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Unpopular Opinions


Oct 8, 2019
I love Rion's V4 redesign. I'm weak for those puffy pants. :lapis_ani_lili:

I've got this headcanon that Nemu was really shy, so Rion changed her appearance to match Nemu's and make her feel more comfortable. I love these girls so much~~~~~
I would say Rion has equally as many haters of her V4 design as fans. Either way she has pretty controversial designs overall. Speaking of designs.

Una has great character designs, one of the best designed vocaloids. I hate how iffy her twitter is about her...a lot but the actual official boxart design of her I love.


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
I used to really hate her V4 design, but after looking at it again I don't really see why I didn't like it. It's fabulous!
I think a lot of people just didn't like it at first because it was a complete overhaul from her V3. But they probably did that because everyone all bashed her V3 design. There's no winning for my poor girl

I love that Rion's out here serving LOOKS. I hope she keeps getting these redesigns because honestly she's just really my aesthetic. I love over the top cute girly stuff.:rion_lili:
Sep 21, 2019
Y'all are probably gonna think I've gone insane, but I like Miku's V3 English better than her V4 English (as far as tone goes. Never actually used it, tho). I also like Miku's Solid and Dark vbs better than her Original. (Don't get me wrong; original is still great. It's what I think of when I think of Miku.)

I guess I'm more fond of more mature voices (which explains why I increase the gender factor on all my Vocal synths! XD)

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
I also like Miku's Solid and Dark vbs better than her Original.
I agree with liking Miku Solid and Dark, though Original will always remain the 'default' Miku bank to me because I heard that voice first long before the Appends dropped. Solid has a powerful tone that works well with more aggressive rock, metal and electronic genres, and the strong pronounciations lead to some good Engrish if you know how to use it. Dark sounds soft while still sounding mature, in contrast to Miku Sweet and Soft, and it has some surprising versatility depsite being a soft-sounding Miku bank.

Staying on the Miku Append topic... I can't tell almost any difference between Miku Light and Vivid (aside from Light having stronger high notes than Vivid), and I wasn't surprised to learn that Crypton initially didn't include them in the Miku V3 bundle (and completely dropped the two from the V4 version).


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
Staying on the Miku Append topic... I can't tell almost any difference between Miku Light and Vivid (aside from Light having stronger high notes than Vivid), and I wasn't surprised to learn that Crypton initially didn't include them in the Miku V3 bundle (and completely dropped the two from the V4 version).
I've heard that from some people, but I've also heard some other people - myself included - who like Vivid but find Light unbearably shrill.

Personally, I prefer every Append save Light to normal Miku :P
Sep 21, 2019
I'm starting to despise this fandom. Literally everything has to be "eDgY" or it's not popular. And people literally only use like, the same four VOCALOIDs in the English community at this point. Like, use what you like, but have SOME diversity??? People like who I've come across on this site are nice and normal, but oh God. Going into the comments (especially CrusherP) is a nightmare of cringe.

I think it's kind of creepy that people think Len is hot? Like, 1) He's fourteen 2) He's voiced by a girl and 3) He LOOKS fourteen. I may just be biased, but...

I don't like CrusherP, CreeP, or GHOSTP. CreeP freaks me out, Crusher is sO EDgY, and GHOST is just... noise. But I don't want to get into a fight over this, okay?
I agree with all of this so much!

-Comments on edgy Vocaloid songs are such a nightmare. I mean I like producers such as Neru, but I'm not gonna be "OMG this is like my life cri". Sometimes I feel like a lot of these people are trying to be attention seeking, but I can't say for sure. I don't know what's going on in these people's lives. But, also, I get sick of seeing the same Vocaloids over and over again as well (esp. Gumi English). I like her English as much as the next person, but sometimes I feel like there's an unspoken sentiment that all English songs need to use Gumi. >~<

-I can't stand when people say Len is hot. It's gross, and I really just??? I don't see it. He has a nice design, but nothing like ZOMG tHiS iS sO HAWT!1!1! (Also, like you said, he's 14, so calling him is just ew.) (Tbh, I blame Spice! for this crap. I'm pretty sure either Spice! or Gigantic you-know-what influenced this.)

-I'll admit that I liked Echo for a little while, but I don't really like Crusher'Ps (or the others that named) music. It's not really my taste.

Some of my own opinions here:

No. The Vocaloid fandom isn't "dying". Y'all are just pessimistic. It may not be as popular as it used to be, but there are still plenty of people who work hard and make songs, and plenty of popular producers are still around.

Also, I don't really like Kira's music that much. I feel like a lot of just sounds the same and a bit too mainstream western music sounding for me. If I wanted to listen to Western mainstream, I'd just listen to the radio. (No hate to Kira or anyone who likes them, tho. They're music just isn't my taste.)


