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Unpopular Opinions


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
I feel like in some parts of the fandom, it's an unpopular opinion to not mind dark and edgy songs.
I like them. They've always been my cup of tea, before I was into Vocaloid and now. I mean, I wouldn't say I like edgy music, but I like sad music with darker themes. I also really like artists being able to make whatever music they like and feeling comfortable to do so.
The fandom seems really divided on the western community and the darker songs they make. People are either die-hard fans of producers who mainly dwell in dark, sad themes, or they vehemently despise this kind of music and post long rants on how it's "all there is in the western fandom".
It's not like happy music doesn't exist in the western fandom- there are just very few producers in the western fandom who have large followings, and the majority of them make sadder music. I think if you'd like to see more happy music reach higher levels of popularity, you should really focus on supporting those songs and creators more! :) Comment and like their videos, put them in playlists, share them on here or in other vocaloid communities!
This debate has been going on for years. I find it kind of exhausting. People on VO used to get very heated about how much they just wished that western producers would stop making sad music all the time. In the world of music, there will always be so many different kinds of songs and lyrics. Just because voice-synths are a smaller pocket of music doesn't mean this will be any different. People will always use vocaloid to make darker music, and I don't think there's any reason to shame them for that just because you don't like it or are sick of seeing it.

Remember that there are very few western producers with large followings. There are so many different producers and songs out there that just get lost on youtube and only get a few views or have very little subscribers. The western community may seem very one-note at first glance, but once you dig deeper you'll find so much more variety and amazing content.
Sep 21, 2019
@uncreepy I rarely use soundcloud but what you said about pvs more easily grabbing other people's attention does make a lot of sense. All the musicians and artists on vocaverse should just unite and make them most upbeat song with amazing pv tbh.
That would a killer collab, tbh. XD
(I guess I really should stop procrastinating and actually make an original song, thus contributing to happy, upbeat songs by western VocaloPs.)
Sep 21, 2019
I don't know how unpopular this opinion is or isn't because I haven't seen it discussed much, but considering songs that do this are quite popular...

I don't like it when people tune Len to sound super "ZOMG kawaii desu ne UwU"; meaning, tuning his voice to sound super high-pitched and cutesy. I prefer people who can tune him to sound powerful and strong, or even slightly more mature (I always increase the gender factor on him). But, hey, to each their own!

Also, I don't like Kikuo very much. I know there are a lot of depressing Vocaloid songs, but his seem to take it to a whole other level... some of them I find quite disturbing. (Though, I do admit, I like "Aishite, Aishite, Aishite" a little bit. Moreso because of the overall flow and style of the composition, and also because it sounds a bit creepy/spooky.)


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
Also, I don't like Kikuo very much. I know there are a lot of depressing Vocaloid songs, but his seem to take it to a whole other level... some of them I find quite disturbing. (Though, I do admit, I like "Aishite, Aishite, Aishite" a little bit. Moreso because of the overall flow and style of the composition, and also because it sounds a bit creepy/spooky.)
If you like Kikuo's style but not his lyrics, I suggest listening to Sight Noise Life and the Earth! It's a very long song that really epitomizes his musical style and has nearly no lyrics.
He's also done lots of other instrumental only songs, this one is my favorite.


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
To be completely honest, when i see the "too many edgy songs" opinion, I get irritated, because there are SO MANY western producers who DON'T write edgy music and they don't get views.

I also refuse to listen to kikuo for lyrical reasons (along with masa, maretu (mostly), and.....ok i forgot the third one) and think flower is just a generally awful vocal


カイミク || Len English || Arsloid || V5/Piapro
Staff member
Apr 9, 2018
I have like 3 Collab songs that are not dark. Defiant also has some songs that are not dark

Unpopular opinion: There needs to be an Arsloid English Voicebank. Also I'm going to finish my awesome Arsloid song and it's going to be so famous that Arsmagna would notice it. :cool:

Please ignore my unpopular opinions, I didn't know what to put and just wanted to be somewhat random.....

Could you tell me why Kikuo thinks that flower is a "generally awful vocal"? I think flower's voice sounds beautiful!
I think Defiant meant that they themselves don't like Flower. Not Kikuo....? :rune_lili:
..... Actually, do you hate Flower, @DefiantKitsune? I forgot if you did, sorry. :kyo_ani_lili:

For me..... Flower can sound good on certain covers and certain type of songs. Sometimes I'm on the fence for her. :clara_ani_lili:
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Oct 8, 2019
Could you tell me why Kikuo thinks that flower is a "generally awful vocal"? I think flower's voice sounds beautiful!
Just some of us don't like Flower, we don't know what Kikuo thinks of Flower. Well I personally despise her voice because I find it to be choppy and screechy and I think it's nearly impossible to make her weird quirky voice flow with the song nicely, it's just so distracting I don't think it really compliments any song. On top of that her tempo and range is pretty meh.

Her other weakness is that she isn't versatile....at all. It might seem silly to criticize rock Vocaloid for not being able to sing outside of the rock genre but I do think it makes her less valuable when the other rock-capable vocals ( Una Spicy, IA rocks, Mikoto ) are more flexible in terms of genres and even outdo her in range and tempo.

