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  • anyone have any suggestions on artists i could look into to cover with saros? i am just not up to date on pop oriented stuff or really much of anything outside of my insanely niche bands lol
    Ryleigh Goldner
    Ryleigh Goldner
    Personally, if I could afford to have SAROS, I would use them to cover Okame-P's and Shoten Taro's songs. And maybe Nine Inch Nails, Poppy, and some Utsu-P?
    That's all I could think of for my use case
    I'm so sorry that I don't have any more (EDIT: that I could think of)
    Well, lately i've been spamming this to myself though it'sd a bit recent-old and minimalist

    Then maybe try some funk or jazz songs may they be Earth wind and fire or even this song by Samara joy and fellow ones she sang

    the one interesting thing about using ARA and telling it to find the phonetics is it really is 100% phonetic based and not *lyric* based and it actually is a cool learning tool to realizing how singers sing in ways that arent just strictly typing the words in and using the default. for example in synth v i enter the words [put]. so those notes will enter phonemes as [ay] [p uh t] because those are what i typed on those notes. however with ARA it will put it like this [ay p] [uh t] because it hears it that way which... makes a lot of sense and sounds really natural. a lot of instances like that occur, where a consonant at the start of one word will actually be at the end of the previous note to flow with the vowel before it.
    ace did the same thing iirc (i no longer have access to it since it went paid but i remember), nice to know synthv is doing that too

    i guess for vocaloid the closest equivalent would be vocalistener or mikumikuvoice? (last i checked you can't make vsqs in vocalshifter) there's also vocalo changer but that's a voice changer, not audio to midi, of course
    @AmazingStrange39 its been ages since i used vocalistener but iirc it just shows you the pitch bends it generates from the vocal source, but you still need to draw the timing of the notes yourself, and then also enter lyrics. so there is no generating of the lyrics/phonetics being done for you like synth v is now capable of
    been out of town etc and just busy so i havent worked on any solid covers w saros. but i am messing with ARA and really, it is quite good. i have tried to see how much the phoneme detection and pitch conversion is, it is far more sensitive on the ripped vocals i have. but the timing and generation of the midi notes is really good. especially the timing! im still impressed with it being beta.
    if you open up some of saros' demo files they came with you can see an unused/not final released vocal mode in the parameter tab having been used (and considered 'inactive' because its not one the voice has) (wouldnt assume anything crazy of this. its likely just a vocal mode that didnt have a name yet and i thought it was interesting)
    i didnt realize the ARA thing could also 1) detect phonemes/lyrics 2) convert pitch from the vocal source. thought it was just generating a base midi! this basically makes the realvoice plugin w praat no longer needed... which, ARA is much much more effecient. itll be a matter of seeing it improve, but it takes a LOT of pain and tedium out of the realvoice method. annotating a 3 minute song by hand? god. no more. praat's pitch detection on AI ripped vocals is probably as good as ARA right now anyways, since its unclean. im shocked to say the phoneme detection is pretty decent, this has worked very well with the AI ripped vocals i tested. it even detected vocal dry??? ex. i used an adelle song and boy, she does a lot of vocal fry. the detection is pretty literal, not trying to make words but rather sound, and with a source like adelle with her specific singing it actually used phonetics that matched her, not the words. i know its way better with a clean vocal but it still does a decent base for ripped vocals, just probably better to enter lyrics yourself if its ripped
    ive had this design in mind for Hayden i just havent had any drawing energy..... most i can say is i see him as a red head with curly hair. dont ask why it just came to me suddenly and im sticking with it.... i feel like id draw him in light colors complimenting that. dull warm colors (greens, yellows, browns etc). not entirely sure on fashion sense tho
    idk if its just me but a lot of synth v voices' vocal fry [cl] either doesnt work at all or just isnt apparent (even when changing note duration/strength) and its always annoyed me. however i am so pleased to hear hayden's vocal fry DOES work/sound obvious and the note edits for that phoneme make it even more blatant. so happy
    i got hayden and i love him but i have zero covers rn that i want to plug him into.... no idea what i wanna make with him yet
    Ryleigh Goldner
    Ryleigh Goldner
    In my case, if I ever get to purchase him, I'd use him to cover VOCALEAMO, VOCALOUD, and VOCAMETAL songs (like Okame-P's, Shoten Taro's, Yuyoyuppe's, and Utsu-P's discography). And maybe some of Okame-P's softer/soft songs (like ballads).
    His voice really reminds me of Oscar Wilde (not the writer, but Pascalle Lepas' character). (EDIT: Oscar has no voice acting since he's a character in a web comic)

    But I think it's up to you to decide what you want to use him for.

