Oh don't worry, I'm peeved about that as well! I have a fanmade patch that works for legit V2 that makes it run plugins, and one of them allows it to open VSQx's. It's the only way I survived back when the only editors I had were V1 and V2

I've always thought Yamaha had a terrible backwards compatibility policy, this is just the current complaint LOL
From a business standpoint it makes sense to retire old stuff and move on in time, for sure. I don't recall an official retirement (please correct me if I'm wrong -- I have a *famously* bad memory,,), but I suppose we should place it around the time the Import Tool servers were taken down and you had to start asking companies directly for codes. Anyway it is nice that V2s come with their own editor, even if it is a bit limited in comparison! V3Es being cheap is nice but since it's mostly second-hand and often has to be bought with proxy services, I won't assume that all western users necessarily know about it or will go out of their way to get one.
...Anyway it's just frustrating since the banks themselves are compatible as they are (if you add them by registry you don't have to fudge new IDs or anything, V5 will accept them as they are -- at least, this going off of a friend who tested it out in a cracked version just to see, and they were recognized -- not to mention the arguably easier DDB swap) and work well with all the fancy new functions. The V2->V5 renders some brave souls post sound really nice too. So it's just disappointing from a V2 fan POV. I don't hold like an active grudge against V5 for it anymore, but it is a bummer. I can only be glad companies continue to sell their older banks to fans. Even if the V2 Editor pisses me off, I think the era was one of the best, and it'll be a real sad day when their codes run out the same way the V1 trio's have

Again, you make logical points and I don't disagree with them totally! But I will continue to be salty about it in my lil corner jafl;askdjf