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Unpopular Opinions


Watch Levius and Stan Natalia Cromwell
Sep 16, 2019
You mean stuff like the Olympics and Covid? I assume those are more like positive, public service stuff that relates to everyone - it's not like the Japanese government are using Miku to spout a certain political point. (Meanwhile, the Chinese government tried to use Tianyi for propaganda purposes in the past...)
Yeah that! My point was only really to say Miku has been involved in political matters. Not what those matters are or how political she is just that even if they wanted to keep Miku completely away from politics she’s in them.


Vocal Synth Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2020
The language barrier between Crypton and the Western fandom might be the problem. Plus, as I've bolded in your original post, the Vocaloid fandom as a whole is way too large for one company to try and police how fans use their characters. Plus, any fan policing would just attract backlash - that's probably part of the reason why Crypton gave up trying to tell everyone the Kagamines were supposed to be mirror images of each other, rather than twins or lovers.

You mean stuff like the Olympics and Covid? I assume those are more like positive, public service stuff that relates to everyone - it's not like the Japanese government are using Miku to spout a certain political point. (Meanwhile, the Chinese government tried to use Tianyi for propaganda purposes in the past...)
Considering Crypton does not have a english support line for their products, that is probably the reason why. True, I did not consider that.

Adding onto your Tianyi mention, she is actually still being used by the Chinese government according to the vocaloid wiki. She is the ambassador of the Communist Youth League of China, and they monitor and sometimes remove videos featuring her that they don't approve of. I know the latter happens with all Chinese vocal synths(though I think it is only on BliBli and not other sites), but I have no idea how they were able to make her the ambassador considering that breaks her ToS.
(If I got anything wrong, feel free to correct me. I am not familiar enough with the chinese side of the fandom as I only recently got into it thanks to SynthV.)

Kinoshita Crazy

I love Lily more than you
Sep 29, 2020
I don't personally condone piracy but I think it think it's currently on the rise. When copies of v4 editor are going for 589$ and v2 unsupported in v5 and v5 editor being 250$. I can see someone asking is this even worth it for just for covers. The software is getting more and more into professional software pricing and being unsupported. A lot of people are also asking is worth it when other vocal synths are getting new voices. Miku and Yukari and flower and are migrating to different programs it gives a sense of who's next.
The topic of synths that are no longer available or being produced is a lot different than the point I was making. It's a very solid point and it's hard to see it as "unjust" when there just isn't any other option for getting those synths or software. However, as I said in my original post, companies like SynthV release lite versions of some of their vocal synths for free. There are plenty of free avenues for getting access to vocal synths and getting a foot in the industry (Utau included) that don't require you to pirate Miku.

I am a bit late to the Miku and politics topic, but yes, it does go against the ToS, which you have to agree to before using the voicebank. Most, if not all, voicebanks/vocal synths have a no politics, discrimination, hate-speech, etc, policy to avoid controversy. I am surprised Crypton has not told the western community or spoken about it more, but maybe they are not sure they can monitor an entire community, especially one that politicizes Miku often?
I have to imagine that it's much harder for Crypton to handle the Western fanbase without diving headfirst into things like DMCA claims and whatnot. From my observations, it feels like, at least on Twitter, they take a more hands-off approach to working with the fanbase. They make a lot of hashtags and retweet things, but it doesn't feel like they take too much action when Westerners violate TOS.

I've said elsewhere on VV how irritating the 14-year old fans are to this 20-something who's been into Vocaloid since she was 11 or 12. I'm super glad I'm not on Twitter now, I'd be telling off so many kids on there lol.
Twitter encourages the worst kind of behavior out of everyone and amplifies all of the most toxic parts of a community to become so overburdened that you just want them gone forever. Unfortunately, the younger side of the fanbase on Twitter is made up of a lot of kids that behave terribly and act in the most inappropriate ways with zero foresight on how it impacts both them and the community they are in.

I definitely think the piracy issue is gonna get worse over the next few years as V2 inevitably loses ongoing support, more vocal synths move away from Vocaloid, more unpopular banks get delisted from sale, etc. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what, if any solutions there are to these problems - it's not like with games, where they can be easily emulated on a computer and for the most part, people won't chastise you for using emulation. People who are discovered to be using pirated Vocaloids are rightly jumped on for using cracked versions, but what about pirated VBs that have been discontinued and can't easily be bought anymore?
I think it can also be attributed to younger people coming into the fanbase with a lack of understanding of how some companies will just straight up sack a VB if piracy is too high compared to sales. Internet Co. has said that they take piracy into account when they consider continuing to update voicebanks (not an exact quote.)

