I kind of wish we had more voice acted English banks, but I just know they will bomb in sales
We're in such a predicament with English banks, aren't we? Everyone would like a natural, non-voice-acted vocal that's perfect for pop (look at the "if x celeb voiced a character" etc etc), but if someone like Madison Beer provided her voice it'd probably be crickets for everyone who isn't already a fan, or who has no idea who she is because of these reasons: Individual characteristics end up getting lost in the process - or get distorted by the synth and turned into a nasal buzz - and we're left with a "generic, boring, sounds like x" voicebank with hardly anything notable about it - which sucks, but it's just how it's been for forever. That's the reason I feel natural banks are
so hit or miss with the general fandom. or they're just boring, like Avanna's voice type. The most perfect, non-japanese, pop-ready natural voicebanks we have right now are Maika, Gumi, Cyber-Songman, and maybe Fukase but that's such a small pool of vocals and people might not enjoy them for their own reasons.
Voice-acted banks are another story, they'll be dragged to hell and back because of how they sound too nasally or weird. It reminds me of the subs vs dubs discourse, where fans will proclaim that ENG dubs sound cringe and fake but praise the Japanese, despite not knowing how bad that voice-acting might sound to native Japanese people. I don't think I have a solution for this one, other than they'd just need to keep going and hope fans like what they put out or do a "vote for the voice actor based on samples" kinda thing, which would probably benefit the Engloid community a lot. I applaud you Engloid stans for persevering tbh. :')
I can't condense my thoughts and I'm just thinking out loud so i apologise for making you read novels