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Unpopular Opinions


Probably an Artist, Probably a Praying Mantis
Apr 8, 2018
Neru tuned with Miku sounds super gross to me. Way too high pitched, but half of the time Rin is tuned to 'sound like' Neru, it's either good or bad, no in between.

I also just don't like how Gakupo sounds, UNLESS it's Hitoshizuku-P/Yama stuff and only then can I tolerate Gakupo. I think his Whisper append makes him sound slightly better, but there's this weird thing with his voice I can't seem to like.


trashlord of the shadow realm
Apr 11, 2018
my room
Okay, I'm so sorry, but as a producer that actually does metal music myself, this actually pisses me off.

It's the Engloids where you don't really have that many options. Amongst Japanese Vocaloids, there's plenty more than a handful that are all capable of singing in metal music just fine.

Anon/Kanon are the softer banks, but if you compress them just enough, they have no problem cutting through. There's even a song where I've used Anon, yes, the softer of the duo, as one of the lead vocals in a metalcore track. It's been done, and both Anon and Kanon are just as capable on leads as they are on backing. Yes, I'm saying this in a metal setting (see "Save Us from the Fires part 2: The Clouds" and "Omedetou").

V4 Flower, it's no surprise she's a really good metal Vocaloid. She can get a bit quirky sometimes but if you get used to her sound you can work wonders with this Vocaloid.

IA ROCKS, yes, I've used this Vocaloid in a track (as a lead) and I plan to use her again many more times in the future once I get more knowledge on the Japanese language under my belt (again see "Omedetou").

Miku is one of the staple Vocaloids when it comes to Vocaloid metal, and I actually use the English bank a lot more often than I used to. Again, if you find the right compression settings as well as the right parameter settings for BRI and GEN, she can work real well and she's going to be more than just capable.

VY1V4's Power bank is one of the reasons why I bought VY1V4 in the first place. She's a bit harder to use as you have to constantly XSY between her Normal and Power but if you do it well enough she's going to be one of the best Vocaloids suited for hard rock and metal genres to the point she's even comparable to Flower. You also have to keep in mind that the Power bank is better suited for the really high notes, but as long as the above conditions are met, she's also more than just capable.

I could also see myself making use of Matcha if I could sort out the extra commerical licence and have the money to buy her. Her tone is also promising for metal tracks.

Megpoid is also a commonly-used Vocaloid for metal, and having actually tried mixing her I can already tell you could get a lot of mileage out of her, especially in a metal setting.

I've also tried mixing Luka in an industrial metal setting, again, just compress her well enough and she'll really work when it counts. She doesn't even need that much compression to begin with.

Amongst Engloids, yea, we don't have that many options when it comes to metal, but it's really frustrating when I hear someone say that not very many Vocaloids in general are capable of singing in metal, because I can think of a lot of them that'll do more than just get the job done.

I forgot to elaborate, I was only referring to Crypton VOCALOIDs. Of course there are other VBs that can do metal, that'd be incredibly ignorant of me to say.


Lead Guitar, One Minute Winter
I forgot to elaborate, I was only referring to Crypton VOCALOIDs. Of course there are other VBs that can do metal, that'd be incredibly ignorant of me to say.
Yea, and I mentioned Luka and Miku (V4X and V4 English for each) as some of those who are also capable of metal, which are also Crypton. I'd say almost all of them are capable except for maybe Kaito and maybe Len, but metal with Rin is already done to death, metal with Miku is already done to death, and I already tried Luka so I know she's just as capable as well.

Heck, if you really tried, you could even get away with Kaito metal. I'm pretty sure if you tried hard enough you would realise they're all capable of singing metal just fine. It's just the Charsiesis screams that can maybe become a problem for some.

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カイミク || Len English || Arsloid || V5/Piapro
Staff member
Apr 9, 2018
Arsloid can sound really good when people tune him a bit lower/deeper. :kokone_lili: There's even a few covers that he sounds so good in even if they don't tune him a bit deeper!

I didn't like him at first because I heard a cover of him and Fukase of Cendrillon and I just didn't like it (It didn't sound good). I also saw AtH video of him before that, but after that cover it turned me away from him (forgive me Arsloid) for a while.
It was only a couple of months back that after liking Kiyoteru I watched AtH's video of Arsloid and hearing a certain cover of him, I started to like him.