While not a solution, I think it is good to help inform people about free options and try to encourage people to support the industry. Especially the people who are big enough that they can be seen as a negative influence in regards to pirating (I can think of a couple of cover artists who are really bad when it comes to piracy and how open they are to encouraging it or sharing that info)
Hobby or not, producers with anywhere near 25k subs and a fully monetized YouTube channel that also makes money through places like Spotify shouldn't be pirating or encouraging it to their young fanbase.

As I've said earlier, it's much harder to argue against that last idea. If a synth or program can no longer be bought or acquired through other means, and the company itself isn't trying to promote it, it can be hard to say "Hey, don't pirate this software that you can't possibly get access to any other way"

On the cancelling wowaka topic (spoilering because it's not really on topic, but I want to explain what actually happened bc... it's a whole bunch of misunderstandings):
That's definitely a different story than I was told. Thank you for clarifying the situation.

Kinoshita Crazy

I love Lily more than you
Sep 29, 2020
I agree that people shouldn’t put producers against each other, they’re real people after all. However I don’t think it’s wrong to talk about the music or compare their music I think that would be the best thing to talk about honestly because you’re not talking about the person.
Oh absolutely. I don't see a problem at all with comparing and contrasting tuning styles or songs. I was referring to the idea of using one producer's tuning or compositional skills as a way to bludgeon another, smaller producer. I remember a user on Twitter recently that was attacking a smaller producer because some of their fans thought their tuning reminded them of Mitchie M, and they decided to get crazy hostile about the idea that some people have subjective opinions on what they hear.
I think the tweet was something like:
"Stop comparing this producer to MitchieM they aren't nearly as good or as talented as them!"
Like damn bro, you wanna take a chill pill? Not everyone knows the lengths that Mitchie M goes to in order to make his songs, and attacking people for making comparisons is just weirdly hostile.

I'll be honest and say I felt bad for even engaging with that tweet, even if I came back later and said I don't approve of the mentality.

Someone already touched on the wowaka drama so I won’t repeat but I will say a lot of people involved in vocaloid fandom drama aren’t all 14. A lot are over the age of 20, and a lot of these adults make these 14 year olds fight and argue with others.
You're right. Unfortunately, I see most of the drama in places like Twitter instigated by people around 20 years old. They then go and get their younger fanbases to fight for them and stir up a big steaming pot of madness before they inevitably profit off of it with a huge boost in followers.
Saying all people who get involved in drama are 14 is an admittedly crass generalization and I think I can rectify my statement by saying "they have the mentality of an immature 14-year-old," rather than they are actually 14 years old.
Apr 11, 2020
I'm just going to put my opinion here: I will NEVER go on Twitter and that will never, ever change.

Most vocal synth fans and UTAU creators have Twitter accounts. I would enjoy it if I got to communicate with them and make friends, but after hearing about all the controversy, politics and cancel culture, I've decided that I should avoid Twitter as much as possible. I've seen all of the war going on in the vsynth community, and Twitter in general has always been full of controversy, politics and threats.

So basically, here's the rundown for 2020.

  • Hanabi (creator of Crecia Selestawa) was revealed to be an abuser because her victims couldn't take it anymore.
  • Twins193 was revealed to be a groomer preying on Dav-P. Twins made an apology but people are still suspicious of them.
  • Canon (creator of Namine Ritsu) was cancelled for supporting Trump.
  • In September, KaynTheWolf attempted suicide (though he was luckily stopped). A lot of backlash came about that time, with a bunch of users crusading to avenge him.
  • GreySlate made a hit list about all the users whom were "responsible" for Kayn's suicide attempt.
  • Kurukuru (NOT to be confused with Kurukurusuuzi) was attacked for faking being Japanese because of their light skin.

*sigh* This is why I never bothered to go on Twitter. It really depresses me when people whom I trust or look up to in the community get involved in these incidents. Seeing people I get along with on Discord making callout posts on Twitter makes me see worse sides of them. I'd be better off away from Twitter, it's become a receptacle of discord and accusations.

