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  • I’ve been wondering for a while why people really want Vy2V3. Do his vbs cross synth well in V4? Is his falsetto bank really good? I almost grabbed him in 2016, but decided against it thinking that it would always be availabe and I wanted other banks at that point. Now I wonder if I’m missing something only owning his V5. :rune_lili:
    ^^ it's also possibly desire for a physical box and/or anger at how Yamaha just ported the VYs and Cybers with no real upgrades and stripping the VYs of extra banks, then locked em behind a higher paywall. That's the sentiment I've gotten from a lot of people anyway. The only reason I shelled out for V5 premium was that I wanted VY2, personally :S
    V5 costs so much. You buy V5 Standard which is like $200 something then you have to cough up $90-100 for him. Premium is like $300 something.
    To be fair, VY2V5 isn't *that* much more than VY2V3, and the other 3 are about the same price (i think the Cybers might be slightly cheaper)
    Looks like Mqube has died. Guess I’ll have to go back to soundcloud. sigh I really don’t like them anymore.
    Is it just me or is everyday fatiguing?
    For sure... I wake up super late and STILL get tired really early. I'm kind of in a perpetual state of exhaustion as of late. I hope you get to feeling better!
    Thanks and you too!
    Blue Of Mind
    Blue Of Mind
    I've been getting up at 10AM now because I have almost no reason to get up early for the time being. (Thanks, pandemic and lockdown!)
    A thought. If you really wanted something I suppose you could ship to another country and then ship to the US. This would probably be a bit convoluted and cost more. (Not suggesting that anyone do this. Just a random thought.
    I guess DHL/FedEx/other courier services operate as usual? They're usually more pricey than mail, but probably cheaper and faster than postal delivery via another country.
    So we’re going to make masks now. Idk how to sew, but that’s what we’re going to do. (There’ll be more table space in the hotel rooms so at least I’ll finally have a table to do computer work on.)
    Trying to purchase IA english, but I keep getting a hiragana error with the form. ugh, I'm too tired for all of this.
    Thank you for your help. I was able to put in hiragana characters aproximating my name and get it to work. Now the phone number won’t work. I wonder why they made this such a complex process. lol
    If it helps, they shouldn't have to call you. Maybe you could use a fake Japanese phone number? The one I use on like Internet Co's website and Amazon Japan is 0522298211 (052-229-8211).
    Thank you for that offer. The problem seemed to be the country code. The guide I was using said that the number needed a country code, but it looks like Vector took that requirement off in the last year or so. I was finally able to purchase IA’s bank. Thank you for your help!
    After some delays they are finally home! I’ve been waiting two years and my Vocaloid bucket list is almost finished. Neso Meeks came too, but she needs a bath.(she’s not dirty or anything, just a little tired from her journey and needs rejuvination.)
    Oh lovely!! I'm so glad they all arrived safe and sound :D
    ONE's box is gorgeous!
    Thank you! It is definitely much prettier and shinier than I thought it would be.
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    Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
    We have to bring the car in for maintenance tomorrow and get a loner car. The thought of anyone else touching our car freaks me out.
    Walmart keeps saying that the release date for Animal Crossing has changed, but the delivery date is still “by march 20th”. I guess Walmart’s computers are having a hard time. lol
    Are you picking it up in person? Me and my sister are getting it from Gamestop and I feel bad/dumb about going to pick it up... but I really want the game... (paid for it already)
    Blue Of Mind
    Blue Of Mind
    I preordered my copy from Amazon, and it's still saying delivery for this Friday, even though they've apparently stopped shipping non-essential items due to Covid and high traffic coming towards the site. But I've also heard they've only stopped new non-essential deliveries to their warehouses, which would mean all preorder copies would have turned up before the policy change.

    The Final Fantasy fandom was saying something about limited editions of the latest game in that franchise not being able to dispatch until some time in the future because of Covid demands, which was where I heard the rumours from.
    I just got this Miku nesoberi for my mom. I’ve never payed this much for a nesoberi before, but I figure that that once the money from selling the house is gone there won’t be opportunities to buy anything fun. If that makes sense. 初音ミク メガジャンボ寝そべりぬいぐるみ 未使用品 /【Buyee】 "Buyee" Japanese Proxy Service | Buy from Japan!

    I ended up not buying some cds I’d like(I didn’t feel they were practical right now), but I did get some vocas and a couple of games.(idk how my brain thought these were more practical.
    We’re going to a hotel on the 18th for a couple of months. Never thought I’d be glad to stay in such a small space.
    PSA: Buying Guitar Center’s Megpoid Japanese libraries will get you Megpoid’s english vb. I was able to get a refund, but this is totaly bait and switch.
    I remember Gumi being mentioned to be on Guitar Center. Was the cost the same as Gumi's English bank or was it the cost of her JP ones (as in more expensive)? I'm glad you got a refund.
    Blue Of Mind
    Blue Of Mind
    Is there a way to report the listing as false advertising to Guitar Center?
    My mom does advocacy and she’s been helping me out with this situation. She’s going to email the ceo of guitar center and (most likely) the applicable goverment agency.
    @uncreepy The cost was the same as her english bank, but the site and the guy I talked to prior to purchasing both said it was her japanese complete vbs. Turns out that they don’t even carry her japanese vbs.
    Got a p.o. box now so guess I’ll try to buy some stuff from Japan before corona virus shuts down the post. (gotta get a Miku nesoberi for my mom too. She really loves my Rin(love live) nesoberi.)
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    I was just thinking about this -- uni's already shut down, I hear local schools are considering online classes, jobs are being considered to be forced into giving paid sick leave, I wonder how much longer international mailing will be available. Esp if it gets much worse :0
    (I had to look up what a nesoberi is. So cute!!)
    Blue Of Mind
    Blue Of Mind
    You've now made me wonder if Royal Mail and other couriers will stop deliveries at some point. The UK government is supposed to update our Covid response this lunchtime in our timezone.
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