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Unpopular Opinions

Blue Of Mind

The world that I do not know...
Apr 8, 2018
On the topic of ships, just out of curiosity, what is the general opinion of Luka/Gakupo? It's like... the only Gakupo ship I've ever seen and I don't really know how I feel about it. Just curious what everyone else's opinions are?
It's actually one of my favourite Vocaloid pairings, but it looks like it's fallen by the wayside over the years. It's also true that Gakupo barely gets paired up with anyone aside from Luka and Kaito, but a long time ago, I did see Gakupo/Gumi.

I honestly wish producers would release updates to their songs with newer voice banks updates /tuning / mixing. I love a lot of old songs but the age of the voice just takes me out of it. I honestly think this was why meiko and kaito is so unpopular. There are so many rin and Len ballads that just sound so mechanical because they are using act2 and their voices don't fit magic mirror and Gemini come to mind.
I've seen some producers do this sometimes, but usually to mark an anniversary of a song's release, or as a demo for an updated bank. I know Shu-t has done it a few times for his Meiko songs.


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
I don't care for Rikka so far; she's very bland and not a voicetype i care for. Maybe it's because her exVoice preview involved her screaming for a signficant time though.
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Oct 8, 2019
I don't care for Rikka so far; she's very bland and not a voicetype i care for. Maybe it's because her exVoice preview involved her screaming for a signficant time though.
I'm with you there but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that her singing voice is more interesting and two, she's bringing some positivity into the community which we need rn ngl.
So during quarantine, I watched a lot of VocAmerica... and I wasn't really impressed, which I believe is a pretty unpopular opinion?

I understand Empath is paying for this herself and I respect that! But I felt like it was missing so much! There are PLENTY of English VOCALOIDs besides Dex, Daina, and the occasional Ruby. Where are Leon, Lola, and Miriam? Al and Ann? Cyva and Cyman?? There is so much missing that I didn't understand. But still, props to Empath for trying to give some English VOCALOIDs their time in the spotlight.


Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
I understand Empath is paying for this herself and I respect that! But I felt like it was missing so much! There are PLENTY of English VOCALOIDs besides Dex, Daina, and the occasional Ruby. Where are Leon, Lola, and Miriam? Al and Ann? Cyva and Cyman?? There is so much missing that I didn't understand. But still, props to Empath for trying to give some English VOCALOIDs their time in the spotlight.
to be fair, i'm pretty sure there have been plans to include both Ann/Al and the Cybers. The V1s are dead at this point, to be frank.
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Watch Levius and Stan Natalia Cromwell
Sep 16, 2019
Unpopular opinion but I’m fine with the “decline” of the vocaloid mascots being used in PV’s or even human versions of vocaloid songs like hanakikuo or Pinocchio singing with Miku/making versions of his song where he’s the main singer.

I don’t think it means using the mascots are dead and that no one cares about them anymore it’s more like in my opinion people are using the software closer to what it was intended for a product to tell your story that they can give their own characters/universe. And with the human versions of vocaloid songs I like it because as good as vocaloid is, in some cases some the songs just sound better with that human touch or it’s fun to hear a different sound for that song.

Plus I think another reason we don’t see the mascots as often in the PV’s anymore is that fan PV’s have been on the decline so a lot of the new PV’s are commissioned and use original characters. This is kinda rambly but basically I don’t think these changes are bad, especially since there hasn’t been a decline in the vocals being used so it’s not like there aren’t anymore vocaloid songs just because they aren’t in the PV or a human version might get more popularity.


Also just thinking about all the characters I love that came from vocaloid series like Kagepro, Honeyworks’ series, Sohta’s works, etc.
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Hardcore Fan
Apr 8, 2018
So during quarantine, I watched a lot of VocAmerica... and I wasn't really impressed, which I believe is a pretty unpopular opinion?

