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Unpopular Opinions


Fukase and Engloid Artist/User
Apr 8, 2018
I used to hate Piko, when he was being released and it took awhile to warm up to him. Now I'm indifferent to Piko. Fukase had a different effect than Piko to me, I instantly became a Fukase fan, when I learned of him.
Though, both the real singers, Fukase and Piko are have decent voices.


Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
- I don't necessarily want Vocaloids to sound 100% realistic. Generally I prefer them sounding like Vocaloids, not like human.

- I'm not a huge fan of Miku's English Voicebanks. I can't exactly tell why, but to me she doesn't sound like herself in many English songs. Or I might just have some weird mindset about Miku being a Japanese Vocaloid, and Miku singing in English sounds so weird. (I don't listen to English Vocaloid music much).

Miku again: Artwork of her in a realistic style or Western cartoon style is unappealing to me. I mean, some western-style works show great skill by the artist, but I find myself turning away from them quickly. To me, Miku is "anime-style".

Based on my observation, the next one divides the fandom: Sexualizing Vocaloid characters. My opinion could be seen as unpopular by some, but I'm actually okay with lewd Vocaloid art, R18 doujins etc. I even own a couple Miku adult doujin mangas. I understand that some people dislike lewding Vocaloids, and that's fine.

- I don't ship any Vocaloids.

- I like denpa songs. Some people overlook them as silly and "not real music", but I like catchy, upbeat tunes.


Digital artist
Apr 8, 2018
-I heavily dislike Creep-P's and Ghost's music
-"Echo" by Crusher-P is overrated and not even good
-Tone Rion ain't that bad
-Gumi ain't that good

If I think of more I'll add them!
-Creep and Ghost have always just sounded like incoherent noise to me
-Almost all of their songs sound the same
-Circus P's new songs also sound a lot alike and are worse than his old stuff
-I thought Tone Rion's original design was super cute and I like her V4 update too
-I've always wanted to buy Gumi to see what the hype is with her voice bc personally I don't see it either lol
-Echo isn't that great but I do like the remix TheLivingTombstone did of it!

also sidenote but is crusher still dating livingtombstone?


Aspiring Fan
Apr 11, 2018
Miku again: Artwork of her in a realistic style or Western cartoon style is unappealing to me. I mean, some western-style works show great skill by the artist, but I find myself turning away from them quickly. To me, Miku is "anime-style".
This isn't an unpopular opinion though. There are plenty of jploid voca fans that constantly get annoyed about Vocaloids, especially Miku, being drawn in the non default moe marketed anime style, even to the point where they send harassment to artists who draw her differently or who change certain physical attributes.


Probably an Artist, Probably a Praying Mantis
Apr 8, 2018
- Oliver's kinda overrated for English Vocaloids. I like him and listen to him, but all the hype and continued stuff for him in fanart and songs and covers is a bit much considering there are more clear-sounding voicebanks on the market. that said, not against an update for him if that happens ever
This isn't an unpopular opinion though. There are plenty of jploid voca fans that constantly get annoyed about Vocaloids, especially Miku, being drawn in the non default moe marketed anime style, even to the point where they send harassment to artists who draw her differently or who change certain physical attributes.
Now that you mention "physical attributes", who thought that the Pixiv tag "Mikuppai" (Miku boobs) was a good idea??? Shouldn't characters like Luka and MEIKO be more appealing to those people; why change Miku? I don't have a problem if they just make her breast a little bigger like those of the Racing Miku's, or rounder, but most of these illustrations just look like other characters cosplaying Miku to me.
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Lead Guitar, One Minute Winter
This is probably not all that unpopular but I'll say it anyway.

I honestly hate myself and all of my works. I do everything I can to make sure my content can go toe-to-toe with non-Vocaloid professional mixes but for some reason, not only all my tracks are always quieter regardless of what I do to try and fix it, either the mix sucks or the compo sucks. There's always at least one important instrument that never comes out clear enough. Every song of mine completely sucks and the only thing I have going on is the Drop G tuning.



Probably an Artist, Probably a Praying Mantis
Apr 8, 2018
This is probably not all that unpopular but I'll say it anyway.

I honestly hate myself and all of my works. I do everything I can to make sure my content can go toe-to-toe with non-Vocaloid professional mixes but for some reason, not only all my tracks are always quieter regardless of what I do to try and fix it, either the mix sucks or the compo sucks. There's always at least one important instrument that never comes out clear enough. Every song of mine completely sucks and the only thing I have going on is the Drop G tuning.

