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SynthV Synthesizer V Discussion Thread


Apr 9, 2018
The only English language Synth V voice available is Eleanor Forte. (Honestly, I think she sounds very American to me.) When you type words with her, you can change the phonemes to tweak the pronunciation if you aren't happy with the default pronunciation. (If it helps, I made a color coded Synth V phoneme chart that you can reference, you have to click DOWNLOAD in the upper right corner to see it.)

This is the page in the Synth V manual on how to change phonemes: Editing Phonemes
I like to use Cambridge Dictionary: Find Definitions, Meanings & Translations to look up the American pronunciation of words, it shows the IPA symbols, but the chart I made contains a column for IPA symbols so you don't get confused.


New Fan
Feb 26, 2020
The only English language Synth V voice available is Eleanor Forte. (Honestly, I think she sounds very American to me.) When you type words with her, you can change the phonemes to tweak the pronunciation if you aren't happy with the default pronunciation. (If it helps, I made a color coded Synth V phoneme chart that you can reference, you have to click DOWNLOAD in the upper right corner to see it.)

This is the page in the Synth V manual on how to change phonemes: Editing Phonemes
I like to use Cambridge Dictionary: Find Definitions, Meanings & Translations to look up the American pronunciation of words, it shows the IPA symbols, but the chart I made contains a column for IPA symbols so you don't get confused.
This is really, really helpful. Thank you for taking time out of your day to help.


Apr 9, 2018
I wanted to look at the Weibo page, but the link isn't working.

Dang, what if they update ALL of the Quadimension girls including Stardust?


long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
I wanted to look at the Weibo page, but the link isn't working.

Dang, what if they update ALL of the Quadimension girls including Stardust?
They most likely will! I've made a post in the M5 thread already, but this is the best news I could have gotten today. They seem to be bigging up new tuning options and a more intuitive interface, so I really hope they show off the editor in the demo as well. Hoping it's a free upgrade but if there's a new box then uh... I might be willing to part with some cash.

EDIT: Also, that's a new logo. The old one for reference.


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
A thought: given how gigantic this update is supposed to be, do you think they'll still be offering it for free as they are now (with a ten-second pop-up box asking you to purchase a license but no other limitations), or do you think they'll start charging upfront for the editor?
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long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
Kanru has shared a statement on Twitter about SVR2:

The English portion for those of us that can't access it:

Our users have been waiting so long for the second SynthV release.

At Dreamtonics, we feel you. We are grateful for your passion, and we are working hard to make this happen.
The second release is very close to completion and we can't wait to talk about the exciting features that are made possible.

It is at this very particular timing that the coronavirus outbreak disturbed our release plan.
Several planned events and agenda are being cancelled or rescheduled. We are working closely with our contractors and partners to mitigate the impact.

We are sorry for the delay and we ask for your patience and understanding. Meanwhile, we wish for your safety and a smooth recovery from the current difficulties.

Kanru Hua, on behalf of Dreamtonics employees
Essentially confirming what we already know - SVR2 was supposed to be announced/released in the February/March period as Quadimension have said before, but was delayed due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. It seems like there's been a lot of things in the works like announcements and such, so we'll have to just hold on a little more to see them. At least we have some news from Dreamtonics about it finally, Kanru hasn't even mentioned SVR2 on Twitter since 25 February until now. Looking forward to this update even more now, let's hope that Chiyu's new demo comes out soon!


long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
I just woke up. We have a SVR2 demo!!

We can't embed Bilibili videos, so...

Honestly? I'm happy. I'm really happy. They actually managed to improve on the beauty that was Chiyu's old voicebank. Her low register is gorgeous. She has a lot less "engine noise" and sounds cleaner. Her tone is gorgeous. This is exactly what I hoped a SVR2 voicebank update would be. What do you guys think?


Passionate Fan
Apr 9, 2018
Palembang, Indonesia
Honestly I can't tell the difference on the synthesis, but she sounds so lovely in this demo! Great job to the team worked on this.


[EDIT] I still curious about the UI in the final release. Can't wait!
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long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
The main thing I noticed is how.. clean her low notes sound now. Chiyu's R1 DB has pretty good low notes but they tend to be really muddy, whereas in this demo they're very clean. I also feel like they might have implemented this as a parameter for a better whisper quality? I really want to see what SVR2 has to offer in terms of tuning now.


long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
Apologies for the double post, thought I should bring this tweet from Haru.jpg (also known as Napstina, programmer of the Medium⁵ vocals) to attention. Loose translation by me.

Regarding the R2 demo video and the lack of UI (exposed tuning etc.) being shown, it's because Kanru told us "I want to show the functional side myself (loose translation)", so please wait a little longer to see it. Especially since it'll be a big surprise about how easy it is to use.
Looks like there might be a big difference in the UI after all. Hopefully Kanru will be ready to show it next week or something.


AKA missy20201 (Elliot)
Apr 8, 2018

Good thing I held off on buying an editor license, then! Glad to hear he's been chugging along despite everything. Hope he hasn't been working himself to the bone, but I suppose having something to work towards keeps one busy during a quarantine...


Apr 9, 2018
Edit: Wow, I am really tired, I read "completes" as continues. *don't reply to messages at 5 AM* (leaving what I wrote anyway)

Wait a minute, development "continues"? I thought Quadimension made it sound like it was closer to being finished (March or April). I don't think continued work sounds like it's ready to be sold any time soon, especially since that calendar indicates he's been working on it basically every single day.

And then after saying work continues, he also said "launch may get delayed to logistic issues". So that sounds like packaged versions to me. I would be really (happily) surprised if we get word on SV2 being ready during May.


long suffering synth fan
Apr 8, 2018
I expect it to launch by the end of June. Now SVR2 is complete, other than producing physical copies of the editor it should simply be a matter of finalising databases for release alongside it and preparing marketing materials. Looking forward to this and the announcements to come!

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