So...uh, this is my reasoning for thinking that Flower is a meh vocaloid, @DefiantKitsune do you have something to add?
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Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
I hate flower. There's really no way I can pretend otherwise.
She's grating, tends to go off pitch, and just flat out doesn't sound good.

The things on kikuo and flower were separate yes; both had just been mentioned.


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
Flower's one of those vocals that I like the concept of and I think can fulfill a certain purpose but she certainly doesn't work for every song. But because she's very popular, she tends to get used for songs that she doesn't really fit well all the time.

Also I like her V3 design more than her V4. I know on tumblr everyone was obsessed with her v4 design, but her v3 is more my style.


Hardcore Fan
Apr 8, 2018
Honestly I think edgy/dark/serious songs are more common in the Japanese vocaloid community. For newer producers we have Shitoo, Kairiki Bear, Hachiya Nanashi, and that's not even mentioning the more established people. (Even cosmoP just published a song about cannibalism...) The other language communities aren't that much different imo.
(People will really over criticize Western vocaloid producers for things they're totally ok with in Japanese producers it seems like...:mikoto_lili:)


Feb 27, 2019
I know some people are going to see this as arguing, but to be honest the "unpopular" opinion I'm addressing isn't actually unpopular at all so just think of this as me stating MY unpopular opinion.

Creepy/"edgy" Vocaloid songs have existed since the beginning of the fandom. Shit like Daughter of Evil and Alice Human Sacrifice are what drew a lot of people to the fandom, so it only makes sense that they would continue to be a popular thing within the fandom. I can understand if other people aren't fans of those songs themselves, and there are certainly plenty of songs outside of that bubble that I'm a huge fan of, but if you aren't a fan of that type of Vocaloid music, it's really easy to avoid. Hell, songs that don't fall under that umbrella are inarguably more popular these days anyway when you look at the songs that end up in concerts and on the official Hatsune Miku channel, so I don't see how a subset of Vocaloid fans enjoying creepy music is really causing any problems for anyone who DOESN'T enjoy creepy music.


Oct 8, 2019
I think the issue with dark songs in the west lies within the execution, not within their mere existence. As @peaches2217 said, the western dark songs really do have an issue with glorifying self-destrictive behaviour. Very personal songs that are balantly about drowning in your pool of misery and trying to make it look quirky at the same time are something very specific to the western fandom and well....can't blame people for disliking that kind of stuff.


Give me Gackpoid AI or give me DEATH
Sep 11, 2019
What Patuk said. Songs that tell a narrative are one thing, songs that hit too close to home while making it seem casual or lovely are another. I know people enjoy them, but I don't for very personal reasons, so I apologize for my strong opinion on this, and I don't mean to seem upset at those who do enjoy those types of songs.. I DO love me some Echo and Alice of Human Sacrifice, thought.
Sep 21, 2019
If you like Kikuo's style but not his lyrics, I suggest listening to Sight Noise Life and the Earth! It's a very long song that really epitomizes his musical style and has nearly no lyrics.
He's also done lots of other instrumental only songs, this one is my favorite.
Thanks for sharing these! I'll have to listen to them!
I think the issue with dark songs in the west lies within the execution, not within their mere existence. As @peaches2217 said, the western dark songs really do have an issue with glorifying self-destrictive behaviour. Very personal songs that are balantly about drowning in your pool of misery and trying to make it look quirky at the same time are something very specific to the western fandom and well....can't blame people for disliking that kind of stuff.
I quite agree with this! I personally don't have an issue with dark songs of until they are trying to glorify destructive behavior.

(I mean, if I said that I hated all dark songs, I'd be lying. I actually quite like Aku no Musume and Evil/Repulsive Food Eater Conchita by Mothy as well a lot of Neru's works! Also, I did used to like Echo a lot at one point, so then there's that, lol.)

Mothy's songs tell a story and don't attempt to glorify what's being portrayed, while Neru's songs seem like they come from a bit of a personal place but don't attempt to glorify what's being discussed. (From what lyrics I've seen, anyways.)


Feb 27, 2019
I don't completely agree with the idea that these songs "glorify" these behaviors. I've been noticing that in the western side of fandoms, people tend to expect a work to go out of their way to say "by the way, this is bad" just to prove that it's not trying to make the subject matter seem acceptable IRL (in regards to certain subjects, others tend to be given a free pass, usually non-sexual violence against others) and personally I don't ... get that mindset. It's completely crazy to me.

That being said, I totally understand if people have certain subjects they don't enjoy in media due to their own history/issues, but I generally try to refrain from making generalizations about media that depicts those things or people who enjoy them because I know that everyone approaches media from a different angle and with different needs.


Oct 8, 2019
Glorification of unhealthy behaviours has undenyably been an ongoing issue on social media, mental health issues have been turned into nothing else but an "aesthetic" and personality trait by some and not an issue to be worked on and these songs are by-product of that mindset without the producers even realizing it. They don't create these songs because they need to vent but sadly because they convinced themselves that their mental health issues are their personality trait and they latch onto it, create content around it to have a sense of identity which ends up hurting them even more :( This "glorification" is part of a larger, ongoing problem....but I digress.

To go back on topic, I really like Iroha's V2 design!

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