I hate all the art I do, even if people say it's good. Truly an artist's struggle, especially since as the creator you'll see all the things wrong with what you've made. I'm not sure what else to say aside from to keep going.

Another unpopular opinion: Any ship with Miku is just weird, and not because shes' an idol, but because I can't see her being romantic with any Vocaloid for some reason. I listen to songs that are duets and stuff with Kaito and Luka and Rin and Len, but, not covers because I can't see it.


Lead Guitar, One Minute Winter
@DefiantKitsune is definitely going to like to hear this.

Although I hope that future producers (or producers in general) would actually start making Vocaloid music in wider varieties of genres than the way things are now and I still believe the scene needs to diversify, there's risk in that.

The risk being, that could possibly mean that we could see more western metal producers and I might lose my #1-in-number-of-songs spot amongst western metal producers. >.<

For all seriousness, there are other risks to a more diverse Vocaloid scene.

The first risk involved is the possibilities of the said diversity. I'm starting to feel that most producers are going the EDM route because it doesn't require as much gear, as say, metalcore, and everything can be made on a computer and they don't necessarily have to learn a new instrument versus, well, my primary genre is melodic metalcore so it's obvious that I would constantly have to buy stuff for my guitars and bass and I would actually have to record those said instruments and the recording process is a nightmare. You also have to worry a lot more about stuff like EQ and compression and what have you... and then if you're diving into folk rock for example you need to record acoustic guitars, which is even more of a pain in the neck because you don't have the editing flexibilities you get with electric guitars so you have to keep re-recording until you get the perfect take... @.@ (not to mention you also have to get a really good microphone and a treated room) ... Technically opera, classical, and jazz can be all done on a computer but the virtual instruments you have to buy are just absurdly expensive... orz So I'm starting to see why EDM's becoming more and more of a thing.

The second risk involved is how diverse the scene can really be. Even within EDM there are a bunch of different EDM genres, and even if the scene were to diversify it might diversify that direction. Personally, I don't see that as a bad thing. EDM isn't easy to make. You still have a lot of hoops to jump through and you have a lot of automating parameters to learn and the whole nine yards. My primary frustration had mostly to do with there being too much EDM, but I'm not saying I hate EDM. There are plenty of EDM tracks that I really like, and I've actually started listening to more and more brostep, believe it or not, and I used to hate dubstep when I was a kid. If it's still inevitable that most producers are still going to do EDM, I would at least like to see some try their hands at brostep or future bass, as those genres are really good eye openers. So really, I'm just tired of things being the same all the time and I'm just hoping that the "metagame" of the music scenes to shake up every now and again. Is that not going to mean EDM will fade? So be it. I'd love to see diversity within the Vocaloid EDM scene as well. A diversity of any kind is the bottom line, really.

The third risk involved would be competition within the genres. The music industry is extremely competitive as is and if niche genres such as metalcore were to suddenly see tons more artists and bands that can be a problem in and of itself. That means more artists and bands one artist or band has to compete against for certain spots and that means more and more artists and bands will be forced to hit the road empty-handed, and nobody wants to end up like that. I can't speak for the Vocaloid scene, but in the music industry I've seen it time and time again. Independent bands and artists are always left in the dust. Big name bands and artists are forced deeper and deeper into unnecessary debt that they don't actually owe and as a result they're forced to become sellouts at the expense of their fans. But really, if there were to be more diversity then that might mean more and more producers would be left with nothing regardless of genre, and it actually might be better that all of the big competitions are happening in one area and not all the others so it actually might be better that we do have mostly EDM Voca-Ps and EDM non-Vocaloid producers because the EDM scene is already strong enough to handle that kind of a scene while in modern metal it's a lot harder to come by...

Maybe sometimes things are just better left the way things are after all...



Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
- I don't get how Oliver got the polularigy he did. I have no issue with him, besides his voice isn't to my liking much, but he seems the most popular and like...so mant good originals use his voice and it ends up really unfitting. He does not have a good tone for most any genre and I can never understand what he says.
Also Gumi English is kinda overrated. I love Gumi, and I own her English VB, but I think a lot of Engloids are way better and most are way easier to use

- I don't like how everyone complains about Miku's Appends but never Gumi's extends. Why does Gumi get to get away with 10 VBs (11 with English), and Gakupo has 3 and everyone else has no Extends at all. At least CFM gives all their Vocaloids Appends (except Luka but she has all her EVEC)

- Vocamerica should be about all the Engloids and be fair/even among them, not center on Dex and Daina as the leads. All singers should have the same amount of songs, not 8-10 Dex/Daina and 1-2 everyone else...I love Dex/Daina but it (to me) was advertised as all Engloids and I think they deserve equal attention (whereas something like Miku Expo focuses on Miku as per the name)

- I don't really care if V1 Engloids and Piko get updated

- I don't see why Flower is so popular. She doesn't really appeal to me in any way and I've tried liking her numerous times but to no avail

- I like Kagamine English and Miku V3 English and think they're fun to use

Those are just some of my unpopular opinions. Probably will share more in the future


trashlord of the shadow realm
Apr 11, 2018
my room
I actually feel like KAITO V1 is way more expressive than his V3 update. I'm curious to see how Crypton handles his V5 update (if that's ever going to be a thing)

Teto Rikimi is utterly useless. You'd be better off using utaugrowl or something.