I still don't really like UTAU and wish for a future update on it that will probably never happen at all. But even if I don't become a Master on it or learn all the effects on it...I might use it even after I get Kaito and Studio One/Piapro Studio back on my laptop. :yanhe_lili:

There should be more Arsloid & Kaito songs (covers and originals)!
Kaito x Miku too for original songs :kiyoteru_lili:


Digital artist
Apr 8, 2018
I also really liked Arsloid when he was first announced and I thought his demo was super cool
it rly bummed me out that he barely sold and got no love or recognition
it was like what happened with V3 Tone Rion but for the male V4 generation lololol
doesn't help that another red-head male vocal blew him out of the water

but srsly tho what is with companies trying to do this "idol vocaloid" bit
it didnt work with rion and now arsloid

u gott a stahp guys ur lo s i n mon e y
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Fukase and Engloid Artist/User
Apr 8, 2018
I also really liked Arsloid when he was first announced and I thought his demo was super cool
it rly bummed me out that he barely sold and got no love or recognition
it was like what happened with V3 Tone Rion but for the male V4 generation lololol
doesn't help that another red-head male vocal blew him out of the water

but srsly tho what is with companies trying to do this "idol vocaloid" bit
it didnt work with rion and now arsloid

u gott a stahp guys ur lo s i n mon e y
I am kind of guilty for preferring Fukase over Arsloid. When I found about Fukase, I instantly became a fan and started listening to him sing immediately. With Arsloid, I checked out his singing months later.

I know Arsloid could use more love and I kind of feel bad.
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Apr 9, 2018
but srsly tho what is with companies trying to do this "idol vocaloid" bit
it didnt work with rion and now arsloid
Wasn't Arsloid initially a private Vocaloid, or am I remembering wrong? His voice provider really is an idol, too. I personally think moe stuff is similar to the types of personalities of idols, so maybe that's why they are pushing it.

What types of male voices HAVEN'T they tried making? Nothing seems to work in terms of popularity. We had VY2 for a deep voice, Zola had the 3 Vocaloid gimmick, Fukase and Gackupo are visual kei-ish, there are way too many cutesy boys...
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カイミク || Len English || Arsloid || V5/Piapro
Staff member
Apr 9, 2018
Wasn't Arsloid initially a private Vocaloid, or am I remembering wrong? His voice provider really is an idol, too. I personally think moe stuff is similar to the types of personalities of idols, so maybe that's why they are pushing it.

What types of male voices HAVEN'T they tried making? Nothing seems to work in terms of popularity. We had VY2 for a deep voice, Zola had the 3 Vocaloid gimmick, Fukase and Gackupo are visual kei-ish, there are way too many cutesy boys...

Also Gack was a popular singer, but it didn't help Gackupo much when he lost to a female vocaloid in success. :piko_lili:
It's like when a new male Vocaloid comes out they get push back on the success to a female counterpart, or new female Vocaloid that came out around the same time as the male Vocaloid.

Another unpopular opinion from me: there should be another limited edition box for Arsloid for his anniversary or something.
I would love to own his box version one day if it would ever happen
Not a big fan of Arsloid's red pants, but it's slowly growing on me, I think.
Arsloid deserves to have a future update and not be left behind as a failure. Could be similar to Rin&Len Act 2 or just an update.


Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
I also agree Arsloid deserves a second chance to be even remotely known. He's not my most favorite Vocaloid, and I personally don't listen to males much anyway, but it's coincidential and a little unfair (to me) that Fukase is both another red male Vocaloid and based off a real idol just like Arsloid so he easily overshadowed him (especially given he's bilingual!)

Also feel bad for the guy because I seriously only ever found out he existed because I went window shopping in the Vocaloid Shop like a year after his release...would've never found him otherwise


feng yi supremacy
Apr 8, 2018
elsewhere looking for oarfish
I really like Xin Hua's Japanese banks and design a lot. I think her accent is very cute and I want to see more of her
The Zola Boys are some of the best Vocaloids we have, bith individually and together as a group
Nemu isn't bad, she just has a different voice type that ppl don't know how to use
I think Akaza is one of the best Vocaloid designs we could possibly get and she's swept under the rug by her vb's already existing fashion disaster mascot, and I really want Akaza to have her own voice bank and be a totally separate entity from Kohaku (which I know will never happen for various reasons lol)
Macne Petite was completely unnecessary
Nana's English is really cute and underrated. Not clear, just cute lol
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1. I hate Gumi, her voice is too pitchy and annoying. The only way I like her is if Circus tunes her.
2. I don't like CrusherP. Her songs are all super edgy and they all sound the same to me. But I don't want to get into WWIII over this.
3. I prefer Engloids.
4. I actually like AVANNA's voice. Her harsh consonants sound very satisfying.
5. I like Cyber Diva's nasally voice. She sounds unique!


In 2D hell
Apr 8, 2018
Gotta third this. x'D I'm not a huge fan of her JP design but her bank is nice and I love her. <3
I guess it's not really an unpopular opinion here any more, since I also really like her JP bank lol. (Not a fan of the new colour scheme though).


