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  • i'd like to take a moment to thank the vocaloid fandom for largely NOT dooming avanna to the status of meiko/haku type portrayals despite the stereotype of irish people drinking a lot

    we didn't need another "drunk" character just because she's irish, so i'm grateful for all the fans who didn't relegate her to that role. in fact i feel avanna is one of the more nicely-portrayed vocaloids from what i've seen

    (i mean, i guess part of it could be her being too young to drink in some countries, but still)
    Right??? Plus people would probably be quick to call out stereotypes (and of course American, Japanese, etc. fans would complain about underage drinking)

    Also I read about Irish people apparently loving flat 7up as a placebo "catch-all cure" of sorts so I have a headcanon that she really likes 7up :P (funnily enough i recall being given 7up as a kid as something to drink during an episode of a stomach bug or something)

    I've also seen her as a fan of tea lately, she might enjoy coffee as well (i imagine her to be one of those "more cream and sugar/sweetener than actual coffee" people though)
    Actually she seems so chill I picture her well in a forest playing music and being a huge fan of Alan Stivell and Tri Yann (but i guess it's just my bias lol) as well as famous Irish artists
    yeah, she's definitely got a very affable and sweet appearance which matches her soft voice
    If there's an Irish Miku for the Miku World Journey event I would probably be quick to jump to draw her with AVANNA
    i wonder if people have to be reminded that avanna is 18

    she comes across as so mature yet she's BARELY an adult (she can't even DRINK in certain countries, including my own)

    meanwhile anri is 21 and looks miku's age

    tbf this does kinda mirror real life. people act with surprise when they hear my age from time to time
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    Well, le'ts say I relate heavily to AVANNA (though I had it even worse than her at some point when being a minor OTL)
    sometimes i still think about how avanna was used in an official hello kitty cooking game

    what's funny is that i do technically see avanna being a skilled cook/baker so content of her cheerfully singing a recipe isn't too far off from my headcanons haha

    (hello kitty's magic apron, for anyone wondering. vy1 was used in the japanese version if my memory serves correct; the english version DEFINITELY uses avanna and i know because i have her)
    it's a testament to how soothing avanna's voice is that even so pitched up she doesn't sound annoying
    YES! exactly!

    i think she has a unique and special quality that not even her voice provider has. i guess it's her vp's voice combined with the vocaloid engine

    it's part of why i'm not pining for avanna ai like some other avanna fans are (other than that i'd kind of expect the ai to dilute her accent into more "neutral pop-song english" territory)
    Watched both "Angela's Christmas" specials on Netflix today. Hearing voice-acted Irish English should help me with tuning Avanna in Talkloids, as going purely off stuff like street interviews could result in something too fast and hard to understand, and too much filler. Also it's a really cute and heartwarming series. (I feel it's late enough in the year to comfortably watch Christmas movies.)

    Puffin Rock is also a thing, but most of the characters that aren't the narrator have Northern Irish accents (an accent Avanna does not have; her voice provider is from the Republic (non-UK part) of Ireland). (It is a very cute and educational series though, and if anything it could help shape Avanna's interests and perhaps the wildlife she'd be familiar with.) I've been considering picking up The Secret of Kells or something, and I've recently discovered that the kids' branch of RTE (basically the Irish equivalent to BBC) has clips of their shows up. I'm mostly going for cartoons as I'm aiming for my Talkloids to be family-friendly as well as clear and easy to understand.
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    omg secret of kells is a masterpiece but also it made me cry 😭 you should def pick it up
    I recently made a headcanon for Avanna's origins as a Zero-G Vocaloid: Zero-G sent a couple of talent scouts to Ireland with an interest in recruiting a "Celtic" singer, and though they searched among professionals, upon one of them hearing soft singing nearby as they were walking, he found the singer's voice gorgeous and decided she was the one. And thus, a freckle-faced girl (who also happened to be part-elf) was pulled off the streets of Dublin to become a professional singer. (Not that she was necessarily living on the streets, more that she just happened to be in the right place at the right time.)

    She felt depressed for a while at the news that they couldn't find the right male singer to be her promised counterpart, having searched Ireland, Scotland, Wales and even the Isle of Man. Though she suggested her friend Dariusz (a concept character Avanna's artist drew), it turned out that unfortunately he couldn't sing, so he couldn't be her counterpart. Avanna and Dariusz remain friends and keep in touch.
    Headcanon: When Avanna met the other Zero-Gs she was absolutely mortified hearing of Tonio's martini habits.