I understand Empath is paying for this herself and I respect that! But I felt like it was missing so much! There are PLENTY of English VOCALOIDs besides Dex, Daina, and the occasional Ruby. Where are Leon, Lola, and Miriam? Al and Ann? Cyva and Cyman?? There is so much missing that I didn't understand. But still, props to Empath for trying to give some English VOCALOIDs their time in the spotlight.
I honestly agree, Vocamerica is an amazing concept but it was sadly hampered by a lack of direction. In 2016 it really felt like a way to advertise Dex and Daina, and the later UTAU overload didn't exactly endear the supporters to it.
The kickstarter was years ago and the only vocaloids they've added to the concert out of their tier goals are Yohioloid and Avanna. :( Also, Aki has already worked for Zero-G so she knew what to do to get the rights to use their characters. Yamaha vocaloids would be harder(and songman was new at the time vocamerica started off anyways)

Unpopular opinion but I’m fine with the “decline” of the vocaloid mascots being used in PV’s or even human versions of vocaloid songs like hanakikuo or Pinocchio singing with Miku/making versions of his song where he’s the main singer.

I don’t think it means using the mascots are dead and that no one cares about them anymore it’s more like in my opinion people are using the software closer to what it was intended for a product to tell your story that they can give their own characters/universe. And with the human versions of vocaloid songs I like it because as good as vocaloid is, in some cases some the songs just sound better with that human touch or it’s fun to hear a different sound for that song.

Plus I think another reason we don’t see the mascots as often in the PV’s anymore is that fan PV’s have been on the decline so a lot of the new PV’s are commissioned and use original characters. This is kinda rambly but basically I don’t think these changes are bad, especially since there hasn’t been a decline in the vocals being used so it’s not like there aren’t anymore vocaloid songs just because they aren’t in the PV or a human version might get more popularity.


Also just thinking about all the characters I love that came from vocaloid series like Kagepro, Honeyworks’ series, Sohta’s works, etc.
I like to see the trend of original character PVs in a more positive light. In certain corners Vocaloid has become so normal that people see it as a great way to tell a story rather than just a cheap novelty thing.


Aspiring Fan
May 19, 2020
Expanding on Vocamerica, didnt they reach crowdfunding goals to include the likes of Yohio, Sonika, Oliver, and Big Al? Now, I'm not too caught up on what they're doing, but did they ever get around to implementing them? I was open to them including Aiko and Namida, but i dont know how many more UTAUs theyve added since then. I always thought that the main reason they included UTAUs near the beginning was because they didnt have the assets to use all the vocaloids they wanted yet, and they needed more content to fill space until then.

I honestly dont know why they havent implemented the vocas yet. I can understand not including the V1s, because theres not much content of them to work with, but it honestly seems like a missed opportunity to not include vocas like Oliver and Big Al.


Avanna's #1 Fan
Apr 8, 2018
I’ll also agree with the Vocamerica opinion. I still alsupport it, and it’s a great cause for English/Western Vocaloids, but I have always thought there was a little...too much Dex and Daina. Not to me tion, atop the stretch goal Vocaloids not all being there, there has been two song contests (one for all the other Engloids they wanted to include, including the V1s and the other for new opener/closer songs) and as far as I know, the songs haven’t been implemented yet

I think the major downfall of Vocamerica was when they stopped really advertising it online...we went from the livestream of the Tora-con show (I think?) to radio silence. I didn’tbeven know Avanna had been put in until I saw a mutual on Twitter post about it, and I was...really confused

Some other opinions:
- I don’t really like Mitchie M’s newer music. He used to be my favorite producer, but everything from Ohedo Julia Night oneard, I just haven’t been super into. They’re still good songs, but none I sould go out of my way to listen to
- I’m actually okay with the lack of new and updated voices for V5. To me, the highlight of V5 is the updated editor, even if it’s buggy and not great. Especially with V3 still supported, there are A LOT of VBs to pick from. plus, I can’t think of any VB besides English VBs that’d majorly benefit from an update.


Staff member
Apr 8, 2018
- I don’t really like Mitchie M’s newer music. He used to be my favorite producer, but everything from Ohedo Julia Night oneard, I just haven’t been super into. They’re still good songs, but none I sould go out of my way to listen to
I have to agree with this. Mitchie M's older songs are great, his newer works on the other hand lack that "Mitchie M appeal". If it's his intention to develop his music into what we've seen from him lately, that's his decision and that's fine, but personally I prefer his older songs more. His new stuff isn't bad, but I feel it lacks the charm that was present in many of his older songs.