MEIKO Power is my favorite Crypton voicebank. She's one of the few Crypton VOCALOIDs actually capable of singing in metal.

While I actually like Oliver to a certain extent (he was my first voicebank, after all) he wore off on me really quickly. He's very frequently misused and has a really, really disgusting pedophile fanbase. It makes me so fucking sick.
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Apr 9, 2018
I actually feel like KAITO V1 is way more expressive than his V3 update. I'm curious to see how Crypton handles his V5 update (if that's ever going to be a thing)
All the Cryptonloids are getting an Append before Luka's next anniversary (Jan. 30th, if I recall correctly). The Appends will reuse Meiko/Kaito's V1 voices and Luka/Miku/Rin/Len's V2 voices in order to sound more like what people "think" their voices should sound like (some people think the newer voices have deviated too much from the originals). Since it's appends, I assume Luka/Miku/Rin/Len will be something like V4 Append, but I don't know if Kaito/Meiko will be bumped up to V4 as well or stay V3. S:


Lead Guitar, One Minute Winter
MEIKO Power is my favorite Crypton voicebank. She's one of the few VOCALOIDs actually capable of singing in metal.
Okay, I'm so sorry, but as a producer that actually does metal music myself, this actually pisses me off.

It's the Engloids where you don't really have that many options. Amongst Japanese Vocaloids, there's plenty more than a handful that are all capable of singing in metal music just fine.

Anon/Kanon are the softer banks, but if you compress them just enough, they have no problem cutting through. There's even a song where I've used Anon, yes, the softer of the duo, as one of the lead vocals in a metalcore track. It's been done, and both Anon and Kanon are just as capable on leads as they are on backing. Yes, I'm saying this in a metal setting (see "Save Us from the Fires part 2: The Clouds" and "Omedetou").

V4 Flower, it's no surprise she's a really good metal Vocaloid. She can get a bit quirky sometimes but if you get used to her sound you can work wonders with this Vocaloid.

IA ROCKS, yes, I've used this Vocaloid in a track (as a lead) and I plan to use her again many more times in the future once I get more knowledge on the Japanese language under my belt (again see "Omedetou").

Miku is one of the staple Vocaloids when it comes to Vocaloid metal, and I actually use the English bank a lot more often than I used to. Again, if you find the right compression settings as well as the right parameter settings for BRI and GEN, she can work real well and she's going to be more than just capable.

VY1V4's Power bank is one of the reasons why I bought VY1V4 in the first place. She's a bit harder to use as you have to constantly XSY between her Normal and Power but if you do it well enough she's going to be one of the best Vocaloids suited for hard rock and metal genres to the point she's even comparable to Flower. You also have to keep in mind that the Power bank is better suited for the really high notes, but as long as the above conditions are met, she's also more than just capable.

I could also see myself making use of Matcha if I could sort out the extra commerical licence and have the money to buy her. Her tone is also promising for metal tracks.

Megpoid is also a commonly-used Vocaloid for metal, and having actually tried mixing her I can already tell you could get a lot of mileage out of her, especially in a metal setting.

I've also tried mixing Luka in an industrial metal setting, again, just compress her well enough and she'll really work when it counts. She doesn't even need that much compression to begin with.

Amongst Engloids, yea, we don't have that many options when it comes to metal, but it's really frustrating when I hear someone say that not very many Vocaloids in general are capable of singing in metal, because I can think of a lot of them that'll do more than just get the job done.



Apr 9, 2018
Okay, I'm so sorry, but as a producer that actually does metal music myself, this actually pisses me off.
This is the "UNPOPULAR opinions" thread, not the "my opinion is right and you all have to agree with me" thread. S: It's nice to have an experienced producer's opinion, but honestly, the thread is meant to safely share our humble opinions here knowing a lot of people won't agree with it. Yeah, maybe some stuff is generally a certain way, but there are definitely talented people that can do some unexpected stuff with the tools they are given. ^^

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