    Sonika: But Tonio refused to swim, because he doesn't trust non-martini-based liquids!
    Avanna, turning pale: Are...are ye not concerned? His poor liver...
    Sonika: I hadn't thought of that...
    Prima: I've been trying to get him to drink more water for the sake of his vocal health...
    Avanna: *Laughs nervously* Ehm, I'm not sure vocal health's the main concern here. I don't want to imagine his future, like...how he looks so well-put-together is anyone's guess.
    (Tonio, shouting from the distance: SHE'S EXAGGERATING!)

    basically she has the tendency to be kind of innocent and gullible despite her otherwise caring and mature ways
    Discovered the singer Linda Ronstadt and realized some photos of her look a lot like AVANNA

    And now I'm wondering if Avanna was based on her at all or if it's just a coincidence
    According to the Vocaloid Wiki entry, Avanna originally had shorter hair and Zero-G forced Aki to give her black hair. I think that Avanna was also going to be curvier like Aki's irl sister, but the post about it doesn't exist anymore, so I can't confirm. She was also supposed to be an elf but Yamaha didn't like that.
    I'm talking specifically about her current hairstyle, as some images of Linda Ronstadt have a hairstyle very similar to Avanna's final one. Probably a coincidence. Avanna kinda has 70s hair lol

    And Aki usually draws Avanna with elf ears + on the curvier side these days (preferred size is 5'6" and 156 pounds). It's her anime-style artwork that looks slimmer; her standing image and the other Western-style art has a bit more meat on her bones. She's actually the Vocaloid with the highest BMI (25.2) but I dunno how much that says when most female Vocaloids have a BMI under 20 (the only other one with an above-20 BMI is Western-design SONiKA)

    I don't generally see art from her artist of short-haired Avanna though. Maybe in the end she liked the long hair better? (It does look more unique and have a better silhouette; the short hair is cute but looks simpler and less unique IMO.)

    The post about Avanna's IRL inspirations is still on Aki's Facebook actually (and if you go to Avanna's Facebook page you'll see it in her mentioned images). Her body type is based on Aki's sister and her face is based on Aki's friend (coincidentally she also resembles her voice provider in facial structure somewhat; she would've looked even more like her VP if they'd stuck to the short hair).

    I just colored in an Avanna sketch with auburn hair and green eyes out of curiosity and it didn't look too bad. I wouldn't go as far as to say we were ROBBED though, as the black hair and blue eyes are a beautiful and very Irish combination.
    asterian lite is out and i'm already brainstorming his personality and dynamic with the other lite synthvs

    i think he'd be very cool, calm and collected, with a gentlemanly demeanor, and he's solaria's partner and much-needed anchor, as solaria has rash and temperamental tendencies.

    eleanor and anri have a similar dynamic, with anri being more cheerful and excitable while eleanor is more serious and level-headed.

    oh, and there's maki, who's very friendly and energetic and boisterous. (go go gyungyun! :P)
    Hey, how old do you guys think Eleanor Forte would be? I was thinking somewhere in the "young adult" range, like in her early 20s?
    Which Vocaloids were your age when you bought them, if any?

    Miku is 16 and I was 17 (almost 18) when I bought her, so she was younger than me already

    Avanna is 18 and I bought her on my 18th birthday, which is kind of a fun coincidence looking back

    Sonika is 17 and I bought her on my 19th birthday (and then gave her away a few months later), so that's another nope

    GUMI doesn't have a canon age other than "teens" and I bought her English voicebank the day after my 20th birthday, so in that case I can't really be her age (My headcanon age for her is usually 17 though)
    I guess it'd be TONIO if using the Taiwan age and not the headcanon (or Prima with my headcanon age, though maybe i'd be younger than her)

    Though in Taiwan age, he's 27-28 and back in 2016 I was 22

    Perhaps Bruno and Clara could be closer to my age when I bought them, though they have no age and my headcanon may vary from 24-25 up to 35-36... Yeah, them and TONIO could be the closest

    Anyway, SONiKA, galaco and Miku don't match since I'm not 16-17 (nor I was but not when i bought them)

    And unless Fuiro was pictured as being near 30, I doubt so because she has no official age listed and I'd picture her somewhere in 25-27 age range
    I think the closest for me is I got Luka (20) when I was 19 and Anri (21) when I was 20. However, now I'm 21 and will be getting Anri Arcane at launch so maybe that counts XD
    I also got Sonika (17) when I was 18 but like just before I turned 19.
    Oh, neat! So far the most literal case is me getting the 18-year-old Avanna on my 18th birthday.
    Almost made a Talkloid where Avanna makes a phone call in a British accent, realized sticking with the Irish accent just feels so much better

    It would be kind of funny to have a Talkloid where Avanna is trying to be British but lets some Irishisms slip though, similar to how the Talkloid where I had her speak with an American accent involved her being confused on the question intonation, almost saying "em" instead of "um" and then ending the call by almost saying "grand" but changing it to "great" as a save (as americans don't really use "grand" the same way irish people do...i almost wish we did, it's such a grand lil word)

    So basically I guess the headcanon is that she can technically do some other accents but she's kinda bad with staying perfectly in character
    something interesting i noticed: i tested my vocaloids on the famous mariah carey high note and

    -with avanna, it sounded REALLY high for her, she definitely loses clarity at that height
    -with miku it sounded pretty clear
    -gumi didn't actually sound half bad, though it still sounded a lil high for her

    and also i don't wanna destroy my ears so it's probably best i don't do this a bunch

    but it's pretty clear that avanna's no soprano

    (though it's also abundantly clear that miku's no alto. just try making her sing low)
    headcanon: oliver and avanna are good friends and they bond over plants and creatures, and also oliver sometimes picks up irishisms from avanna and then comes home confusing the rest of the pfx family

    in avanna's case the zero-g family is already partly british so she's already had exposure to some of the things oliver says (she could probably generally ask leon or sonika or someone about anything that confuses her)
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