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Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
Blanaero is right, Misha's just testing out her V4 in the V5 engine.

In terms of updates, I'd actually prefer it if V4s weren't updated. From what I've heard so far, I don't think a V5 voicebank in V5 would sound much different to a V4 voicebank in V5. Which is good, because it means fans can get V5's improvements without re-buying the Vocaloid.

If we get an update, I hope it's either a V1/V2 or a product that comes with new voicebanks! That would be a nice addition, regardless of engine.


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
I agree with some of the others -- the only real beef I have with the V2->V5 stuff is that if it takes 2 seconds to gt a V2 to work in V5, the only real reason I can see for Yamaha not supporting them is pure pettiness. Like, if the product works fine as long as it's "allowed" to (not going further out of respect for Move's instructions, but if you're really interested you can look it up on your own of course), and has no compatibility issues once it's in the editor, can it really be pinned down to outdated software?

Buttt my saltiness aside, I am quite excited for how the samples we're hearing so far sound. Avanna and Cyva especially, and vocal fry is so good... If we get an update for anyone, aside from the V1s who I know are a far off dream I want Tonio or Sonika V5. I'd pray for Ann and Al too but PFX are out of the game it seems so... :(


👵Escaped from the retirement home
Apr 9, 2018
I don't think it's pettiness. I think it's the fact that the V1-V2 software is getting outdated and they already don't want to provide support (I imagine the phonemes aren't up to the current standards as well), most of the companies with old voice banks like Piko from that time dropped out of the Vocaloid game (just cause you can find some old boxes on various websites doesn't mean the software's not "retired" in Yamaha's eyes). They probably would rather force everyone to upgrade and get the 4 free Vocaloids that lack cool designs so they can appeal to a broarder audience of producers compared to some otaku who are die-hard fans of certain vocals and are still waiting after like 7 years for updates. S: (Sorry if what I said sounds grumpy.)


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
I guess. I mean, I get what you're saying (you don't sound mean, don't worry). It's just frustrating, I suppose, considering that they specifically claim the banks don't work when,, they do,, just fine?

Their choice though, their company, their decisions on how to move forward. I'm just peeved about it *sigh*


feng yi supremacy
Apr 8, 2018
elsewhere looking for oarfish
everyone has been screaming left and right for vocals on the V3/4 engine to come to V5, and don't get me wrong there are a few V3 titles I'd love to see upgraded to V5.... but tbh? I'd much rather have more focus on the V2s and V1s who are just outdated now. Like Piko and the old Engloids? they're basically dead. and yeah it's actually really weird that yamaha doesn't allow backwards compatibility to V2 even tho the banks seem to work just fine in V5... i just dunno what's up with that. like yeah maybe they're just trying to get old die hard fans on board with their shiny new voice banks, but like it's such a stab in the back

I so desperately want the V2 and V1 Engloids to come to the new engine, esp the PFX titles which makes me even more sad


Aspiring Fan
May 3, 2018
It's most likely something contractual. With every new engine the companies have to sign up for it again, don't they? So if a company being out of the game basically means they're out of the contracts, offering official support to get V2s on V5 would probably run over that. Like "yes we had a contract for you to make a product back on V2, but we're on V5 now so legally things are different." So to allow an official way, like develop and publish a direct plugin or whatever, would mean having to go back and mess around with legally outdated permissions.
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May 2, 2018
I believe many v1 recording as v2 don't meet Yamaha's newer recording quality standards. I remember hearing that crypton rerecorded kaito and meiko from scratch because of it. Even the v2s that got updates usually have to have serious, difficult/expensive editing.


Aspiring Fan
Apr 8, 2018
Maryland USA
I believe many v1 recording as v2 don't meet Yamaha's newer recording quality standards. I remember hearing that crypton rerecorded kaito and meiko from scratch because of it. Even the v2s that got updates usually have to have serious, difficult/expensive editing.
I believe Wat mentioned remastering all the V1/V2 voicebanks from the original voice samples and releasing them as appends.


Aspiring Fan
Jun 12, 2018
I'm back again with something else to think about. So we know that V5 allows you to manipulate the voice which lets you change the sound of the voice. Which kinda eliminates the need for additional voicebanks per character. But what about VY1 and VY2's V5 updates? There is only one bank to choose from in the list for each. I wonder if all their voicebanks got merged into one or if they just kept the default since you can manipulate the voices to sound similar to the other voicebanks?
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May 17, 2018
Kira gave Gumi English a run in V5

Since i'm here I have a question for producers here about V5. I'm not a producer so i'm sorry if it sounds a bit wonky.

I was wondering if the enhancements & changes V5 provide had made it easier to make songs not in a voicebank(s) native language. Like say if someone tried to v4 flower inside of v5 for english or used Miku's v3/4 banks to make her sing spanish.

I know the removal of job plugins also meant the incompatibility of the Maika eng plugin Voctro made along with modified versions made to make it easier for SeeU/UNI to sing in english and that germanization program AHS had released too. I'm wondering how that would affect things too.
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