Oct 8, 2019
I don't mind songs with dark themes but I think a lot of western producers aren't experienced enough to be really able to cover such heavy topics without it coming across as...well...teenage angst to put it bluntly. And I don't say this to invalidate their feelings, I'm pretty sure that if I tried to express my feelings on the shitty things I experienced in my life thorugh lyrics it would come off as teenage angst as well :p It's just very difficult to cover this topic tastefully.

ut, also, I get sick of seeing the same Vocaloids over and over again as well (esp. Gumi English). I like her English as much as the next person, but sometimes I feel like there's an unspoken sentiment that all English songs need to use Gumi. >~<
Also I feel like eng Gumi doesn't fit a lot of people's tuning style, I'm not really crazy about how she's often tuned but I suppose this is very subjective opinion.

No. The Vocaloid fandom isn't "dying". Y'all are just pessimistic.
^^^ Couldn't have said it better.


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
Whoo boy, I apologize in advance for this one: I don't like CircusP. It's not that I don't like their music (though some of it I really don't care for), but... I don't know how to describe it. Whenever I see or hear about CircusP, my whole body goes into this fight-or-flight mode, and my mind starts screaming some kind of warning, like GET AS FAR AWAY FROM THIS PERSON AS YOU CAN. I'm sure they're actually a very kind person, so I really don't know why my mind's wired that kind of reaction. It might be because, when I listened to their music more regularly, it was during a really bad time in my life, so maybe I've just come to associate them with those feelings. That's the only theory I have, anyway.

There's too many songs about suicide. The fact that a lot of them seem to glorify it or make it seem beautiful or casual is even worse. That one's extremely personal to me for extremely personal reasons, so I apologize if I sound soap-box-y. But I'm with y'all on not liking how edgy a huge chunk of popular Vocaloid music is. That's why I love Mitchie M so much: even his edgiest stuff is fun.

I don't mind people calling Len hot when he's blatantly aged up (that includes songs like SPICE and Seisou Bakuretsu Boy, since he's made to look adult in those songs' original videos). But when people start calling 14-year-old, obviously pre-pubescent Len hot, that's when it's weird.
Sep 21, 2019
There's too many songs about suicide. The fact that a lot of them seem to glorify it or make it seem beautiful or casual is even worse. That one's extremely personal to me for extremely personal reasons, so I apologize if I sound soap-box-y. But I'm with y'all on not liking how edgy a huge chunk of popular Vocaloid music is. That's why I love Mitchie M so much: even his edgiest stuff is fun.

I don't mind people calling Len hot when he's blatantly aged up (that includes songs like SPICE and Seisou Bakuretsu Boy, since he's made to look adult in those songs' original videos). But when people start calling 14-year-old, obviously pre-pubescent Len hot, that's when it's weird.
I agree so much with the first one. There are some songs that I can give a pass because the lyrics are either vague or the quality of the competition outweighs the lyrical content (Meltdown is a good example for me. Most people say it's heavy, but I think the lyrics are very vague and the quality of the music is very good). (Also, Mitchie M does edgy stuff? I thought only his most recent song was dark. I feel like such a fake Mitchie fan now. XD)

Also, okay, phew. Len is aged up in Spice. That makes me feel a lot better about it. I still don't like the song, but now I hate it less knowing he's aged up.


Apr 9, 2018
I don't mind people calling Len hot when he's blatantly aged up (that includes songs like SPICE and Seisou Bakuretsu Boy, since he's made to look adult in those songs' original videos). But when people start calling 14-year-old, obviously pre-pubescent Len hot, that's when it's weird.
I'm pretty sure the people saying Len is hot on YouTube are teenagers around Len's age. If they're older than teens, they're probably shota-loving fujoshis.


Oct 8, 2019
I already expressed how I'm not a big fan of how is Flower most commonly used in the western community but truth be told, I'm not a big Flower fan overall. At the very best I just found her to be tolerable. And this is coming from someone who loves ( with big L ) deep-toned female vocals. I tried liking her because of it but I can't help but think of her as...worse Yanhe...but in japanese and for rock. I'm very happy for Mikoto who can act as a replacement for Flower. And is more versatile too...and with better tempo...and bpm...and range too I think.


Hardcore Fan
Apr 8, 2018
I never liked flower as a standalone voice either, but rock is a very popular genre in the vocaloid community and she was advertised as being ideal for it, and the rest is history. I enjoy what people make with her!
Also in pretty much every era of the vocaloid fandom, the people who found Len attractive were around his age, so I didn't find it weird, but you never know.

But for an actual unpopular opinion which I'm pretty sure I haven't said before, I love Amano Yoshitaka's concept art for the Zola project. It seems like so many people are driven away from the Zola Project for their concept art alone, but I love their 80s visual kei group aesthetic a lot. Some parts of the group art are awkward, but it's just a draft and not a finished art piece. Besides, each of them has multiple "official" designs anyways, and Yamaha encouraged people to make their own Zola designs...it makes me cringe sometimes when I see people say "tHe ZoLa PrOjEcT lOoKs UgLy!"


Galaco's stalker
Mar 16, 2019
I honestly hate Maika singing in english, She sounds choppy and reminds me of a whistle or something, her singing in spanish sounds more natural and fluent to me

I also feel like there's too many songs about dark topics mainly in the western community, it might make some people uncomfortable and they're starting to get repetitive I wish there just a few more light hearted songs.

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