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SynthV SynthesizerV Musical Isotope KAFU


*Luna fan number one
Jul 30, 2022
I'm kinda suprised they announced this before Haru's release. Hope it won't affect her sales too much because her voice seems to be great


Longtime Listener
Apr 8, 2018
I'm super curious about what she'll sound like. I'm also kind of... confused? by the decision in a way I can't quite articulate. Maybe it's just the shock of trying to imagine a voice that stylized on Synth V :teto_lili:Because I mean, wasn't her voice edited? I have trouble believing Dreamtonics would be cool with something like that... Though I guess Kaf could voice act, it's not THAT far removed from her normal voice. If it weren't for the fact the Plus banks weren't allowed to be released I'd have thought they were training it on her CeVIO bank.


robot enjoyer
Sep 10, 2020
I’m super super excited. I love multi engine voices because it really expands the opportunities for a single voice. I love KAFU’s voice, so this is almost certainly one I’ll buy now that I own the engine.
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femboy gackpo rights
Jan 12, 2022
I'm really fascinated to hear how she will sound 🤔 if they keep the pitch shifted voice she could be a really interesting addition to the synthv lineup

either way, more multi-engine vocals are always appreciated! hopefully this will open the doors for more cevio→synthv releases (synthv flower when:flower_winter_lili:?)


Engloid Fan
Apr 19, 2018
I'm super curious about what she'll sound like. I'm also kind of... confused? by the decision in a way I can't quite articulate. Maybe it's just the shock of trying to imagine a voice that stylized on Synth V :teto_lili:Because I mean, wasn't her voice edited? I have trouble believing Dreamtonics would be cool with something like that... Though I guess Kaf could voice act, it's not THAT far removed from her normal voice. If it weren't for the fact the Plus banks weren't allowed to be released I'd have thought they were training it on her CeVIO bank.
It's not that far out there - Eleanor R1 was formatted up the same way KAFU was on CeVIO, and I can only imagine there was the consideration to do it again for R2. We just haven't seen it for public release since then. I'm really curious to see what they choose to do!


I am Thou and Thou aren't Shit...
Oct 19, 2018
So, this cross-platform is actually planned already. Sort-of, and there is actually lore behind it? according to a tweet from someone far familiar with the Kamitsubaki girls, they are in a time-loop and are dying, so they respawn in a way. The Cevio version may just be one cycle, and the Synth V is another cycle. I literally have no idea since I don't follow the Kamitsubaki lore or the discord so if there are any fans out there, kindly to a cross check if there is some lore in the PV's.

Small note and my own commentary. Is this going to be another Kagerou project thing/Servant of Evil where there is lore behind this multi-media project? It even has the time-loop trope.


sekai liker
Mar 27, 2020
AHS also put out a press release announcing that they’ll be involved in developing KAFU for SynthV and SEKAI for Voicepeak.

this is actually really interesting. im glad to see the "one engine only" loyalty thing from the vocaloid days is over :) im really excited! hopefully this will give SV the boost it needs in japan


Luka enthusiast
Jul 18, 2018
Hopefully, it doesn't end up with SynthV becoming the monopoly. Some SynthV fan are really pissing me off with their constant whining that X Character is not on SynthV and now they're are overjoyed to see more companies potentially abandoning y synth program for their choice.


GalacOH no she didn't
Apr 9, 2018
Bruh if other synths die because of the synth v Stan’s do they not realize that the variety of synths available currently drives unique voices forward and more options in engine will never be a negative I do not get it :/ like you can find similar voices on most synths (except male voices because they are vastly underrepresented)


Aspiring Fan
Dec 25, 2022
Hopefully, it doesn't end up with SynthV becoming the monopoly. Some SynthV fan are really pissing me off with their constant whining that X Character is not on SynthV and now they're are overjoyed to see more companies potentially abandoning y synth program for their choice.
(Edited a bit cause of typos and cause I wanted ot add a couple of things)
I find this incredibly unlikely since not only we still getting new banks for other engines but most of the sv ports we got all had their own circumstances:
- Stardust Infinity happened both cause their other charas were already on the engine making it more convenient and cause they really really wanted to get away from their previous distributor (as far as I know).
- Haruno Sora is a character fully owned by ahs who basically strong armed themselves with SynthV so it was kind off more a matter of "when" than "if"
- According to an interview I saw Twindrill first took interest in SV when Tsuina-chan's team suggested it to them. That and allegedly they tried to port Teto to vocaloid once but she apparently sounded too different.
-With Xia Yu Yao it was more likely the limited options for Mandarin Chinese ai based voice synthesis at the time. Like it's either SV or Ace Studio (well there is Cevio too but Cevio does not have any Mandarin Chinese language voices and has more of an audience in Japan.)
-And now with KAFU it mostly just seems to be a cross platform availability thing. Apparently there was actual lore foreshadowing for that.

Like SV has def gained more of a market relevance thanks to Teto's success (which itself is a bit of a miracle to me given how fandom typically recieves different iterations of voca characters) but I doubt they can truly gain the market monopoly that vocaloid had/still kinda has in Japan mostly thanks to Miku and co. Vocaloids monopoly primarily stemmed from the fact that it was the first and for while only commercial vocalsynth (that people actually heard of). That and Miku and co's ridiculous levels of popularity. That's not something any engine can replicate easily. Like it took Cevio Kafu existing to take off the way it did, and even then she's still eclipsed in popularity by Miku. Like, I wish I had that graph on hand now, but someone made a piechart of all the voca characters who's tags showed up in the latest VocaColle event on NicoNico and while Kafu made a very respectable dent in that chart, Miku was still almost half the damn circle. Unless they somehow manage to get the Cryptonloids on SV (which I am very press x to doubt on since CFM made it clear they have not much interest in pursuing realism for their voices so even if we get AI banks for the gang in the future, it won't be SV) they will never have that market dominance. (Actually even if they did I still doubt it would change much most producers seem to prefer how their vocaloid version sounds.)

Side note, but it's a bit of a pet peeve of mine when people describe a character getting a new vb on a different platform as them "moving engines". Imho that's only really true if their company has stopped retailing/updating their other versions, which is only really true for Stardust out of this lineup. And even with her it's apparently moreso because Quadimension could not figure out how to restock her vb even digitally (as far as I know because of some licencing reasons?) so they decided not to bother.
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