Kinoshita Crazy

I love Lily more than you
Sep 29, 2020
  • Canon (creator of Namine Ritsu) was cancelled for supporting Trump.
    [*]In September, KaynTheWolf attempted suicide (though he was luckily stopped). A lot of backlash came about that time, with a bunch of users crusading to avenge him.
    [*]GreySlate made a hit list about all the users whom were "responsible" for Kayn's suicide attempt.
I was around for this so I think I can clarify a few things because your statements might be a little one-sided and lack a lot of context.

1. People crusaded against Canon because they made some random vague poll about whether people liked Trump or Biden more, with Biden winning the poll in a landslide. In the replies they made a tweet saying they "prefer" Trump over Biden in Japanese. The tweet was then google translated by a decently popular cover artist who used it to send a bunch of her followers to harass and spam Canon's Twitter with crude language and inappropriate behavior because even though many of them are in their late teens, they can't help but act like 5-year-olds when on Twitter.

Keep in mind we don't actually know all of Canon's beliefs. It is very irresponsible to make such drastic assumptions like "Canon supports racism" or other extreme beliefs based on a single tweet that was translated through Google.

2. What happened with Kayn was a direct result of that first situation. Kayn replied to the cover artist asking if what Canon tweeted mattered. It later devolved into the cover artist getting into a Twitter spat with Kayn with both sides admittedly getting toxic. However, many of the cover artists followers started to bully and harass Kayn saying some pretty messed up things. The Cover artist was also partially responsible because instead of walking away, she continued to fight with them and get toxic. Admittedly, Kayn also refused to just walk away, which is why the situation escalated as far as it did

3. I could not find any information on a hit list. But a lot of people did say a lot of messed up things on all sides, and in the end, the cover artist was "vindicated" because more people liked them and they had a bigger follower base.

I don't think anyone was "responsible" for Kayn's suicide attempt, but I do think they are responsible for their own behavior. I think everyone acted incredibly childish and inappropriately with arguably the cover artist being worse because she got her fanbase involved. Nobody in that situation was ultimately innocent and it sucks that one side came out "on top" because honestly both sides should have been knocked down a peg for their petty behavior on Twitter and the things that were said.
Obviously by "knocked down a peg" I mean neither side should have been rewarded for their childish behavior. One side was rewarded heavily with a bunch of Twitter followers and praise and the other side got shunned and attacked by a bunch of people.
Last edited:


Watch Levius and Stan Natalia Cromwell
Sep 16, 2019
The Kayn situation definitely got out of hand honestly I think that stuff is better kept away from here. (Of course this is not me saying you can’t talk about it. I’m not a mod this is just my personal opinion) It’s a pretty heavy topic and the whole situation was just bad and messy drama and it’s over now thankfully.


Vocal Synth Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2020
Since I mentioned him in another thread, it reminded me of a opinion I've had for a while.

I dislike Yohioloid's design. It is just a anime version of Yohio, which is boring to me. For me personally, I like it when the design is different from the VP. I do not mind when the design takes inspiration from the VP, like how Nemu's hair was based off of her VP's haircut at the time, or Ruby's clothing was inspired by her VP's hometown, but Yohioloid's goes too far and ends up being a boring design for me.

I do not know if this one is unpopular or not, but I thought I could say it as well.
This is not directed towards any producer in particular, but rather all producers. I have noticed a lot of producers mention that they are tired of making music or working with vocal synths, and part of me wonders if it is because of burnout from making what was once their passion into their job.
Many of you are probably aware of this, or have experienced this, but, the reason why a lot of artists(artist referring to anyone who creates) start professional, then pick up a job and turn their art into a hobby is because they often get burnout and dislike what they are doing because they constantly have to do it or else lose popularity and followers. The latter is already very stressful, since managing your business(for lack of better words) is hard. You have to track Youtube watchers to see what they are interested in, sometimes draw fanart of what is popular currently even if you do not care for it simply because it is what is popular now. I have not seen this much in writing, most likely because everyone accepts that writing is a long process, but I have seen some people turn their writing back into a hobby.
I know personally that I could never turn music into a job, so I wonder if more producers took it as a hobby/side-job, they would not have as much difficulty with it.
But it seems like a lot crave into fan demands, pressure from the community from others who are able to produce content more frequently(which is a valid feeling to feel, sometimes I feel like I could do better when it comes to making covers), or wish to stay relevant, when in reality, your true fans are the ones who will wait months for your next song, or your next piece, or your book, etc.
Now obviously everyone is different, and some people may not experience this. I still wanted to mention it however. Sometimes it feels like burnout is celebrated in the community, which makes sense since it overlaps with art communities that also struggle with it, but burnout should not be celebrated.
I also just woke up about an hour or so ago, so this is probably a mess. Feel free to question me on anything that did not make sense or I did not explain well enough.