    On a side note...I might cover PEGGY's (JPEGMAFIA) songs using him. SynthV's rap mode has never been to my taste, though.
    He kinda reminds me of John Mayer tbh

    But if I had him I'd probably use him in soft pop and soft rock type stuff, he'd probably sound good with EDM as well.
    agreed! i just plugged him into a KIRA and nostraightanswer song bc they felt potentially fitting, and he does sound really nice. ill have to explore what i may actually finish with him but that genre seems simple enough for him. but i do wanna try him with something heavier like rock...
    suddenly remembered an utau i heard like 7-9 years ago. did anyone know of hana chikako? i always wanted to get the VB but, as far as i recall even back then the banks were taken down and the author said theyd upload some new ones, but never did. i think ive seen a handful of ppl make covers 12 years ago with one or two super old banks. i found them on soundcloud and i vaguely recall some.... Stuff around the author like accusations that their banks were not actually utau banks (the new ones mainly. like they were singing or splicing their voice in a way that was not actually cv or vcv. the old ones were available and have been used so clearly, they were real banks). als a lot of ppl had problems with her weird design. otherwise they seemed to have just vanished off the internet, their youtube is completely gone when i know it was up a while ago.. their soundcloud remains and contains the some of the newer banks they never shared.
    i hate it when i talk to ppl about how i make music and the moment i say "i used a guitar vst" they like no no no you NEED to learn guitar, dont do that! and then they ALSO say it for every other non-synth instrument i use a vst for instead. you want me, a one person producer, to learn guitar, horns, piano, etc etc????? when i have paid a couple hundred for good passable vsts? and manage to make music in less than a month thanks to it??? yea sure.
    i keep wanting to mess with diff svc n my own again buyt like... i cannot remember how to do it from memory LOL i think i just need to rebuild it from scratch (not including my vbs of course, ill back em up)
    as someone who isn't super techie, i struggled with diff but had a very easy time with rvc and its related apps (such as kits)
    @AmazingStrange39 i have been wanting to try one of the other things rvc of even diffsinger! just havent had time and hoped to just mess with what i already knew lol. but since i kinda forgot how to use diffsvc i may just move on and try something different tbh
    i mean, rvc models can be trained in like half an hour-an hour or so
    ughhh the pain of finding a ust i wanted but it was uploaded tuned with yamine renri's ridiculous amounts of suffixes that the utau suffix broker wont handle at all, and utaformatix does not recognize. and trying to batch replace stuff with with notepad++.... pain
    hah... this morning right when anri's new demo came out i saw a comment on the video that said something like 'she sounds great, but sadly i dont think i want to support a company thats reacting poorly to the claims being made'. got on my PC and thought, i wonder if the comment is still there... its not! it wasnt mean or aggressive.
    pifuyuu's endless supply of usts has me downloading so many and every time im like "oh i will cover that" this is why i have 89745987 unfinished covers... i have a lot with feng yi especially and i really wanna finish something with her, because i do love her and i havent posted much with her!
    at this point im just gonna sit down w the information i have from the audiologie tweets and not really put anymore care into the discussion, bc theres a lot of smaller things that are getting to the point of petty tweets from other audiologie employees etc and its so obvious how that company is run by unprofessional fans (not a jab to the ppl coming out abt the situation-- just a general statement of what fans are like when they try to run shit at all). the basics are out there enough that i think its worth talking about and staying aware. i dont think its worth following the tiny petty arguments spiraling out when they get irrelevant but it is good to see how these ppl reacted
    Ryleigh Goldner
    Ryleigh Goldner

    And that's very, absolutely, and undeniably understandable
    I'm kinda tired of keeping up to date with this...scandal? Controversy?
    I think calling it 'drama' is inappropriate
    I've been scrolling through Twitter for the last...thirty minutes? Fourty?
    I lost track of time
    @Ryleigh Goldner i feel like i saw enough of the chatter that nothing more of it was gonna change my thoughts enough to do a 180, ya know? all of it just boils down to that-- audiologie has issues, some that people like me kinda saw coming, and in general are issues other similar fan-run projects typically fall into... it seems at this point any push back at tyler or xuu's tweets are just audiologie members just fighting back at them with like. more bad situations that werent caused by any one individual, it was just the fault of their unprofessional environment. and some classic attempts to bring up personal discussions that dont actually do anything to change the situation lol.

    tyler and xuu could have been simply disproven for whatever reasons but instead we see audiologie employees coming out of the woodwork and because of their need to individually start handling the situation, its proof enough that nothing is really gonna make them recover in any meaningful way.
    honestly, that kind of un-professionality is a huge turn-off for me. same feelings about ace studio. part of me appreciates the existence of the more professionally-geared vocals even if they aren't necessarily catered to the fandom
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