices is less "professional serious product to appeal to older experienced producers" and more "attract fandom people who like designs and characters, and in turn younger producers (who will utilize that for their songs)" if that makes sense? not sure if i am capturing what i am thinking. they also are presenting tik tok videos, or genres currently liked among The Youth in addition to all this. i am not surprised theyre taking a step further to involve influencers.

none of this is necessarily me saying "this is an awful idea" because it is purely an attempt to do something to attract people to their product which isnt inherently bad. it IS very different compared to the rest of the companies/scene right now imo (western scene, i mean). but influencers is another step forward in their marketing that is a bit touchy as it can be handled poorly.
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AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
TBH I don't mind there being a company that tries to appeal more to fandom with fun designs and a bit of a thirst trap (lol), mostly because there are also the more professional ones as well, and a mix is good. Noa is neat! He sounds very casual in a way. I look forward to hearing more uses of him to get a better feel of his voice. The design is pretty cool too, I like it


OSTER project fan!!!
Oct 13, 2023
Influencer Marketing isn't a *bad* thing, I agree. However, I felt like whenever Anri Arcane was marketed like that- it was a bit of a turnoff? For exposure can be okay, but I feel like compensation is necessary for artists who are making these big demos for the product. A lot of companies hold contests or have some alternative form of compensation (like using the product officially, or payment at a later date)- but i'm not sure how realistic that is for the way this studio handles it admittedly.

In the case of Audiologie, i'm also not a fan of their marketing style in general though... so maybe i'm not the person to speak on it. Please freely disagree with this as well, this is only my opinion.

For NOA, I like his voice a lot! Though, I personally wish he stood out more from the other Audiologie vocalists, since his musical placement isn't terribly different to Jun, and the Audiologie vocal cadence (or perhaps official tuning) is a little bit stale for me. There are so many unique voices on the engine, and I just want something musically interesting to stick my teeth into from them.

It might just be that the demo is rather basic though- so i'm very much looking forward to hearing more from him. :)
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AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
I really like this! Not that his previous demo wasn't lovely, but I think he stands out a little more here somehow. I think he'll slot into his own niche pretty well. I don't have the brainpower for a better analysis but yeah, he's nice. If I'm not broke AF when his preorders open, I'll probably try for his box too since I have Anri and Jun's.

edit: Shoot, they're already open. Eh... I'll see if I can afford it before they close then LOL


Luka enthusiast
Jul 18, 2018
He fits well with emo rock and I demand the community to do lots of panic at the disco/fall out boy cover with him xD
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Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
This one's great! The mixing and the vocal production really help Noa shine. It's hard to judge the base quality of Audiologie vocals until I hear them in the hands of less experienced tuners (e.g. me), but so far he sounds like he'll be a very natural, flexible pop voice. I'm curious about the modes designed for specific genres though; it would be a fun surprise if they contained some drastic changes, like Ayame's Idol mode.


robot enjoyer
Sep 10, 2020
The last demo was ridiculously impressive from a technical perspective. I am not interested in the e-girl/e-boy/tiktoker vibes of the character designs at all, and I personally don’t know if these register as “character vocals” to me, so I’m not the target demographic, but again I was really impressed with the demo from a technical viewpoint.


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
This is SUCH a funny official demo song choice. Audiologie are iconic

His voice took me by surprise here but it's fun!
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AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
He's pretty attractive, but I have honestly never heard of this Synth V product until I came here.
I think if you don't follow Audiologie on their social media, you won't see a ton of promotion. That said, I feel like I saw more Anri and Jun fanart and things from other sources before their releases, so I am curious about the relative quiet around Noa. I hope he'll get more fans! Maybe Cryton's announcements overshadowed him


Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
AUDIOLOGIE has put Noa and Jun on Vocaloid's most iconic duet:

Don't kill me, but they do sound quite similar. Not identical; but close enough that I can't think of any songs that Noa would work on that Jun wouldn't. I admit I had trouble telling who was who at points. :ring_ani_lili: I wonder if Audiologie has any more vocal modes that drastically change his voice up their sleeves?

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