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General Discussion Thread


Apr 9, 2018
The handling of several commercial projects has been quite messy, the Japanese side really is having their V4 era. :kyo_ani_lili:
I heard somewhere (forgot the source) that the person working with the twin voice bank is controversial in the community, not sure why.

Not gonna lie, Teto sounds really rough (hard to understand, loud plosive noises, choppy).
Sounds like they just got started on it, though. ("Currently in development" and "just worked with a TalQu version a little")
Sep 21, 2019
Didn't realize that TalQu Teto tweet had an actual clip of her speaking. It sounds alright, but more or less not much different than other UTAU talk plugins--was hoping for something a little more exciting I suppose. But since it's very much a wip right now, maybe it'll sound better?
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Apr 9, 2018
Not making a thread for this until we have more information (like... their names lol), but there are two new CeVIO AI voices in the works. Both are voiced by a woman, but they'll be a set of male/female twins. The company will be RealizeRecords, founded by @404notfounder_. Another tweet says the project is similar to that of ROSA, so most likely they'll be crowdfunded as well.

Because the tweets are gone & so is 404notfounder_'s account, I actually found two quotes from SpyNEWS. I feel like it's safe to say something happened to the project....
6月3日には新たなCeVIO AIソングが制作中であることが明かされました。

当文面内に「Vocaloid」という表記がありますが、正しくは「CeVIO AI」です
訂正してお詫び申し上げます。 https://t.co/rfAVf2fLl4
— よんまるぅ (@404notfounder_) June 3, 2021
— よんまるぅ (@404notfounder_) 2021年6月3日
Source: #今週のSpyNEWSまとめ 2021/5/31-6/6 - SpyNEWS@音声合成関係のニュース


kiyoteru enthusiast
Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
It's possible they've rebranded? The RealizeRecords twitter now links to kou_genius2525's account, which I'm pretty sure it didn't before. 404notfounder_'s account no longer exists, but this was cached in google results:


Meanwhile the RealizeRecords bio now shows:


Kanji is the same (代表取締役, representative director / president). Either Yonmaruu has rebranded (not a bad idea with all the controversy they've landed themselves in) or they've handed the label off to someone else. Whether this means the CeVIO project will continue though... who knows.

Basically they landed themselves in hot water by tracing an image for their joke song - they deleted the video and reuploaded it without the traced image but it still had tons of dislikes. Then there were people mad about them saying that they were making new Vocaloids (using "Vocaloid" as a catchall for general vocal synth) and people were upset about the word choice. Then they kept RTing stuff about how people were getting mad over nothing and it's not that serious, which probably didn't go over well with the people they apologized to for using the wrong terminology when they meant CeVIO orz


Apr 9, 2018
Thanks for the info, I really appreciate it. I kept trying to search Google/Twitter/Discord but couldn't find anything about controversies or even anything other than mentions of wondering about the "mysterious CeVIO twins" (aka nothing lhelpful).

I tried checking out Kou's Twitter, but they never mentioned CeVIO/twins/crowdfunding at all (yet). I could've sworn that a person called Ado was supposed to the the voicer for the twins, but I couldn't find any mention of the project & I'm questioning my memory.


kiyoteru enthusiast
Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
Huh, this is the first I'm hearing about Ado being the VP. If that's true and the project falls through, it'd be a shame - Ado's extremely popular right now, with lots of Vocaloid producers making songs for her that are getting millions upon millions of views.

If Ado voiced a synth (or two in this case) I think it'd be... huge news, haha. Would be really interesting! Guess we'll see if anything about the twins ever comes up again, though, or if it just quietly fades away.

I also tried looking through Kou's twitter to see if they had anything to do with Yonmaruu, not just the twins, but didn't really see anything that struck me as similar. Kou's accounts were also made before the CeVIO twin announcement, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. I didn't look too deep though - especially since their activity seems to have ramped up really recently, I just wonder a little about it.


sekai liker
Mar 27, 2020
seems like 2 of the other characters from zunko's company are getting some type of TTS?

the creator livestreams himself working on it i believe every day it seems. i was not able to catch any of the streams so i cant say exactly what theyre about

i believe this is a sample (metan/2nd sample is the pink haired girl)


Hardcore Fan
Apr 11, 2018
OMG POOR SONIKA BABY IT WOULD HA VE BEEEN SO AMAZZZZIIIIIIIIIIIIIING *shaking* 😭 Poor girl, she always gets jinxed... (And Zero-G too fneiozfn,eaonf)

But does it mean Aki, ODDEEOO and that person were in contact with her VA ? =o

Also interesting TalQu =o


kiyoteru enthusiast
Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
Press release for AHS' new project called "Pitagoe," set to release September 29. Not making its own thread since I don't think this will interest most people? It's not a synthesizer, it's just a collection of voice material files that I'm guessing is similar to exVOICE, just bundled in one neat package.

New characters are Asumi Shuo and Asumi Ririse. JamBand's Mitarashi Mary is also included, as well as Frimomen, Tsuina-chan, and Kyomachi Seika. There are also some generic male, female, and old man and woman voices. All voices except Seika are 1500 yen (Seika is 600 yen) each.

Tomorrow's livestream will go more into it, with Frimomen's VA being the guest.

Samples of the new characters:

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