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Unpopular Opinions


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
Luka V2 was probably the worst English bank ever made from a factual standpoint, Crypton had no clue what they were doing and left off several phonetics. (Even Sonika had all her sounds.)

Luka V4, however, is pretty good, probably the best along with Fukase. (Gumi has good samples but she loses points for being glitchy as heck)

Unpopular opinion: with the sole exception of Maika, non-english supporting voicebanks shouldn't be used for English. EVER. Even Luka V2/Sonika were better than the best jloids tuned to english.
Using them as backing vocals is a good idea though.


Fukase and Engloid Artist/User
Apr 8, 2018
Oh trust me, people often falsely claimed that Luka had better English than ones like Sonika, Miriam, Sweet Ann and so on. I can say Luka's V2 English VB doesn't sound really confident and even Sonika is louder by default.


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
(well, Luka being soft is a different thing entirely)

But regardless of what people claimed, Luka V2 is objectively bad.

Luka V4 is good though, I can make her understandable easily and i barely know what I'm doing.


Aspiring Fan
May 3, 2018
- I think Rion's voice is the cutest out of all cute voices, and her company did a good job with her
- Maika was way overhyped, to me she has always been just ok...
- The Kagamines' voicetypes, not the quality, is what makes them bad, and their usage often ruin songs that could be good (from time to time something does work, mostly for Rin). They're good for backing vocals though
- Piko is one of the most versatile vocalists
- Cul's voice has the perfect energy for happy (or just energetic) pop songs, probably more than rock (like in Yellow)
- Chika might sound similar to Gumi, sure, but she's much more fun to listen
- IA and Yukari are super bland and Yukari is even more bland
- Meiko isn't that boring, she's just... cool

Stardust Daydreamer

~ Magic, Mental Health, and Music ~
Apr 9, 2018
- I’m frustrated by the Vocaloid fandom for several reasons. Everyone is quick to judge new Vocaloids, many people in the fandom can be incredibly rude and mean, and people complain for no reason. That being said, I love the positive parts of this fandom, and I’m Vocaloid trash so I’m not leaving anytime soon.

- I realize that Yamaha’s actions are probably a lead up to V5. I still think it’s brash of them to give ten days before the VYs are discontinued. I still think it’s understandable that everyone is worried about CYAN (and VY2, a little bit). I still think Yamaha needs to get their crap together.

- Vocaloid is too expensive. They can produce quality Vocaloids and sell them for less, and they should, especially if they want to compete with CeVio. We all know this.

- I’ve said this at least three times already, but Vocaloid isn’t dying. I agree with those who say it’s changing, though, because it is.

- I don’t follow heartbreaker anymore, not because I don’t like his stuff, but because he thinks that Vocaloid is dying and that western producers becoming popular doesn’t change that, and that he believes that translators don’t deserve credit. Same with Rachie, even though she apologized.

- Mirai is cute, okay? She is.

- Vent/emotional songs are important, and I wish people stopped calling these songs “edgy”. That being said, while I’m fine with “edgy” songs, I hope that “edgy” songs are handled better in terms of lyrics, content, and meaning more often.

- Honestly there are really only two companies that are good in terms of being supportive and important to the community: AHS and Shanghai Heinan. AHS gives us good Vocaloids, updates, treats all of its children well, and more. Shanghai Heinan LITERALLY bought the other V Singers back and are releasing them in a relatively timely manner, even put a lot of effort into Yan He and Stardust, among other good things. Most of the other companies are bad at marketing, or only market one Vocaloid well, or are good but not as involved in the community, or are too small/too new to tell, especially Yamaha, Internet Co., and Crypton (as much as I love some of the Vocaloids from these companies). As I said earlier, Yamaha needs to get their crap together and make Vocaloid better than it is.


Aspiring Fan
Apr 8, 2018
IA English isn't much of an improvement over what Vocaloid is capable of. Yes, some of the things we've heard using her sound really nice, but some of them have really awkward phoneme issues which demonstrates that, just like with English Vocaloids, you have to be very conscious about phonemes if you want her to sound natural/understandable. The same is likely true of Synthesizer V based on what we can see in cillia's self cover video (the notes have a lot of phonetic changes on them), though I'm more impressed by that software because of the possibility of it being a spiritual successor to Utau, which we desperately need.


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
- I’m frustrated by the Vocaloid fandom for several reasons. Everyone is quick to judge new Vocaloids, many people in the fandom can be incredibly rude and mean, and people complain for no reason. That being said, I love the positive parts of this fandom, and I’m Vocaloid trash so I’m not leaving anytime soon.

