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SynthV Synthesizer V Discussion Thread


long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
While things are slow, a dumb question that might have already been answered: will SV2 Basic be available to download online, or will we just be stuck with the web version unless we purchase VBs?
It's only included with voicebanks from what they've said.

Livestream is on now! Watching for more news, in particular from Quadimension.
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long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
The first half was just a recap of last night and showing off some of Synthesizer V Studio Pro, but we're in the Quadimension section now. They just announce a male voicebank and showed a demo! He sounds youthful and very good quality.

They also have a special upgrade price for SynthV Editor and their previous voicebanks, 200CNY for the editor and 50CNY for the voicebanks.
EDIT: They also announced a female voicebank for the second half of 2020.

Presale for Quadimension products begins NOW!

Animen couldn't be there today but they've announced that Genbu's FULL version will be available for Synthesizer V Studio.
Eleanor Forte is getting an UPDATE!! They ask people to look forward to it.


Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
No new English voicebanks, since their focus has been on expanding into Japan (physically and virtually), I can't say I'm too surprised. :ring_ani_lili:

The combination of AI and classic tuning sounds interesting. Kanru suggested they're aiming to provide a happy medium between AI synthesisers like Neutrino and traditional voicebanks like Vocaloid.
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long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
To summarise...

New Japanese vocals (3)
July 30th Release Kotonoha Akane/Aoi, Saki
Release Date TBA Koharu Rikka

Updated Japanese vocals (1)
July Release Genbu (Full)

New Chinese vocals (2)
Release Date TBA Quadimension Male Vocal
2nd Half of 2020 Quadimension Female Vocal

Updated Chinese vocals (4)
Release Date TBA Chiyu, Shian, Cangqiong, Haiyi

Updated English vocals (1)
Release Date TBA Eleanor Forte update

This stream has been really informative with a lot of information. I can't believe we got so much news! Preorders for the Medium5 updates will open on Taobao soon so I'll keep the thread updated with that. Regarding AiKO and Renri there was no news, but apparently they are considering giving Renri a full version on SynthV Studio.


Apr 9, 2018

Okay, so to recap, there are 3 versions of Synth V.
1) Web version
2) Basic (free version): Think of it as the equivalent to Tiny Vocaloid Editor, it comes with each voice bank for "free". It is limited to 3 track, and lacks features.
3) Pro (paid version): About $120, no track limit, limitedless simultaneous rendering threads (the web/basic version are limited to 2 cores), additional features include: automatic tuning, alternate phonemes (note properties) (are they going to disable the feature to edit pronunciation for basic?), output breath component separately, Lua/Javascript scripting


long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
Thanks to this article, I understood the starter pack better. Essentially, the box itself is just the editor, and then you get a coupon that you can redeem for any of the SynthV voices that AHS sells, rather than it strictly being a box with the editor + kotonoha sisters.


Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
I've been using SynthV as my primary source of a vocals for a while, but I don't think I'm going to upgrade to the paid version until there's a selection of English voicebanks that are more up my alley.

In terms of Chinese and Japanese speakers, it was pretty smart to gather a good amount of characters and their fanbases before upgrading to a more expensive engine. It's much more motivating to invest once a product has had time to establish itself and gather a good variety of options.

First Sound Future

Passionate Fan
Apr 8, 2018
Adding on to my previous "Yukari becoming a SynthV" wish, it's looking like it might actually become a reality?

Bumpy Urushi is a member of Vocalomakets (who are the creators of Yukari and Akari). According to the machine translation, he mentions that it's good that another new software like Vocaloid has come out since V5 is very expensive and that SynthV being reasonably priced will be good for beginners and students


Aspiring Fan
Apr 19, 2019
Is there any word on an upgrade price for people who bought Synth V on Anicute? I supported it day one, and seems kinda rude to be excluded.
Is Quadimension's upgrade only for people who bought it on taobao?
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Passionate Fan
Jun 27, 2019
So I read through that DTM Station article posted above.

Earlier in this thread it was mentioned that breath can be exported separately. But that's not quite correct. What this new SynthV can do is export the voiced and unvoiced components separately. This means that troublesome sounds like sibilance can be processed independently of other elements.

That is super-duper awesome!

There is a video embedded in the DTM Station article, but according to the view count,only one person has watched it. And seeing as I have watched it, I just might be that one person. Regardless, the video "shows" the voiced/unvoiced export in action, where voiced components are in the left channel and unvoiced are in the right channel.

Wow. I'm impressed. This will help tremendously with voice processing.


long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
Is there any word on an upgrade price for people who bought Synth V on Anicute? I supported it day one, and seems kinda rude to be excluded.
Is Quadimension's upgrade only for people who bought it on taobao?
Not yet. Since Animen couldn't attend the presentation all we learnt from them was about Genbu and Eleanor's updates, so we'll have to wait and see.


long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
I've left a comment on the video with timestamps to the relevant sections of the presentation. Please let me know if I missed anything. You can find it below!

10:09 - Introducing Synthesizer V Studio, including demonstration of the interface.
20:29 - Demonstration of Saki covering "Ripple" by Zeno in Japanese, followed by Haiyi singing the second part in Chinese.
21:50 - Message from Resonant Design (?), who designed the UI for Synthesizer V Studio.
25:02 - What's new in Synthesizer V Engine 2.0?
30:41 - Demonstration of Shian with Engine 1.0 vs Engine 2.0.
32:30 - Synthesizer V Eco System.
40:20 - Presentation by Ogata, president of AHS of new voice databases for Synthesizer V Studio.
57:20 - Demonstration of Kotonoha Akane/Aoi in Synthesizer V Studio.
1:00:05 - Announcement of Koharu Rikka for Synthesizer V Studio.
1:05:14 - Quadimension segment begins.
1:08:08 - Announcement of special upgrade price for Quadimension vocals and 1st generation Synthesizer V Editor. Quadimension vocals can be upgraded to Synthesizer V Studio versions for 50CNY (~$7) and Synthesizer V Editor can be upgraded to Synthesizer V Studio for 200CNY (~$28).
1:10:08 - Announcement of a new male Chinese vocal from Quadimension, with demo.
1:13:01 - Quadimension also confirm they are working on a new female vocal due for release in the 2nd half of 2020.
1:14:20 - Announcements from Animen, who couldn't attend due to scheduling issues.
1:14:50 - Japanese voice Genbu's full version will be released for Synthesizer V Studio. The release here is said to be "in a few days" but was later cleared up to mean in a couple of weeks.
1:15:20 - Dreamtonics announce they are working on an upgraded version of Eleanor Forte with Animen. The exact schedule for release isn't decided yet due to the current Coronavirus situation making it difficult to schedule recording with her voice provider.
1:18:30 - Q&A begins.
Also, as I've said in the Medium⁵ thread, there's some information on their Taobao listing that will be important to some. First of all the estimate the release of Synthesizer V Studio Pro (Digital) and their vocals for Synthesizer V Studio to release on July 10th, in 13 days. Second, they said that their 1st generation vocals are now retired and no longer available for purchase, so they highly encourage people to purchase the upgraded versions before the end of the promotional discount period (August 26th). Third, for those who upgraded their vocals, they said that while the original vocal will still be usable the serial code will become invalid and therefore cannot be activated on any further devices.


long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
Okay. It took me a good few hours but I've updated the OP with information on the editor, all vocals and links to their appropriate demos and ways to purchase them. Let me know if I missed anything!
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