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SynthV New Voicebank "Rosa" announced for SynthV and CeVio or AiVoice!


Aspiring Fan
Apr 19, 2019
Juudenki pls. We already have so many cutesy anime girl voices(but I guess people are still buying them???). Want some more interesting voicez.


Apr 9, 2018
Technically, the voice provider for Cocorobo is the same voice provider as Itako Touhoku, so it doesn't "really matter" since she has an UTAU, Voiceroid, and Neutrino voice.

I tried watching the previous stream (#131) and I'm kind of dreading attempting to check out stream #132 later where they'll talk about ROSA's voice provider, because it seems like they don't have a set format (ex: Just chatting about random stuff like food/time zones and randomly listening to CUL songs on a smart phone throughout the stream, it wasn't like how AHS always has half of the stream about merch then the other half about tech). The potatoey quality made it hard to watch, too.


Apr 9, 2018
Home page updated with 2 line art drawings of Rosa

School girl outfit = talk voice, wa-fuku style = song voice.

Edit: Noticed her braid is longer for the song voice. The hair style is kind of weird (it's like twin tails but with a chunk of hair just hanging out messily). I'm curious what she will look like in color.

Also, I was talking to someone last night and her name seems to come from the genus Rosa. In Japanese, the person name Rosa is spelled like RO-O-ZA, but hers is RO-SA.


Aspiring Fan
Apr 21, 2021
The livestream was so unprofessional, I loved it. It was basically a QnA with Mr. Hiroto and a woman. He showed us the ROSA designs from his iPhone, and when it ended it just -did-. But for the first livestream of a new indie company, it wasn't bad. I wish I understood what they spoke though!
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Passionate Fan
Sep 12, 2019
I‘m imagining these designs with the face illustration that was revealed earlier, and I think they go well together
The hairstyle is also fitting what I imagine her personality to be, though it‘s indeed weird
The single braid at the side reminds me of Akita Neru
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Hardcore Fan
Apr 11, 2018
Waaah, they're so cool ! >w<

Woow, also it is the first time I somehow guess well a synth design =o (sure one of the things I've seen in my mind wasn't much a wa-fuku style, but i did keep the cape thing and imagined a kimono-style in the middle section to keep consistency with CUL's own outfit) Not sure how should I feel, since usually I'm TOTALLY out of the real thing once it's revealed x'D *flashbacks of Nero go-onesque real-life flower VS the real flower(s) )


Hardcore Fan
Apr 11, 2018
Perhaps because they consider the Song part is like an idol, and even though you can have singers who are rather chill on their wardrobe (and God knows half of my fave singers are like that), others may be flamboyant and performing in the most extravagant, dreamy, fanciest, and ""crazy"" clothes and make-up at the point it truly screams "stage costume" or "party clothes" to eleventh (the other half of my fave singers fall into this category otl)

On the other side, Talking would be seen as more serious, thus, as Japan just like the United Kingdom and other countries where there is a strong uniform tradition in most schools (and not in very specific places or schools like we do in my country >w<), the two concepts are closely tied, and thus, emphasize on the serious purpose + the maerketing may be utterly different, like that one thing about AI Voice or whatever program it was, where it was heavily brought up that the main purpose was to provide a voice to those who don't (literally) and because reading x synth is mostly used in academic things over there, without mentioning the only out-of-character use would be games walkthrough, as seen with Voiceroids

Just my theory otl

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