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  • I never thought vocatwt would somehow get worse, but they found a way to end 2020 with a bang.
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    The AHS stream seems to be focused on Tsuina-Chan. They have showed off some designs, LINE emotes, and now fanart. Perhaps at the end they will announce something new for the kickstarter?
    If it was not for SynthV AI, I think I would be getting off of the AI hype train now.
    (Though I still love Neutrino, but it is technically a hybrid engine now because of the editor, so does it count?)
    Lately, I am debating on whether waiting for CeVIO Pro, or buying regular CeVIO in case they do not bring over all the voicebanks. It would be better to wait for Pro and see if the engine noise is decreased, as well as improved voicebanks, but I also do not want to miss out on any voicebanks if they are discontinued when Pro launches. I do not think they will be discontinued, but I am not sure. I am trying to focus on Vocaloid right now, so that is at least preventing me from buying any CeVIO banks currently.
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    Wait for ai it'll be a game changer I also think they'll eventually all come over. Maybe not the colorful series and haloloid but most of them yes
    I’d go ahead and buy some of the voicebanks you’re worried about being discontinued. If they get updated, great, they get some better quality. I just wouldn’t take my chances
    @Prism The Colorful series is the ones I am worried about. I am not worried about ONE, IA or Sasara since they seem popular enough, but I am not sure the Colorful series will. I am still iffy on AI but I do want to give it a chance. I am not worried about Haloloid since he seems to be a free VB. It would be odd to take it down, but who knows.

    @VocaloSynthesis That is what I have been thinking, but the engine noise really grates on me, and I have heard some of them can be glitchy, so I am hoping they get updated. I am hoping that the lack of news on Pro means that I will have enough time to eventually buy them, but I am not sure.
    I am (almost) settled after the move. I still have a lot of things to unpack, and I am planning to focus on my hobbies more, since I have noticed in the past two days how much more I can get done when I am not constantly checking the forum(I do it a lot as procrastination. I have that problem with any social media sites I have noticed.) so I may not be as active. I am still going to check the news, so I will not be completely gone. Speaking of the news, I am going to have to see that NT design.

    edit: Grammar
    Tomorrow is the day I move. I am already exhausted, so wish me luck that I make it through.
    Best of luck! I hope all goes well with the move :happy:
    Thank you :matcha_smile_lili:So far it has gone very well.
    I do not mind having PV-only songs in Project Diva since we get to have full-versions, but I do wish we would get modules based off of them. Meiko really needs more modules, and Jitterbug would have been the perfect time to add one.
    I forgot to say Happy Halloween yesterday. I cannot blame myself, the move-in date is getting closer, and I did some packing yesterday, so I am getting more and more tired as of late.
    Please take it easy, alright? Rest when you can and make sure you’re drinking plenty of water!
    Thank you very much Peaches:matcha_smile_lili: I will make sure to do that. I have been resting as much as possible and relaxing when I need to. There is just so much surrounding the move that even that is not enough sadly to keep me from being tired. I have not been drinking much water, so thank you for reminding me that I need to. It is the one thing I always forget to do.
    RT took RWBY down from their Youtube channel:kaito_lili:that was the way I was watching it.
    Blue Of Mind
    Blue Of Mind
    I've heard there's been a lot of problems with Rooster Teeth recently. Maybe they're preparing to close up shop?
    They said that they removed them because the site is about to be able to be compatible with streaming devices so you can "watch on the big screen", despite already being able to do that with Youtube. But that seems like a poor excuse. There have been a lot of problems throughout the whole year, both regarding controversies and financial issues, so there is a good chance it will either be sold off or closed by the end of the year if Volume 8 does not perform well. I cannot remember who owns them(It is either AT&T or Warner) or if they are owned at all, so who knows where IPs like RWBY and Camp Camp are going to go if it is closed. I would think their parent companies would keep the IPs, but if they do not perform well, they might sell them off for cheap.
    I hope it does not affect the game WayForward is making at least. I want a good RWBY game very badly.
    I am going to try to learn how to do 2D animation. It looks hard, but maybe if I start out with small things I will eventually be able to do bigger projects.
    You should look into The Animator's Survival Kit (Richard Williams) and Cartoon Animation (Preston Blair). They are both part of the curriculum for a lot of 2D animators. (I used to go to animation school/draw animations. I think starting out with things like simple eye blink/hair moving animations along with ball bouncing animations are what people usually start out with before going into something like a walk cycle.)
    I will look into those. Thank you :gackpo_rylitah:
    I stumbled onto R/The10thDentist by accident. I think I need another bottle of eye bleach to get that post about the guy and his cousin, and the comments justifying him, out of my mind.
    Edit to avoid double posting: And now AI and Kafu are having more problems. That engine cannot seem to catch a break.
    While I was on SynthV's product page, I noticed they have not added Minus for some reason to the page. I do not think she is on AniCute either now that I think about it.
    I have been wondering something lately regarding one of Neutrino's voicebanks, JSUT. It is labeled as a different vocal, but it sounds exactly like Yoko and has her character. Is she Yoko but with slightly different configurations, or is she supposed to be different?
    Jsut is sampled off a male children choir. It could be because he sings in a classical style like yoko. If you was wondering this is what he sounds on nnsvs a different synth
    Listen to 2020/05/25 Haru Ga Kita (5) JSUT-song by r9y9 on #SoundCloud
    Here's yoko
    Listen to 2020/05/21 Haru Ga Kita (2) NIT-SONG070 by r9y9 on #SoundCloud
    Thank you so much for these! They sound quite different here, aside from the classical style. It is odd that they sound so similar on Neutrino.
    It has just been announced that Kiritan will be coming to EmVoice! You can hear her demo song here.
    I am honestly just confused as to why Kiritan is getting a CeVIO AI bank when she is already on Neutrino. You can get her for free on Neutrino, so what is the purpose of buying her CeVIO AI bank unless it sounds drastically different?
    Its probably they want to use the database they made for research in a commerical way. Also since her database is public data cevio might of trained a model to get them
    Well, people are very willing to crowdfund the Zunko sisters' endeavors, so I think people spending money on a commercial product would show support not only for the character and company, but also fund future products.
    @TheStarPalace That sounds plausible. After reading Uncreepy's post in the Kiritan CeVIO AI thread, apparently she is very popular.
    @uncreepy That would be good for the company to get more support. I only hope that Kiritan's AI version really is worth it.
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