Yeah, for sure. It seems they're all either the same generic male voice or a genderbend of an existing UTAU... sadly, genderbent UTAU rarely sound good because it gives their voice too awkward of a tone... (though, I did notice that decreasing Matsudappoiyo's g flag gives him a younger sounding tone and makes the engine noise a little less noticeable.
(Also, if anyone has any male UTAU recommendations, I'd love to hear them.)
Haha, I go out of my way to read through all the UTAU wikis and I have a few UTAU friends so here's some!
Powerful voices:
Sukoya, KYE, Mine Laru, Akiyama Daichi, Kaneka Yarao, Kiei Suikomi, Neil Natsute, Rook, Shouha, Hakupo Tsukishiro, Soboroppoino
Does, uh, Ritsu count...?
Deep voices: Hibiki Shinji, Soon Roko, Jinpachi Hamuro, Akihana, Caeles
Sweeter/Softer voices: Nagine Yohji, Soune Taya, Suranki, Kyouon Max, Tohka Itsuru, Cor Suzuki, Kevin Futarine
All rounders: Mario Fuwa, Mine Laru, Sora Suiga, Type A, Bullard