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  • Might be able to buy Avanna during the sale! Had to convince my mom that Avanna is one of the best engloids and that the sale price is very good though. She really wants me to wait on purchasing anything nonessential until we are settled in NY.
    If it's any help, Zero-G's Vocaloids go on sale A LOT. Several times a year, every couple months (especially during holidays). They are usually something like 10% off or more depending on the event. So even if you miss this sale, there are future chances.
    She's a really good choice but the zero g vocaloids go on sale a lot so it's not crucial. One of the most versatile English vocaloids.
    My mom got me a Pichu amiibo and some movies for Channukah. I don’t have a switch or smash, but Pichu is cute and my mom likes Pikachu so all is good.
    Today’s been horrible only got four hours of sleep and then the movers were awful. My mom had to contact another company and they might have space on thursday/friday. Yesterday was productive though. We got a cargo top for the car, a full set of good luggage, and there was a super target that had menorahs.(we packed ours months ago thinking we were moving earlier this year.) Still prety sick though, I think this 2nd antibiotic is wiping me out. I might post more on twitter if I feel up to it, so if your interested in following my moving adventures: @/wyndreed
    Deploying the Mikudayo of Good Intent! I hope tomorrow's better.
    summon Mikudayo
    So guitar center has been emailed. Can’t call since I’m still sick, but found a customer support email off of yelp so hopefully that works.
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    That’s really sweet of you to offer. I wouldn’t want to take away from your resting after surgery. I think I found another form to use amd I can’t purchase anything until after we’re moved to new york so no time deadlines. But anyway thank tou for offering to help. (I hope this makes sense and doesnt come across as rude. my brain is kinda wacked out by antibiotics.)
    No, absolutely I get what you're saying! And don't worry about it. Resting is all I'm doing. It gets boring. :LOL: Best of luck in the moving process!
    Thank you!
    Weird, there are other software in the recommendations, too. I had no glue guitar center sold anything other than music gear (as in non-virtual stuff).
    I also attempted to search Vocaloid on their site and it just appears to take you to Gumi's page, rather than load search results?
    It was weird to find vocaloids at guitar center, but I was actually crawling the internet to see if I could find any zerog V1s and came across some old listings on guitar centers site. Looks like they used to carry zerog V1s and V2s. (And I think the only Vocaloid they have now is Gumi because I ran into the same search issue.)
    What to do when you’re tired from moving hubbub, still sick, and have to ice your ankle. Brainstorm Vocaloid purchases.

    I’ve slimmed the list down, but its still alot of money to spend.(Plus I found a really good deal on Megpoid complete starter pack, which changes my plans some.) Dont know if I want to spend that much.
    I found a Gumi one at soundhouse that seems to be a good deal, so thats on my list. Thats a good deal for that V4 editor. Ive seen some priced at like 800 bucks. Its insane.
    My God. I’m glad I got it right before it was retired. It only cost me $100. :what: God, I wish Yamaha didn’t habitually destroy everything the second a new version is released...

    I’ll see if I can link you to the bundle deals and Mercari thingymobobber! Also, Internet Co puts Gumi on sale fairly often, so holding out for her might be worth it! (It also depends on if you want her boxed or don’t mind getting her downloads, or gambling with that really freaking good deal you found.)
    Here’s where you can find the bundle deals! Just click on your desired V4 and you’ll find bundle options. (If you’re wanting an editor exclusively for the upgrade price, you can also get a V3 vocal bundled with the V3 editor, of course!)

    Sadly, it appears the editor listed on Mercari is gone... it might just be that I can’t find it, though, so I’ll look again once I’m on my laptop!
    Think we’ve got walking pneumonia. rip
    Although feeling awful has given me the opportunity to think about what vocaloids/voice synths I’d like to get in the near future. Avanna, IA Duo + Cevio, and V5 are definite purchases. I’ve still got a list of ones I’m interested in, but figuring out what purchases are practical is hard especially if Crypton’s new VBs will be closer to their V1/V2 banks in tone since I love V1 Kaito and Miku’s core V2 bank has always been my favorite over her V3/V4. I’d also like to get a desktop pc and a switch so I’m trying to be as cost effective as possible. (Sorry if I ramble at all)
    Going to be moving at least temporarily to MQube. Getting some weird vibes after reading about Audius. Not touching my SC and probably not reuploading anything anywhere else.
    So if SoundCloud is dead for all of us not able to afford pro, then where do we go for posting covers? I’ve heard people are moving to Audius, but is that a good service? Is Clyp a good SC alternative? Really confused right now.
    clyp used to be good but then they introduced a membership feature and now you can hardly upload anything without having to pay. Your files can only be 25MB or less and once you uploaded 6 hours of audio you're done.
    Just as Miku Expo schedules for Atlanta, I am moving away from the area to NY state, which of course isn’t getting a Miku Expo next year. Oh the irony
    Anyone else use open back headphones? Just curious.
    I've yet to find a good pair within my budget, honestly. I'm interested in them though!
    There are quite a few reviews of them on YouTube where they compare them to normal headphones (it seems they're meant for mixing). At the time of looking up reviews, I realized I wasn't ready to mix anything any time soon and like Peaches said, they are pretty expensive.
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