Apr 9, 2018
I don't know what happened, but the last Vocamerica model was Yohioloid and he was finished at the beginning of 2018. YoiStyle hasn't posted since the middle of 2019 on any of their social media which was after a long hiatus. Here are some of the vocal synth characters YoiStyle modeled: PORTFOLIO EN | yoistyle (For some reason, Florian from VocalNexus isn't on there and there are also some UTAUs they did which aren't on the website.)

I am not sure if part of Vocamerica not implementing the other models very much is because it takes a while to make a dancing music video + maybe there isn't a demand due to people having to help Vocamerica out by requesting their local anime conventions invite them. So if they aren't being asked to go to many cons per year, then maybe it doesn't justify the cost of paying 3D modelers and animators and stuff. (I do know that the usual cost of a 3D model alone is between $250-500 depending on the artist.) But maybe Vocamerica could just crowd fund again or something to boost some energy back into it?
to be fair, i'm pretty sure there have been plans to include both Ann/Al and the Cybers. The V1s are dead at this point, to be frank.
Ah, I didn't know that. As for the V1s, they dont HAVE to be, if someone paid them attention. They have good MMD models and I know quite a few VOCALOID originals using them. (Or they could just cover other songs, like what they did with Echo)
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Oct 8, 2019
mmmmm two things

short version: not a huge V4 fan

long version:

So, this is the 2nd time Im playing with V4 trial which came with my Iroha copy ( I first used it on my pc and now I'm using it on my laptop again with Macne Nana trials on it ) and yeah....I came to the conclusion...that...I dont like it :yohioloid_lili: Parameter control is quite limited as in it doesn't allow for you to be very precise and is extremely tedious like in no other editor, midi --> vsqx is an extremely annoying process because V4's handling of overlapping notes is....ugh, phoneme control isn't intuitive at all, for long time users using this one shortcut that switches to phoneme editing ( which now slipped out if my mind lol ) might be given but to a newcomer like me it wasn't at all :LOL: and it quite frankly took me a while to figure out the note property method too, it was pretty frustrating and the editor is riddled with these small annoying things that just makes it extremely frustarting to use for me personally.

Also, removing VY1's appends for V5 made perfect sense. They aren't.....vbs which really were meant to stand on their own...they were designed to cover different ranges and the ranges which they covered are limited making them nearly useless for anything else but....xsy....and vocie colors being a replacement for xsy. VY1 is still just as capable but now you have different means fo acheving such results.
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Lonely kanon fan
Apr 11, 2018
The only issue is that VY1V5 might be her normal vb instead of natural, in which case it IS one of the sad xsy banks. I've heard mixed reports
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Sep 21, 2019
I think I agree with Patuk and say I don’t like the V4 editor that much either. Coming from Piapro Studio, it feels like it lacks a lot (no split tool? Wtf, Yamaha?). Also V4 is kinda buggy for me (but I run it on a VM, so that could be an issue on my end!
But there are some things that are nice about it! I like being able to have one parameter “in the back” and having another one overlayed on it, especially when I need two parameters changing at the same time and pace.

Personally I think V5 looks pretty swanky, lol. But it’s just too pricey for me considering I only want it for the Meikas and they’re just another price on top of that!
(Also given I primarily use Cryptonloids I feel like I can’t really justify buying it since they’re now moving away from Vocaloid?)
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UTAU is my religion!!!
Feb 28, 2019
Gonna have to agree with the posts above about V4 and its *unending* issues. To me the V4 engine feels very weird and clunky, even compared to UTAU which already isn't a very stable program at times. I was honestly surprised when I was first gifted V4 and tried it out some years ago. It wasn't what my first impression/thought of it was like, I guess I was expecting it to be a little more fluid since I always saw Vocaloid as a professional kind of software. AND, that fat price tag for the engine alone. The one thing that really annoys me is how Vocaloid handles the parameters. Its so weird to be drawing dynamics in a box so far under the note...? Because I was used to how in UTAU, things like intensity/pitch bends were done exactly over the note. (although I can see how some things like EVEC are better used in Vocaloid's parameter style.) I dunno, Vocaloid's parameter control is kind of a pisstake

V5 looks so much better, though I'm just not sure if I wanna spend my money on it given I haven't touched my V4 in over a year and more into UTAU anyways. But I love how they added what looks like the same kind of pitch bend style as UTAU? in this image.

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