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What games do you guys play?


New Fan
Jul 24, 2020
The Tales series...going back and replaying the older ones in the series like Destiny 2 and I can't stop. There's just so much replay value in these games with New Game + that I have lost most desire to play other games...


fka. luwo
Oct 24, 2020
I've recently started playing Genshin Impact (f2p of course) and I'm enjoying it a fair bit! The content is a bit limited right now but it's been a lot of fun, especially for someone who refuses to whale on it dfdfdf. I'm also replaying Dying Light too, though progress is slow bc Genshin Impact.


fka. luwo
Oct 24, 2020
Oh, they've been okay I suppose! It took me until around AR20 to even learn I got free wishes in my mail (before the nerf) so I had a decent amount dfgdfg. I managed to pull Klee but I haven't been so lucky when it comes to other banners. I'm not too bothered considering we get Barbara and Xiangling for free, then we get Fischl in the 1.1 update too iirc. I would like to get Keqing or Sucrose at some point though! I have hardly any Primogems ready for the next update LMAO


The Man Without The Plan
Staff member
I've not had too much luck either. Pulled Venti in the last banner (Twice even!) but god are the rates so bad. I think I tried for Klee once, but only got Xianging(or however you spell his name) twice. That was disheartening to say the least.

Discounted account

Give up on Control, it stressing me out alot and it getting too much for me and lost interest in the game. In the game, you collect lucky cats and there room with lucky cats, but game stress me out. Also seen a Lucky Cat in a office and Rubber Duck.

Try playing worms games, been long since played a worm game, Worm Rumble is somekind of multyplayer game. Enjoyed Worms Battlefield until it got stupid, got stuck on few missions and one mission I stop playing and got me mad, there bit you use fire punch the bollon but unable to reach it even use jump and double jump but not going anywhere, seen on youtube and it seem to do it which I try to do. It anger me why it work with other and not me. What game does that.

Started playing Watch dogs Legion to get some trophies but it got to unable to to get platium trophy. Started playing Life is Strange games to get trophies from threm.ir

I did play this game called Gone Home, and on to playing Fire watch I see it on Youtube but want to play them myself.


I wanna scream
Jan 23, 2020
My computer
I’ve been playing a lot of Jet Set Radio and man, how did i not get into these games sooner? I absolutely love the characters and its just fun to play! Plus the soundtrack is an absolute b o p so expect me to listen to it religiously on a daily basis ndjdnfenjdnejd

sorry i just wanted an excuse to ramble about these games because they’re fun


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
I've been playing a lot of Phasmophobia lately and it is so fun! I'm a big scaredy cat but when I play with friends it's not so bad haha.

Discounted account

Played Firewatch which I enjoyed and Two Batman Tales games, Detiort Become Human, Beyond Two Souls and again, Watchdogs Legion cos they got new mission. Now The Sims 4, now I'm addcited.


fka. luwo
Oct 24, 2020
I recently started playing Alchemy Stars after not playing anything for absolutely ages! Usually I'm hesitant to play new gachas because a lot don't look interesting to me, but this has pleasantly surprised me. The rates are also pretty nice too!


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
I've been playing Fate (the 2005 one, I've yet to try the sequels), Idk if I'm just bad at video games or if it's just a really hard game because even on the second lowest difficulty I am dying all the time. :ring_ani_lili:

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I finally got round to playing Project Diva MegaMix a couple weeks ago. I don't keep up with Project Diva as much as you'd think because they're usually released on Sony consoles, but is it just me or have the later Diva games gotten way harder than the older ones? I mean, yeah, Sega has to increase the challenge in every entry in order to accommodate the people who can ace Extreme and Extra Extreme, but while I used to be able to whizz through Extreme in Project Diva 2nd on PSP, on MegaMix I've been struggling on Normal. :confused:

Or maybe I'm just rusty at Diva because I haven't played it for a long while.


russian translator
Apr 18, 2018
I play in "A.I.M.", which means "Artificial Intelligence Machine" (that is, "Механоиды"). I play in first part of game.
This game consist of 7 areas. Every area is an open world. They are connected with special teleports you must to find. Area has two general bases, several special bases and save buildings, and several clan bases. You may be free or may enter some clan. Clans have various aims in a sector (area), has certain enemy clans.
And in this world there is you - a mechanical glider, which you can change, buy, fight, win and trade. Your choice. Bases can give you tasks and payment for their execution.
This game is very old, about 20 years ago.



*Luna fan number one
Jul 30, 2022
I mainly play a game named Time Princess. It's a dress up and story game similar to Love / Shining Nikki just that it's focussed on more historically clothes and there are many diffrent stories from diffrent eras / countries etc. Instead of anime it's in a more semi-realistic Dinsey style (?). Every time there's a new book coming out I would finish it and if I have no books to read I'm silently doing my dailies to hoard enough material for the next story. I have a thing for story based games in general


robot enjoyer
Sep 10, 2020
Oh man, one of my housemates *loves* dirt rally. We never hear the end of it.

Lately I've been addicted to the Yakuza/ryu ga gotoku series. I recently started one of the spin-offs called Judgement, where you play as a former lawyer detective and collaborate with a few interesting characters, including a former yakuza that incidentally is a himbo-type (he is my favorite, I cannot explain why), to find clues and solve crimes. And you get to beat people up, of course. My favorite in the series thus far has actually been Yakuza 7, which has a large ensemble cast and a pretty good story. Yakuza 0 has the best dramatic writing by far, but Yakuza 7 won me over with everything else.


russian translator
Apr 18, 2018
My computer is very old (of 2006 year), that is why I play only in old games.
Though I did not end them... I'm not disappointed.


robot enjoyer
Sep 10, 2020
I think there's a lot to be said for old games. I love Windows 98 games and games from very old consoles, like the Atari 2600.

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