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
I'd point out that Fukase's gimmick (a HQ english bank and two good vbs for XSY) is a lot better selling point than Arsloids (extension banks that are actually completely useless).

That said, I like ARSLOID too... wish he had a better name....
Jun 3, 2018
1-) Circus-P's newer stuff sound too... generic to me? Not bad at all! But generic. It's kind of weird, but his recent songs could play at any "FM"s that plays stuff like pop anytime and It would blend in quite nicely...I think in the past, he was more experimental. As far as I know he was learning to compose back then so that's probably came with it. I can't really say what genre is his music, but I know he likes Electronic Dance Music, and probably is his inspiration/aspiration but since EDM itself is an umbrella term his inspirations/aspirations are kind of blurry too... For me It felt like he produced "disco" back then, and the biggest example of this would be "Repeat I | II", but nowadays it feels like a mix of trance, techno, and ambience, with a hint of pop sometimes. I'm kind of worried about him also if he's experiencing a burn-out too, especially since he's started to take commissions. I hope, at the very least, he's satisfied that he's closer to his inspirations/aspirations and that he's OK.

2-) I think It's, at this point, neither a popular or a unpopular one, but I think Western-P's produce songs that have too much negative stuff on them. I get that everyone has emotions, and It's quite a nice way to let all the negative stuff out, and I would probably follow the "edge" train as I do when I do art, but the amount is just too much. When I was really into Vocaloid, I was like 10 and only knew present tense in English so I wouldn't understand what the song truly meant unless their lyrics were simple, had PV's to back it up, or had a somber, melancholic tone. I learned past tenses when I was 13 and when I relistened most of the songs I listened, I was kind of devastated but I think at the very least, Eastern-P's would be much vague about it (at least the translations would since you can't really translate everything sometimes) , and put a happy touch at the end, as If "everything will be OK in the end". Western-P's are kind of less vague compared to Eastern-P's, and more passive-aggressive, distorted in both sight and sound and they end in a really bad touch. I really like the way they sound so I would listen them whenever they pop to mind or encounter them. If I'm happy I get depressed, If not I'd be even more depressed. I think they could really use some change, but I think we're starting to have this change. Like sure If they don't produce music for others It's fine, but I wouldn't want people to be even more pain. I just want to put a work that would relate to them and possible help them a little. As much as I found it generic-sounding, Circus-P's "Like Whatever" seems to be the start for the happy touch.

3-) While It's nice to see people outgrow the Crypton gang, I don't think It got quite diverse yet. I swear Gumi is so close there, I started to hear her everywhere. Daina&Dex also. I would like to see more diversity.

4-)Related to the above, I want to see more AH-Software recognition that's not Yukari. While I like every AH-Software Vocaloids, but It feels like Yukari steals so many spotlights from all of them. Most of the work I see from them are from V2 era...

4-) I don't think Maika is that amazing. Sure, whatever they did to her, she feels like she could speak every language in existence, but It ends there.

5-)I don't know If this's exactly popular or unpopular but...Sonika REALLY needs an update. Her being a experiment for Zero-G really destroyed everything for her. It feels like she's a cosmic plaything, her V2 was regarded bad and when she gets imported to V3/V4, when other V2's get at least a little bit clarity, she develops bugs... I also like the concept for her as much as her voice. I haven't seen songs that are sung by her for a while also. So far Zero-G is the only company that haven't updated their voicebanks and instead produced a different voicebank for every era. Sonika would be a nice rulebreaker if they perfect her.

6-) I'm really afraid to speak about this topic, as according to the search bar I'll probably make the first mention of it here on this forum. But I really hate it when people go too overboard about illegal activities about Vocaloid. Sure, It's really, really, REALLY bad, as It's a lot money and everyone involved have so many lossess according to researches, but as I said they act TOO overboard, and usually won't even try to help the person that's engaging in illegal activities any way possible( like for example recommending them UTAU, as some Vocaloids actually have UTAU voicebanks, If they were paid ones they probably were much less than their Vocaloid voicebanks. I think Macne Nana's UTAU voicebank got nuked after her Vocaloid release, sadly with her family, but as far as I know Daina&Dex's voice providers have UTAU voicebanks also. Even If they don't exist anymore, there are similar or better options as UTAU is really diverse), just outcast them like they aren't as human as we are. What's more, most of them engage/have engaged in illegal activies themselves. What's even more, there's probably more of them we don't know yet. Two wrongs just don't make one right...

7-) Related to the above, I hope they're bringing the Macne family one by one to the Vocaloid software...Macne Nana Petit made me think like that I least. I especially want both Macne Cocos to get in here!

8-) I want Mosh from anim.o.v.e to have a voicebank...
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