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General Discussion Thread

Overcast Immortal

Budding producer
Dec 4, 2018
I wonder what would happen if Yamaha ever did close up their Vocaloid line completely. Vocaloid is the base technology behind the Vocaloid synths made by a bunch of companies, so I assume the authorization servers/etc. are run by Yamaha. If Yamaha pulls out, do the servers keep running? Surely all those other companies' VBs wouldn't become unable to authorize new users?

(Not that any of us would know the answer to that, I guess....)
I would expect everything to work as is for years, maybe the better part of a decade. V3's and V4's in particular are still very popular and are still selling. I imagine that's enough motivation for Yamaha to continue to authenticate them.


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
I would expect everything to work as is for years, maybe the better part of a decade. V3's and V4's in particular are still very popular and are still selling. I imagine that's enough motivation for Yamaha to continue to authenticate them.
Makes sense. Even if they pull out otherwise, I'd imagine the cost of the authentication hardware would be low enough that it would be worth it to them to continue enjoying the royalties (I assume.) of other companies using their platform. It seems like it would be a pretty cheap/easy way to keep making money.


Hardcore Fan
Apr 8, 2018
Yeah, for sure. It seems they're all either the same generic male voice or a genderbend of an existing UTAU... sadly, genderbent UTAU rarely sound good because it gives their voice too awkward of a tone... (though, I did notice that decreasing Matsudappoiyo's g flag gives him a younger sounding tone and makes the engine noise a little less noticeable. :unsure:)
(Also, if anyone has any male UTAU recommendations, I'd love to hear them.)
Haha, I go out of my way to read through all the UTAU wikis and I have a few UTAU friends so here's some!

Powerful voices: Sukoya, KYE, Mine Laru, Akiyama Daichi, Kaneka Yarao, Kiei Suikomi, Neil Natsute, Rook, Shouha, Hakupo Tsukishiro, Soboroppoino
Does, uh, Ritsu count...?

Deep voices: Hibiki Shinji, Soon Roko, Jinpachi Hamuro, Akihana, Caeles

Sweeter/Softer voices: Nagine Yohji, Soune Taya, Suranki, Kyouon Max, Tohka Itsuru, Cor Suzuki, Kevin Futarine

All rounders: Mario Fuwa, Mine Laru, Sora Suiga, Type A, Bullard
Sep 21, 2019
Wow! Thank you so much for the recommendations! :D

I adore Rook and Ritsu's voices! I've heard of Mine Laru, but I keep forgetting to try his VB, so thank you for reminding of him! XD

There's so many that I've never heard of before, I'll have to take a look at all of them! Thanks for such a helpful post!! :D
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カイミク || Len English || Arsloid || V5/Piapro
Staff member
Apr 9, 2018
Anyway, I have read comments on V5 in Japanese on Twitter and they were actually similar to the complaints the Western fans have. Such as it being too expensive for hobbyists, they frequently posts videos of bugs, and some complain about lack of male vocals.
It is a wishful dream of a new or updated male vocaloid with a V5 starter pack. (No V5 main Vocaloids nor other stuff that we don't need/want to lower down the cost to a decent price) :kiyoterunatural_lili:
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Jul 14, 2019
The Internet™
Tbh, good male voices are hard to come by, even with UTAU despite anyone being able to make one. I feel like male voices tend to just kinda stick to one type of tone (deep, masculine, and powerful) for the most part and don't really branch out... makes it difficult when you're like me and you want more young male sounding vocals (think Kagamine Len) or just more tone variation. I know I could just use Len, but sometimes I don't wanna use him for everything that requires a male vocal. (I have this issue when trying to cover Rin/Len songs. I'm not gonna use Len for a cover when he already sang the original. >.>)
Well I've always seen the male voice in general way less versatile than the female voice. Listening to mainstream music, a lot of male singers tend to fall into that category as you've described. So I don't really see it much as not branching out, but rather that it's already so difficult to find anything outside that. Maybe that's why a lot of the producers I know tend to use female voicebanks more.


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
(That moment when you know and regularly listen to all these producers. :nemu_lili:)
Good for them!!
I'm definitely even more pumped now that I'm seeing some of my favorite names on here.
I love this trend of anniversary compilation albums, they're really cute and also a great way to get a ton of new content for vocaloids that don't get much original work anymore.
Sep 21, 2019
You know, I've noticed something odd about Yamaha's English Vocaloid channel. Their tutorials seem to point out painfully obvious things, and don't really show Vocaloid's true potential. Also, their tutorials don't seem to be for things that are particularly helpful (the most recent one I remember was how to make Cyber Songman mumble rap...). They seem to have people who aren't familiar with the software doing the tutorials, which seems odd as there are plenty of experienced producers who speak English. Crusher-P, Kyaami, Kira, Circus-P, etc. speak English, so I don't see why Yamaha doesn't hire more experienced people who can truly show off the software's capabilities.

I find it quite strange that they don't market Vocaloid at all outside of the rare uploads on the Vocaloid YouTube channels. Vocaloid's an amazing piece of software, why wouldn't they want to make a big marketing deal out of it? It doesn't make sense to me.

(Though, part of me is glad Vocaloid isn't mainstream because I feel like if it was, all the producers we know and love would be overshadowed and Vocaloid wouldn't be the cool niche thing that it is.)


Oct 8, 2019
Those things might seem obvious to us, people who are familiar with Vocaloid or other voice-synths but I think those tutorials are meant for producers who haven't even touched any voice synth in their life. Rap isn't very popular in this community because it's hard to make vocaloids rap decently but it is fairly popular among those outside of our community.

Speaking of rap, I think it would be nice to have vocaloid specifically designed for rap. It could bring in some new people into the community too.

I wonder how development of such vocaloid would look like because rapping isn't quite like singing. Perhaps you'd need new editor altogether for rap. Like how we have voiceroid for talking.
Sep 21, 2019
Actually, that'd be pretty cool! It might have to be separate synthesizer (or even Vocaloid 6, because I don't recall new features being added to a current editor after it release, but correct me if I'm wrong). I'd be down if the new Piapro (though it's not Vocaloid) had a feature like that. (In a way they do with their voice coating tech; but something with manual input would be good for those of us who can't rap ourselves*cough*me*cough*.)
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