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  • I loved using Ronan Fed's PNEUMA and RF-Drums in my projects, but apparently they're no longer available, along with all his other plugins, which is sad because I just got a new computer. Thankfully I have a few other synths I like using, such as u-he's stuff, and for drums I usually fall back on PreSonus' native drum machine Impact.
    thought i had recently: arsloid introducing himself and avanna getting profoundly uncomfortable

    he states that his real name is akira and avanna breathes a HEAVY sigh of relief that she doesn't have to use what she as an irishwoman grew up to view as inappropriate slang just to refer to him (especially since referring to him as "ars" like she'd likely have gravitated to as a nickname would've sounded like an insult)
    headcanon: when prima is singing opera, she's energetic and vigorous. when she's not, she's sleepy.
    Yes, finally someone who likes Prima

    Mine is she always act like a big sister and the voice of the reason
    I always pictured her as being the kind of classy woman who hides her insecurities but still show them fully blast when singing some tragic opera tracks, is less conventional than what she seems (and the fact someone pointed out the original picture was having the model wearing earring/piercing on her ear and that was subtly removed from the boxart seems to confirm what i sensed about her)

    She's incredibly jealous whenever someone gets too close to TONIO and like the most tragic opera divas, it brings her a deep sadness, with the exception despite the inner anger and such, she barely gets as bitter as anyone can be
    i just love character designs that absolutely revel in their nationalities

    avanna's design being very unabashedly irish for example, and several japanese vocal synths are very "traditional japanese" in their look as well

    like, designs that break (or just don't follow) stereotypes are great too, it's just kinda fun to see designs that kinda go whole ham like that.
    I got a Talkloid idea where Avanna shows Miku and Gumi various Irish names and has them guess the pronunciation (not easy names, stuff like Saoirse and Caoimhe and Eoin) before telling them herself how they're pronounced

    Maybe a comment at the end (probably from Gumi) about how lucky they are that their Irish friend's name is the fairly simple "Avanna"
    Which Vocaloids can you see being enthusiastic about Christmas?

    I definitely see Avanna being a Christmas lover haha, she probably really gets into it every year (hopefully in more of a lovable way than an obnoxious way)
    I can kinda see the Cryptonloids getting together for the holidays as well, and Miku loves the holiday for the togetherness, generosity and love it brings; she loves to see everyone being kind to each other and brings her own kindness to the table as well.
    Gumi finds Christmas fun and loves the fun novelty aspects of it; she probably gets uglier and uglier sweaters every year
    —all the child vocas being super excited for xmas bc they still get presents
    —iroha being an absolute christmas fanatic whose house looks like a xmas souvenir shop as soon as november hits, competes with gumi over who has the most ugly sweaters
    —fukase being an 'ironic' xmas fanatic, sings offkey covers of christmas carols to annoy his friends all december
    —that's all i can think of rn
    so i tried daina's installer a few days ago and then today i went to empathp's facebook and automatically started reading her posts in what is more or less daina's voice

    am i gonna start reading misha's twitter in ruby's voice too? and nostraightanswer's twitter in dex's voice?
    Sometimes I still think about Avanna's missing male counterpart and what this could imply lore-wise

    Perhaps he passed away or deserted her, thus making Avanna a bit more melancholy than she'd otherwise be?
    Perhaps he was rendered mute, never to have his voice heard again, and Avanna sings partly to be the voice he lacks?
    Or in a more lighthearted path, he's otherwise fine, but can't sing for the life of him or otherwise didn't make the cut to become a Vocaloid. (That's probably what I'd pin on Dariusz, the unofficial male counterpart AkiGlancy designed. I HC him to be a born-and-bred Dubliner (or that he grew up near Dublin) of Polish descent, with an introverted, gruff-but-caring-deep-down sort of personality, and I like to imagine he's very much alive.)

    Maybe it's all of them and there were different contenders
    avanna singing energetic/"hype" songs with her soft deepish voice is hilarious

    probably best to leave those kinds of songs to miku and gumi but it's still worth a giggle

    oliver would be even funnier though. imagine oliver singing a kira song
    just found out daina and dex are the only two vocaloids whose names start with d (unless cyber diva counts)

    mainly because i had this dumb thought to recreate the studio c "dana's dead" tongue twister but it's "daina's dead". probably one of those thoughts that won't turn into anything haha
    i actually made a google doc of every vocaloid's bmi (every vocaloid with a canon, or at least conceptual, height + weight that is)

    thinnest female (and thinnest overall) is yuezheng ling at 16.0/160cm and 41kg/~5'3" and ~90lbs

    heaviest female (and heaviest, bmi-wise, overall) is avanna at 25.2/5'6" and 156lbs/~168cm and ~71kg (with her alternate weight of 110lbs/~50kg, given due to how thin her boxart appearance looks, it's brought all the way down to 17.8 though. i do agree that her boxart looks quite thin, but i do like the idea of her being more full-figured with how skinny all the other girls are)

    thinnest male is yohioloid at 18.2/177cm and 57kg/~5'10" and ~126lbs

    heaviest is big al (western design) at 23.1/6'4" and 190lbs/193cm and 86kg

    also most vocaloids with canon weights are underweight T_T
    i was listening to english-language (and some partially-english) celtic music and it made me think

    would avanna speak in a modern way...or would her speech come straight from the lyrics of these songs? with 'tis and 'twas and more gaelic-esque use of grammar at times

    she's a "pop and celtic" vocal so it's hard to know what to do. should she speak like she time-traveled from the past (or is immortal and WAY older than she looks), or should she speak like a modern-day young irish woman? or...some blend of both?
    Wouldn't surprise me if she did.. However for an unknown reason now i imagine her covering For ye Jacobites because I've auto-spammed myself with the Tri Yann's version XD
    Decided it was best not to be into like, extracting Vocaloid samples and stuff anymore. It felt like I was learning too much and the community around that was seemingly trying to convince me to do more than I was comfortable with (such as making "homebrew" Vocaloids with the devkit and the like). I figure it's best I just enjoy tuning and stuff without getting so insanely, not-so-legally deep into it.

    Yeah. I'm gonna be a good girl again.
    i missed nostraightanswer's digital stars but his setlist might've included avanna since the dots was on there

    though i dunno if it's anything compared to rewind+'s digital stars having mr kevin synthv himself
    here you are ^-^

    i saw the setlist
    sorry! I misunderstood the message and thought that you didn't know the other tracks from the setlist :tianyi_lili:
    Honestly it'd make sense, since her V2 I always imagined her being in that age range because I'd pictured her well as the big sister that would be in-between Miku and Luka's ages (you know, like in those 1990's cartoons or comics where you have the elder sister being the pepsy nerd of the family and displaying either very mature or teasing behaviour who's still a teenager, but ready to be an adult very soon compared with younger siblings)
    also, her being 17 would put her smack in the middle of miku (16) and avanna (18) which works out well for my vocaloid trio
    I hear a lot of Galaco slander but IMO her voice is nice and soft, there's nothing wrong with a soft voice. she has a unique "mutter-y" tone to her

    I think she sounds best in electronic music above all...like her VP's song, Galaxias

    (i wonder if avanna fans are statistically more likely to like galaco...soft voice, dark wavy hair, mid-length skirt :P)
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