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SynthV New Voicebank "Rosa" announced for SynthV and CeVio or AiVoice!


Apr 9, 2018
Okay, so Shirayuki/Snow_White__y won.

I guess I can see, from an advertisement standpoint, why they would pick her. She is a cosplayer, DJ, TikToker, influencer, does live streams, already makes lip sync music videos to songs so she would be able to do the same for ROSA. Those skills would be really beneficial to ZAN-SHIN.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/snow_white__y
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNED18d6aILrTeMuycl8gPg/videos
TikTok: TikTok

Most of her videos are her talking or her lip syncing while dancing. But she obviously knows how to deal with crowds of people from DJing and dancing on stage. She also is the manager of 39Party* which has food and karaoke.

I tried sifting through TikTok vids and YouTube but I still can't find an actual clip of Shirayuki singing.

39Party* has some live streams of karaoke, but I only caught the ending and one of her friends was singing. I'm not sure if she sang or not and you can't watch the live streams after they're done to my knowledge except for one that she's not even in.
Link to 39Party*'s Twitter: https://twitter.com/39party2020


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
I'm so happy for Shirayuki, she's been in the fandom for a long long time and is an insanely passionate fan and this much be a really exciting and wonderful moment for her!!! A lot of us who have have made vocal synths a big part of our life for many many years can only dream of this kind of an oppurtnity, this is so wonderful for her!
It makes me even more eager to support Rosa!!

Also is she wearing doc martens in this pic? impeccable style


Aspiring Fan
Apr 21, 2021
Okay, so Shirayuki/Snow_White__y won.

I guess I can see, from an advertisement standpoint, why they would pick her. She is a cosplayer, DJ, TikToker, influencer, does live streams, already makes lip sync music videos to songs so she would be able to do the same for ROSA. Those skills would be really beneficial to ZAN-SHIN.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/snow_white__y
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNED18d6aILrTeMuycl8gPg/videos
TikTok: TikTok

Most of her videos are her talking or her lip syncing while dancing. But she obviously knows how to deal with crowds of people from DJing and dancing on stage. She also is the manager of 39Party* which has food and karaoke.

I tried sifting through TikTok vids and YouTube but I still can't find an actual clip of Shirayuki singing.

39Party* has some live streams of karaoke, but I only caught the ending and one of her friends was singing. I'm not sure if she sang or not and you can't watch the live streams after they're done to my knowledge except for one that she's not even in.
Link to 39Party*'s Twitter: https://twitter.com/39party2020
Great! I loved her voice the best!

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I hope everything goes smoothly. If she’s mildly successful we might get a CUL revival (and maybe even REV) and the three other sisters.
I never really followed CUL on Vocaloid (I literally only have one CUL song on my YouTube Vocaloid playlist), but I'd still be down for CUL SynthV if it was a thing. I feel like she got lost in the mass of V3 releases back in the day.

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