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Unpopular Opinions


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
I've noticed that the vocal synth community had been very dismissive towards the works of those who take the realistic or more specifically "ornate" tuning approach with their songs and covers as of late.

It's okay to have a preferences as to how vocal synths are approcahed but turning up your nose at it, when it takes so much labour and time to develop such skill, is rather stuck up.
This seems to be sort of a Newton-law type reaction to the disdain for "robotic" styles that was going around a short time previously. It seems like historically (even back to like 09) popular opinion has swung between the two. Both are fine but tell that to someone who likes one and is constantly seeing others talk down upon it lol.

...I've been real annoyed lately with people who, if they find out you aren't a fan of a vocal, go "but how can you not be, they sound so good in these 5 songs I'm going to randomly send to you and won't shut up about!" Kaito and Ritsu fans have historically been real bad about this in my experience personally


Aspiring ∞ Creator
Apr 8, 2018
Every so often, I see the opinion come up that the recent CFM concerts don't look as good as the older ones. But I can't say I agree with that.

I think there are some things that don't happen every year that might give rise to the idea that newer concerts don't look as good as older ones. For instance, I think Mirai 2013 had a warm-up act with two human dancers who danced around with glowing light orbs. I think that was the only year I've seen with something like that, until Mirai 2017, when Miku performed what looked like a similar/the same dance herself. Or there are other things, like when the CFM 'loids interact with the set--for example, Rin throws her microphone away during Lost Ones' Weeping, or puts her foot up on the speaker/lights, something Miku also did in Mirai 2020. Heck, in 2020 she even sat on them while singing one of the songs. There are also instances of interaction with the band members, where the vocalists look at them or acknowledge them in some way, or the band members come down and play alongside them. I thought for awhile that those things only happened in older concerts, until 2017 (I think.), when both guitarists were next to Miku for Kimagure Mercy. Stuff like that adds a whole additional level of realism that I think is really special, and while it doesn't occur every year, it's not exclusive to the earlier concerts, either.

IMO, in terms of its colored/lights/lasers/light panels, Mirai 2019 is the most visually spectacular concert I've seen so far. Mirai 2020 will be hard to comment too much on, since almost all the other Mirais I've seen have been in Tokyo and have been during non-pandemic times. Even so, 2020 certainly attempted to do something groundbreakingly cool with the behind-the-singer perspective, even if I think that attempt didn't work out as well as it could have due to reflections. 2019 also probably saw more audience participation than before, with both Luka and Miku interacting with different halves of the audience independently. Like the interactions with the band members or the set, that adds another powerful feeling of realism. So while the same things don't happen every year, I think each year has its own special stuff, and the concert staff seems to be continuing to push the envelope to try new things and make each coming year a little bit better and different.
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Oct 8, 2019
Patchwork Staccato is painfully annoying song. I wish I could give deep pretentious analysis as to why but you most likely don't and I can't quite put my finger on it anyways so lucky you~ Prolly cuz it sounds like something Taylor Swift would've written? I dunno...eithar way let's just say I'll be boo-ing and throwing tomatoes at the next loid who'll be tick-tocking at me next time and leave it at that.


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
Patchwork Staccato is painfully annoying song. I wish I could give deep pretentious analysis as to why but you most likely don't and I can't quite put my finger on it anyways so lucky you~ Prolly cuz it sounds like something Taylor Swift would've written? I dunno...eithar way let's just say I'll be boo-ing and throwing tomatoes at the next loid who'll be tick-tocking at me next time and leave it at that.
*slowly drags my patchwork staccato cover into the recycle bin*
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Dec 10, 2020
Patchwork Staccato is painfully annoying song. I wish I could give deep pretentious analysis as to why but you most likely don't and I can't quite put my finger on it anyways so lucky you~ Prolly cuz it sounds like something Taylor Swift would've written? I dunno...eithar way let's just say I'll be boo-ing and throwing tomatoes at the next loid who'll be tick-tocking at me next time and leave it at that.
I was going to retort and say that the Project diva game PV with the clown makes up for the song but thats Karakuri Pierrot :LOL: :LOL: I just wanted to share my mistake
ETA: Why are there Genshin Impact Characters singing the song?
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カイミク || Len English || Arsloid || V5/Piapro
Staff member
Apr 9, 2018
Everyone always seem to hate the Cryptonloids' English Voicebanks, but owning most of them they can sound good when putting work and love into them.
But Meiko on the other hand.
I'm giving her English Voicebank a try and it is a struggle. Something about her vocal tone in the end I guess. And probably on her vocal range too. Her high range above A3 is harsh most of the time. :xinhua_lili:
Maybe I need to use her a bit more on my limited time, but Meiko is forever last in line of the Cryptonloids to me for sure. :bruno_lili:


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
I'm giving her English Voicebank a try and it is a struggle. Something about her vocal tone in the end I guess. And probably on her vocal range too. Her high range above A3 is harsh most of the time.
FWIW Meiko's recommended range tops out at B3 so she isn't supposed to be used that high.

Admittedly, I've come to realize that I actually despise Rin English. She's the one bank that always, always sounds awful to me (Kaito Eng and flower at least have a FEW uses I'm ok with). There are a few songs with her I enjoy but they are in spite of her, not because of her.


Dec 10, 2020
Admittedly, I've come to realize that I actually despise Rin English. She's the one bank that always, always sounds awful to me (Kaito Eng and flower at least have a FEW uses I'm ok with). There are a few songs with her I enjoy but they are in spite of her, not because of her.
I don't despise it yet but I also find it hard to work with her. I've owned her VB for about 2 months now and every time I try to tune her I give up because she good with my tuning style. She has some interesting vocal quirks but she just sounds so muffled.

These are 2 uses of her that showed me her VB had potential and made me want to tune her.
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AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
Fukase's license is not stupid, it has valid reason to exist.

There's lots of misconceptions and double standards regarding it too but I won't be getting into that.
I actually would be curious to hear what your thoughts on this are. Since all that I ever heard about it was that his more strict license made it more hoops people had to jump through, which is why more producers didn't pick him up. I'm interested to hear a different opinion!


Oct 8, 2019
I actually would be curious to hear what your thoughts on this are. Since all that I ever heard about it was that his more strict license made it more hoops people had to jump through, which is why more producers didn't pick him up. I'm interested to hear a different opinion!
Yee! Basically it exists so Fukase ( the vp ) doesn't get exploited. They determined the voicebanks are extremely faithful to his voice provider and they don't want people claiming/implying they got his vp to sing their songs. So to combat that his license is stricter than that of regular vocaloid. It's what his company ( not Yamaha contrary to popular belief ) decided, I think it's for greater good.
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AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018
Yee! Basically it exists so Fukase ( the vp ) doesn't get exploited. They determined the voicebanks are extremely faithful to his voice provider and they don't want people claiming/implying they got his vp to sing their songs. So to combat that his license is stricter than that of regular vocaloid. It's what his company ( not Yamaha contrary to popular belief ) decided, I think it's for greater good.
Yeah, I can get that. I don't personally think the banks are actually close enough to mistake him, but I can see how careful editing and an untrained (to voice synths) ear could. It's still a bit of a bummer imo re: VB sales, but I can get why the company would be concerned!

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