- I realize that Yamaha’s actions are probably a lead up to V5. I still think it’s brash of them to give ten days before the VYs are discontinued. I still think it’s understandable that everyone is worried about CYAN (and VY2, a little bit). I still think Yamaha needs to get their crap together.

- Vocaloid is too expensive. They can produce quality Vocaloids and sell them for less, and they should, especially if they want to compete with CeVio. We all know this.

- I’ve said this at least three times already, but Vocaloid isn’t dying. I agree with those who say it’s changing, though, because it is.

- I don’t follow heartbreaker anymore, not because I don’t like his stuff, but because he thinks that Vocaloid is dying and that western producers becoming popular doesn’t change that, and that he believes that translators don’t deserve credit. Same with Rachie, even though she apologized.

- Mirai is cute, okay? She is.

- Vent/emotional songs are important, and I wish people stopped calling these songs “edgy”. That being said, while I’m fine with “edgy” songs, I hope that “edgy” songs are handled better in terms of lyrics, content, and meaning more often.

- Honestly there are really only two companies that are good in terms of being supportive and important to the community: AHS and Shanghai Heinan. AHS gives us good Vocaloids, updates, treats all of its children well, and more. Shanghai Heinan LITERALLY bought the other V Singers back and are releasing them in a relatively timely manner, even put a lot of effort into Yan He and Stardust, among other good things. Most of the other companies are bad at marketing, or only market one Vocaloid well, or are good but not as involved in the community, or are too small/too new to tell, especially Yamaha, Internet Co., and Crypton (as much as I love some of the Vocaloids from these companies). As I said earlier, Yamaha needs to get their crap together and make Vocaloid better than it is.
tbf Zero-G does everything you mention but updates, which they've said aren't viable for any of their pre-Avanna vocals (except maybe miriam)

I agree with AHS, Shanghai Heinan, and Zero-G being the best though (along with a few smaller companies, and Voctro when they were here.. too bad they couldn't make a profit)
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Some more unpopular opinions:
I'm starting to despise this fandom. Literally everything has to be "eDgY" or it's not popular. And people literally only use like, the same four VOCALOIDs in the English community at this point. Like, use what you like, but have SOME diversity??? People like who I've come across on this site are nice and normal, but oh God. Going into the comments (especially CrusherP) is a nightmare of cringe.

I think it's kind of creepy that people think Len is hot? Like, 1) He's fourteen 2) He's voiced by a girl and 3) He LOOKS fourteen. I may just be biased, but...

MIRIAM's accent is adorable.

I don't like CrusherP, CreeP, or GHOSTP. CreeP freaks me out, Crusher is sO EDgY, and GHOST is just... noise. But I don't want to get into a fight over this, okay?

I'm SO MAD Yamaha is retiring Cyva. I'll be the only person to miss her, I know... but it's so infuriating.

Zero-G is good, in my opinion. Yeah, their VOCALOIDs aren't the best quality, but they're the most unique.

I like Merli better than Lapis, and I don't think she sounds like IA.

I like ONE better than IA.

It's not an unpopular opinion anymore, I don't think (?) but OH MY CRYPTON, IA ENGLISH IS SO... ANNOYING. She's nasaly, robotic, and just grating.


Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
Some more unpopular opinions:
I'm starting to despise this fandom. Literally everything has to be "eDgY" or it's not popular. And people literally only use like, the same four VOCALOIDs in the English community at this point. Like, use what you like, but have SOME diversity??? People like who I've come across on this site are nice and normal, but oh God. Going into the comments (especially CrusherP) is a nightmare of cringe.
Gotta agree 100% with this. I've made the joke for years by this point that if you wanna get noticed as a Western producer, just buy Gumi English and you'll get more attention than like 90% of people even if you aren't good at producing yet. And it seems like every popular producer in the West does those edgy songs...

And with this, I feel it's almost unfair that people think Fukase is a meme, and he bssically got popular in the West because people thought his design was edgy looking. Not to mention, I think it's super disrespectful to have nicknamed him fuckass when he's literally named after his VP and just like other Vocaloids that are supposed to represent their VP (like Gumi, Gakupo, Lily, IA, etc). It's pretty disgusting to me by this point honestly. It's bad enough to have Vocaloids treated like that to begin with, but when he actually represents his VP...it just looks disrespectful.


