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SynthV New Voicebank "Rosa" announced for SynthV and CeVio or AiVoice!


Apr 9, 2018
I think it's kind of weird they aren't showing the character image still, because I think revealing it for people auditioning would help them voice the character better + one of the requirements are you are okay with cosplaying and what if her outfit is something you aren't comfortable wearing? (They are planning on having a cosplay event with the voice actor)

It says they might be open to having gaijin participate, but they have to be able to go to Tokyo. (Though it might end up being virtual due to corona.) You also may have to sign a contract. Minors need parent permission.

April 17~25 = recruiting (sheesh, what a tiny time frame, you have to provide your video during this time period)
April 28 = Announce next selection
May 1~8 = Final selection
Schedule may change.

Have to fill out the form and read a script for a video + sing 1 chorus of your favorite song + make your own PR video.

There will be an official YouTube channel soon.

The script you have to read is under the 課題<台本> section and it's got weird CUL lore.
Me translating it while reading so the English won't be entirely natural and no I won't go back and fix it:
On a small hill, I climbed a flight of stone stairs to an old, small church. My sisters and I lived there for a long time. One day,
"Beautiful red hair... who? ...Big sister.... Huh!? My sister...? No, it's not possible! I have always been here alone! Why now... Huh? For that reason, for my sake! It took that much of a long time...? Pu-ahahaha! Of course, it really is my big sister!
Welcome home! Big sister"

Ask questions to ZAN-SHIN's official Twitter


Oct 8, 2019
Medium5 lore: ZERO was in possession of Metatron’s Cube, which is considered a sacred symbol; to protect it, she split the Cube, and herself, into five different forms, each representing a different element.

Cul's lore:

and this isn't me hating on it, I love it and I'm having fun, it's really silly and I love that about it


Passionate Fan
Sep 12, 2019
Her hairstyle reminded me of Luka at first
I really like this design, she's cute, but her expression makes me think they'll also give her a stronger personality and probably more unique design than most anime girls that go for cutesy only
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Hardcore Fan
Apr 11, 2018
I LOVE it 😍 (Also OMg iunno why I suddenly had flashbacks of Ichigo Momomiya when you had bonus close-up in the manga books)

Edit: BTW those I'm talking about are these pictures :

(Not sure it is the original, because in my memory the crimson was lending more towards a pink that red shade)

(Yeah I have a weird connection here n_n''' ..... )
Last edited:


Apr 9, 2018
They had 60 applicants, but it's been narrowed down to 5. They aren't making the audition videos public anymore on their official YouTube, either (has been crossed out from the announcement).

Weirdly, under Latest Posts, the page for the results can't be found when you click it, even though you can see the heading for it?

You can see the results on the actual homepage
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Apr 9, 2018
Some of the people selected appear to be professional cosplayers or voice actresses.

Examples of each person selected:

Go to this page to hear her speaking clips: 株式会社オブジェクト 声優のキャスティングやマネジメント、音響制作
Has an UTAU called ちゃ*ゐな:

Video of her speaking:

I can't find singing clips (only lip syncing to Miku songs).

Looks like they are bilingual and living in Japan for studies.
They are singing clips here:



She's the voice provider for Hikari (Gatebox's mascot).
Speaking clips:

Can't find singing clips.

Not gonna lie, while I think all of the voices are unique and good, I really think Juudenki has the type of singing voice I would love to have in synth form.


Passionate Fan
Oct 24, 2020
Really liking Hiyamiza Yuka’s voice samples! I feel like she could do some really interesting voice acting. I wouldn’t be very interested in Juudenki’s voice since it’s a bit... all over the place, but I’ll be happy regardless of who wins!


Oct 8, 2019
Has an UTAU called ちゃ*ゐな
Aaaa I've been meaning to treat myself to a paid utau 🥺 maybe this is a sign, she sounds pretty HQ too

JuudenkiJDK is the most stand out and being bilingual is a big big plus, I always advocate for not forcing vps not comfortable with eng to record eng voicebanks but I gotta agree with luwo that the performance is very chaotic which wouldn't lead to very user friendly voicebank. Flower, being an exmple of such similar voicetype being synthetized, which I have negative impression of, makes me skeptical but if the company were to give her more of a clear direction, I think it could lead to a pretty interesting vb that I'd be totally down for!

I'd probably care the least for ninominon_land as I feel like there's still room for her to grow and improve as a singer but she appears to be a strong voice actress!

Best of luck to all of them! Hm...I wonder whether there will be a chance for the public to vote for the final vp:0c


Apr 9, 2018
I wonder what ZAN-SHIN is going to do in order to narrow it down. I remembered them showing a script teaser in English and Japanese, so maybe they will have to read those and maybe sing the same song as each other or something?

I also wonder if it's possible any of these voice providers could be chosen for a different sister's voice down the line.

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