Overcast Immortal

Budding producer
Dec 4, 2018
Since I mentioned him in another thread, it reminded me of a opinion I've had for a while.

I dislike Yohioloid's design. It is just a anime version of Yohio, which is boring to me. For me personally, I like it when the design is different from the VP. I do not mind when the design takes inspiration from the VP, like how Nemu's hair was based off of her VP's haircut at the time, or Ruby's clothing was inspired by her VP's hometown, but Yohioloid's goes too far and ends up being a boring design for me.

I also think Yohioloid has a dull and uninteresting design, plus an awkward and uninspired name. I think the name and design are quite bottom-of-the-barrel in terms of creativity and expressiveness despite being well drawn. Like you said, it's just anime Yohio. Not only that, it's anime Yohio without the fancy costumes, hair, and makeup that Yohio was known to wear around the time Yohioloid was made. The design wasn't even themed or anything. I don't know who it was supposed to appeal to.


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
I also think Yohioloid has a dull and uninteresting design, plus an awkward and uninspired name. I think the name and design are quite bottom-of-the-barrel in terms of creativity and expressiveness despite being well drawn. Like you said, it's just anime Yohio. Not only that, it's anime Yohio without the fancy costumes, hair, and makeup that Yohio was known to wear around the time Yohioloid was made. The design wasn't even themed or anything. I don't know who it was supposed to appeal to.
Yeah, he definitely needed a better name... fun fact, I used to think his name was Yoholoid. So every time I saw it, all I could think of was

Ultimately, I feel like he had a lot of potential, but he was half-assed and, as a result, he’s one of the least remarkable Vocaloids ever released.


Vocal Synth Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2020
I also think Yohioloid has a dull and uninteresting design, plus an awkward and uninspired name. I think the name and design are quite bottom-of-the-barrel in terms of creativity and expressiveness despite being well drawn. Like you said, it's just anime Yohio. Not only that, it's anime Yohio without the fancy costumes, hair, and makeup that Yohio was known to wear around the time Yohioloid was made. The design wasn't even themed or anything. I don't know who it was supposed to appeal to.
You summed up my thoughts and added more onto them. During the development of the bank, they had thought of naming it Hio instead of Yohioloid I believe, and I wish they had done that instead of a awkward attempt at replicating Gackpoid, Megpoid, and any other Vocaloid that ended in loid/oid's, names. I never realized it was not themed until you pointed it out. That makes it even more bland. The only theme is has is a vague music theme that I only noticed now by looking at the art again. I believe Visual Kei was one of Yohio's biggest inspirations, so why did they not include that in his design?
Perhaps they were trying to appeal to as many demographics as possible by giving him a anime-styled design because the Vocaloid fanbase is comprised of fans of anime, but not too anime(as in anime hair, clothes, etc)and chose something more simple to advertise it to western audiences that PowerFX always tried to aimed towards, even though Yohio wore those kinds of clothes like you said.

@peaches2217 I think I am going to have to refer to him as Yoholoid from now on:clara_ani_lili:now I wish someone would animate Patchy's dance in MMD with a Yohioloid- pardon, a Yoholoid model.
I believe a poll was done once, and he ranked as the least popular Vocaloid in Japan. He was first in the English communities surprisingly. I think the poll was done before the release of Avanna, Oliver and the DDR trio, as they seem to be the most popular ones from my observations.


Hardcore Fan
Apr 8, 2018
Yohioloid's design was chosen through a contest overseen by powerfx, and the winner appears to have been chosen by Yohio himself. I get not wanting vocaloids to be carbon copies of their voice provider, but that was clearly what Powerfx wanted...Sartika's design (the one we have now) was also based off an actual outfit Yohio wore once, so the claim that its not similar to what Yohio wore at the time is confusing to me.

Oliver was also released slightly before Yohioloid. IMO, Yohioloid was a pretty standard Engloid for the time, warts and all.
I agree that pirate yohioloid would have been a more fun design though! pirating vocaloids is not endorsed by me though


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
I'm also pretty sure that while Hio was used as an unofficial nickname (and still is) it was never considered as official.
Honestly I don't see why it's any worse than Internet doing the same thing in V2.

Honestly he looks more visually intersting than pretty much every Crypton V1 or 2 imo

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