Apr 9, 2018
I guess I'll share my humble yet unpopular opinion. I don't understand why so many people get offended by the edgy lyrics certain popular English Vocaloid producers make. What kind of songs do you expect from someone with a username like Ghost or Creep-P? Cute, romantic love songs? That'd be like seeing the band Cannibal Corpse, with a YouTube thumbnail for their new song with a zombie on it, clicking it and being surprised by what you're hearing. Creep-P walks around with eyeball outfit motifs for Pete's sake. Those type of English producers even have thumbnail art that matches the lyrics, so why did you click it? Expecting them to be un-creepy would be like telling a goth to wear a rainbow bikini. o__0;


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
IDK if this is unpopular but: Billibilli is awful. I can't even get it to load half the time, and it's ugly and obtuse.

Oh and, since there aren't many positive opinions here:

I don't think mediocre tuning is a huge dealbreaker for originals. If you're creative and write good music, I can tolerate IA sounding like a chipmunk.


feng yi supremacy
Apr 8, 2018
elsewhere looking for oarfish
I don't think mediocre tuning is a huge dealbreaker for originals. If you're creative and write good music, I can tolerate IA sounding like a chipmunk.
I agree on this (except about high pitched IA, high pitched IA is always gross and unbearable), I think mediocre tuning is okay and tbh not every single song has to have great tuning or sound realistic, esp if it works really well into a song or if everything else about the song outweighs the not-so-amazing tuning. like as long as the vocal isn't physically hurting my ears and stays on key then mediocre tuning is okay imo


Staff member
Apr 6, 2018
The Lightning Strike
On a similar vein: I think how the vocals are mixed is more important than their tuning. I check out a lot of obscure Western producers, by far the most common reason for me not to finish a song is poor mixing. This seems like a really difficult area that a lot of a beginners struggle with.

I also suspect it's something that has a big impact on the average listener, because mixing issues seem to be much more prevalent in songs under >10, 000 views. If I were to describe the most common difference between music that's popular in the fandom and music that's unpopular, it wouldn't be edginess - it would be mixing. I think this area is holding many talented musicians back.


Apr 8, 2018
Some more unpopular opinions:
I'm starting to despise this fandom. Literally everything has to be "eDgY" or it's not popular. And people literally only use like, the same four VOCALOIDs in the English community at this point. Like, use what you like, but have SOME diversity???.
Perhaps I am over thinking this, but I am guessing that there are two main reasons people stick with the same Vocaloids. The first is viewer bias. Before recent, Engloids did have bias against them of not sounding great. (IE Big Al sounding like he is smashed or kermit the frog, Sonika being a mumbly mess, Leon sounding like a girl, Lola Sounding like a man, etc, etc.) While this as diminished to a point, that biased is still out there with more casual fans of english Vocaloids. (I'm not exactly sure if that is the right wording) Second, is that with each new vocaloid means relearning. While learning multiple vocaloids can help you open up to more styles, it takes a lot of time to learn each vocaloids quirks especially on the english side. This means that producers have to delay putting out songs by learning a new voice so that they can figure out how to make the vocaloid fit into their music (or making new music all together for that vocaloid) which could make fans grow impatient and probably make them lose interest. Meanwhile they could just use the voice they already know and put out a lot more songs without the extra headache.


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
Oh, speaking of moe IA- why do I see so much complaining about her, and none about the true abominations of moe Luka, Iroha, and Lily?

Are we just too shell-shocked to complain?
Some more unpopular opinions:
I'm starting to despise this fandom. Literally everything has to be "eDgY" or it's not popular. And people literally only use like, the same four VOCALOIDs in the English community at this point. Like, use what you like, but have SOME diversity??? People like who I've come across on this site are nice and normal, but oh God. Going into the comments (especially CrusherP) is a nightmare of cringe.
My friend, I have some news for you about Japanese vocaloid usage...


Aspiring Fan
Apr 11, 2018
A positive one is that I really enjoy the longetivity and malleable and collective nature that the Vocaloid fandom has.
Not many fandoms have that tbh and it's one of the reasons I stayed in it for the longest.
Now...everyone has their reasons for leaving Vocaloid, but the ones that bother me the most is when people say it was a "phase" or that they basically degrade to a celeb stan acount afterwards lmao.

I also enjoy when creators stay for a long time, like all these remakes of 5th, 9th, 10th anniversary songs are really nice and it shows that they really kept Vocaloid to their heart, not just like pop in for a commission and then leave again.

Also...sorta related, but I dislike the voiceroid jp fandom, it's very early vocaloid fandom in the sense that it is limiting and that there is very little creativity outside of boring let's plays and fanarts based on anime cliches.

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