Alright everyone, it's Big Announcement Time!
The three of us hosting this event narrowed your selections down to our personal Top 6, then we held two private polls for our CUL Collab Crew to decide which they wanted to work on most of those six (one to narrow the options down, one as a tiebreaker). After a very, very, very close race, our CUL Collab song has been decided by a slim margin: We'll be covering Perfume's One Room Disco!
We want to thank everyone for their suggestions! There was such a nice variety, and that made even narrowing it down to the initial six difficult. Y'all have amazing taste in music.
So what now?
Well now we get started, of course! Illustrators can get to work right away, but tuners will have to wait a short bit. This song doesn't appear to have a VSQ/UST/MIDI, so we'll be making one from scratch. Luckily, yours truly can breeze through custom VSQs given enough metal, Dr. Pepper, and sheer willpower, so that wait shouldn't be long at all! We'll be keeping in touch via the private messages and will send the file out in VSQx/VPR format as soon as it's complete.
First things first, we'll start with a reminder of the rules:
Guidelines for tuners:
If you don’t own Cul don’t worry! Cul has a trial avalibe
here that also comes with tiny V3 editor, alternatively, I and luwo are willing to render her for you! Don’t be afraid to hit us up in regards to that!
We only accept vsq/vsqx/vprs tuned in Vocaloid itself, alternate formats such as usts and svps are not accepted as they’d require extensive clean-ups on our end and at that point it wouldn’t even be your tuning.
If you own Cul, got someone else to render her for you or want to further edit Cul’s voice in other softwares after us rendering her for you then send us a wav file of your finsihed tuning by deadline ( TBA ).
Guidelines for illustrators:
Draw picture of Cul in the A4 format ( 2480x3508 pixels ) with transparent background.
Both canon and alternate designs are accepted! You’re in fact encouraged to make one up ( withing reason, no nudity and such haha )!
Traditional art is accepted as long as you can scan it or take good quality photo of it and edit it to have transparent background.
No tracing or copying of other illustrations ( that of course doesn’t doesn’t apply to referencing photos or using 3D models and photos provided for such purposes, we just don’t want you tracing over Miku’s broken shoulders V2 art
Provide a sketch once you have one ( necessary for PV ).
And I'll add onto this with some additional information, now that we're getting our ducks in something resembling a row!
For Illustrators:
- You can begin right away, following Patuk's guidelines.
- Sketches are to be sent to @patuk by October 18.
- Don't panic, we're not expecting a full-blown reference sheet! Just give us a very basic, rough sketch that will roughly adhere to what you're planning for the end product, in the size, style, and parameters specified in the above rules post. These sketches will act as stand-ins as she works on creating the PV.
- Final illustrations will be due November 30.
For Tuners:
- You will each be assigned a portion of the song to tune, and will receive the necessary files for said portion as soon as we're able to get them to you.
- As a reminder, CUL has a free trial, which you can access here. We're not asking you to drop $80 on her
(though we do recommend it, she's a good girl. Coincidentally, she's $55 now through October 14th.).
- If you need help with tuning, either in general or with CUL, or just want feedback as a whole, PM me, @patuk, or @luwo. We're enthusiastic dorks that are eager to help in whatever way we can!
- Tentative deadline for your final submissions will also be November 30, with an extra day added for each day it takes to get the VSQ complete. (So if I finish it by October 8, for example, you would have until December 5.)
We'll be checking up with each member of our CUL Collab Crew periodically to ask how it's coming, if any help is needed, all the works. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any further questions. And with that, we look forward to what y'all will do!