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Sukone Tei Fanclub

What do you like about Tei?

  • Voice

  • Design

  • Personality

  • Idk man, I just like her.

  • Name

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Sep 21, 2019
.:Welcome to the Tei Fanclub!:.
A club dedicated to the Vippaloid, Sukone Tei! :sukonetei_smile_lili:
Tei is a troll/fake Vocaloid created by VIP2ch and was released on on June 21st, 2010. She is a yandere who has an obsessive crush on Len Kagamine and she hates Miku. Her voice was originally described as clear and sweet. Her design was intended to poke fun at "unoriginal" fanmades and UTAUloids.
The name Scottei is her name put together (SUKOtTEI) and is a pun on the brand of tissue paper, Scottie, by Nippon Paper Crecia Co., Ltd.
Official age: 19
Language: Japanese
Voice provider: Kako Futaba (加古二葉)
uramiti (concept) (original)
Shouyu (醤油) (aka 神野有哉) (current)

.:Featured Cover:.

.:Notable Originals:.

.:Featured Original:.

.:Featured Fanart:.

x Since yandere stuff is a given with Tei, if the content contains blood or suchlike, please make sure to put it in a spoiler with a CW (i.e. CW//blood)
x Please make sure to follow the rules of the Vocaverse forums
x Please see the "how to join" section for how to join.
x Self promotion is allowed and strongly encouraged! Just please avoid spamming.
To join, mention that you'd like to join and please do one or more of the following:
x Say something you like about her/why you like her
x Post a song that uses her (covers are fine)
x Post fan art of her
x Post fanfiction or any other type of fan work of her
x Kazumimi (founder and head of club)
x Peaches2217 (hope you're alright--whatever you're up to these days!)
x Cafenurse
x Patuk
x Krin
x Vocalosynthesis
x PearlStarlight5
x Pocoyo8756




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Reactions: peaches2217
Sep 21, 2019
Finally made a userbar for the fanclub! I'll work on organizing the OP a bit and eventually add a nice looking header. Maybe I'll make a playlist of Tei originals and covers to add to the OP. Not sure, tho.


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
Y'know what? Sign me up. I'm a Tei newbie (and my few attempts at using UTAU have been met with... humiliating failure, so I'm unlikely to ever use her), but "See You Tomorrow" was one of the most lovely uses of an UTAU I've ever heard, and I'd love to learn more about her.
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Reactions: Scarlet Illusion
Sep 21, 2019
Welcome to the club! I'm glad you liked the cover! It was tough to pick just one cover from all the other lovely covers out there! ^^
I love the fanart you chose to show off! :D
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Reactions: peaches2217
Sep 21, 2019
Added a new userbar. I know there's only two member's right now, but, hey, that's no excuse to not tend to things!
Edit: Also added link to a site archiving the different stages during the development of Uramiti's Tei. It's pretty interesting to see how the design evolved and changed overtime.
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Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
Hey, I've recently discovered I like Tei, so I'd like to be apart of this club! I've always had a fondness for her design (I love white hair) but I've recently been listening to her more and I enjoy her voice too.
Here's a cover I like!
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Reactions: Scarlet Illusion
Sep 21, 2019
Oooh! Thank you for sharing! It's been a while since I last listened to Chains, but I agree the instrumental is great! It does a good job of conveying intensity while carrying Tei's voice without overpowering it.

I still need to listen to Black Flower, so thank you for reminding me of that song! :sukonetei_smile_lili:
Sep 21, 2019
*sneaks in here* I'd like to join the tei club

I always found Tei's design to be really cute, and I love how cute her voice is! She's a really good girl ;v;
I'd like to present a cover I made of her for Valentine's Day as my contribution!
Thank you for sharing this??? Like, I love it so much??? Excuse me while I go add this to my playlist of Vocaloid songs to listen to constantly on repeat, lol!
Also, your art style is absolutely adorable and Tei looks so gosh darned cute!! >w<
I'd never heard of this song before, so thank you for introducing me to it! :D
Edit: I nearly forgot to say "welcome to the club!"


Expert Mikunologist & Akaripiko Pioneer
Feb 22, 2020
Thank you for sharing this??? Like, I love it so much??? Excuse me while I go add this to my playlist of Vocaloid songs to listen to constantly on repeat, lol!
Also, your art style is absolutely adorable and Tei looks so gosh darned cute!! >w<
I'd never heard of this song before, so thank you for introducing me to it! :D
Edit: I nearly forgot to say "welcome to the club!"
Thank you so much! I'm really happy you enjoyed it! :'D
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Reactions: Scarlet Illusion
Sep 21, 2019
Afternoon, fellow fans of Tei! I posted on Twitter about this, but I think it's worth mentioning here, too! I was considering organizing a Sukone Tei zine (if you don't know what a zine is, consider looking up the "low effort Miku" zine and Maika zine). Would anyone be interested in something like that?
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Sep 21, 2019
That'd be fun! I don't know how I'd be able to contribute, but I think it's a great idea!
From my understanding (I'd still need to research more), zines are about submitting creative works centering around a certain theme/character/etc (in this case, the characters would be Tei). as a fun community collaboration! I'd probably open it to fan art and short fanfictions (or pretty much anything applicable that I can easily moderate). I'm still doing the research into it, but I'm happy to hear you're interested! ^u^
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Reactions: peaches2217
Sep 21, 2019
Sounds like fun! If I can contribute in any way I'd love to. :>
That'd be wonderful! I'll for sure be accepting art related submissions once I finish writing up the rules, and I may open it up to fanfiction or comics, too. I"m currently working on the guidelines containing more information, and I'll share the link to them here once I finish! ^u^
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Reactions: mochagatari and ___
Sep 21, 2019
Hello, Tei fans!

I just want to mention that I've had to put that Tei zine project on hold for now. I have one too many projects at the moment and wouldn't be able to put in the care and attention it deserves. But I'll see about possibly going through with it once my workload lightens!

In the meantime, I'd like to share a lovely piece of Tei fanart I found based on Ryo's song Odds and Ends!

Oh, and I'd like to share the lovely piece of art I'm currently using as my profile picture! I encourage you to check out the artist's Twitter; it's full of beautiful artwork!

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