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Unpopular Opinions


Jul 18, 2019
One good thing about vocaloids death is that we get new user interfaces and innovations in the new vocal synthesizers coming out. I do think neutrinos unofficial editor is the easiest editor on the market. I wish there was a software that can transfer the vsqx and midi and usts and cevio that keeps the tuning intact.


May 19, 2020
I wish there was a software that can transfer the vsqx and midi and usts and cevio that keeps the tuning intact.
Oh man, please! Or at least let me export from v5 to v3/4, or even down to a midi at least! you can import them!!!! English vocaloid tracks are easy to do (in comparison) to English UTAU ones (how anybody can do English CVVC and alike both terrifies and impresses me), and it would be great to be able to make something in Vocaloid and then edit it down to something UTAU can read, like with old v2 vsqs. Like, I don't want to have to only make a base in a midi maker or have to hand-copy something over with a window of each program on each side on my screen, yaknow?

Maybe that's just me being lazy, but it's still very high on my 'please' list.

Okay, an actual option/rant: I absolutely hate KEI's [VOCALOID] artwork, always have. I'm sure the man's a nice guy and all and no ill towards him and yadada, but the CV-loid (and Lily) designs are ugly as shit. The designs are bad and look like a simple first draft drawn on a chibi that got blown up, the coloring looks like it was dated from the start and over processed (sometimes..... cell shading is enough....), and it all comes together in dated, ugly, messes. Why they still use Miku's old v2 art is absolutely beyond me - it's a detriment to both the product and Miku herself. I'm glad the krypton-loids all been updated, but it disappoints me that something like Luka's design even got past the concept phase with how much of a mess it is. It's nice to see that the phase of UTAUloids being designed in his 'style' went away years ago.

Una's designs are also really bad, but at least they're sort of interesting to look at. They gave Una lots of art and costumes and just have fun with it, but with Miku, the million-dollar making jugganaught that she is, they just took some unfished png from 2007 and went 'yeah that's good enough.'
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Watch Levius and Stan Natalia Cromwell
Sep 16, 2019
Okay, an actual option/rant: I absolutely hate KEI's [VOCALOID] artwork, always have. I'm sure the man's a nice guy and all and no ill towards him and yadada, but the CV-loid (and Lily) designs are ugly as shit. The designs are bad and look like a simple first draft drawn on a chibi that got blown up, the coloring looks like it was dated from the start and over processed (sometimes..... cell shading is enough....), and it all comes together in dated, ugly, messes. Why they still use Miku's old v2 art is absolutely beyond me - it's a detriment to both the product and Miku herself. I'm glad the krypton-loids all been updated, but it disappoints me that something like Luka's design even got past the concept phase with how much of a mess it is. It's nice to see that the phase of UTAUloids being designed in his 'style' went away years ago.

Una's designs are also really bad, but at least they're sort of interesting to look at. They gave Una lots of art and costumes and just have fun with it, but with Miku, the million-dollar making jugganaught that she is, they just took some unfished png from 2007 and went 'yeah that's good enough.'
I couldn’t agree with this more! In fact it reminds me of what my friend said in a discord when they saw the vocaloid twitter header


I agree with them that Kei’s art has definitely come a really long way from back then but I’m not sure why they insist on continuing to use it when the art is just well not very good looking. They could easily have Kei do an updated better version or just use the art Ixima has already did for everyone instead of using the old CV art.


May 19, 2020
I couldn’t agree with this more! In fact it reminds me of what my friend said in a discord when they saw the vocaloid twitter header

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I agree with them that Kei’s art has definitely come a really long way from back then but I’m not sure why they insist on continuing to use it when the art is just well not very good looking. They could easily have Kei do an updated better version or just use the art Ixima has already did for everyone instead of using the old CV art.
This only prooves my point!!!!!! Kei's art is bad!!!!! It's so bad. Miku's is basic and unappealing, Rin and Len look like they were told 'make miku again, but so that scene kids would like them', and Luka is just,,,,,, what? What the fuck is she wearing?????? half a trumpet???? Woodgrain??? Mesh under a faux-leather vest and dress? It's a mess. Don't even get me started on the weird belt thing.

Imagine if Justian Beiber had a new single but the album art was just a photo of his 'Baby' era self, or Katy Pery using promo work from that weird Candyland thing now? [aussing that neither is like, a song about that time, that is.] that would be weird. Miku's not just some super simple anime girl for the front of a dvd box to catch an eye, it can't be treated as that. There is a standard for these things and Miku falls so far below it she's dug into the dirt and come out the other side.

(Also on a side note: please stop making miku's shirt shiny. That just makes it look extra tacky.)


UTAU is my religion!!!
Feb 28, 2019
I dunno, Luka was probably my favourite Vocaloid back so many years ago, and her V2 was how I got to know her with. Her V2 art and outfit both kind a have this nostalgic feeling to me and just feel right. And like cafenurse said, that iconic power stance. girl I--

View media item 1065
*sry not a fan of the animal characteristics :0*
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I've said something similar to this a long time ago, I believe, but VOCALOID cover artists aren't that good. (Are they called utaites or something like that?) To me, they all sound the same. The women are all nasally and whiny sounding, and usually try to hit a note that is just too high and end up squeaking. (Poucet is the exception, I find her voice to be really soothing and soft and not usually whiny). And the guys all sound like they're trying way to hard to be sexy.
This is why I've never understood the Juby hype. I literally cannot tell her voice from Rachie's.
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Sep 21, 2019
I agree about what you said about utaites, although my bone to pick is moreso with the Japanese utaites. The females (with the exception of a select few) all sound like they’re trying too hard to be cutesy and it gets annoying to hear the same type of voice over and over again. I prefer utaites with a unique voice, such as Reol or 96Neko.

Though, I can’t speak much for English utaites since I don’t really know anyone besides Jubyphonic or Rachie (although I agree it’s hard to tell their voices apart, I do like them both).


Watch Levius and Stan Natalia Cromwell
Sep 16, 2019
I also agree with the utaite discussion I only listen to a few (please listen to Hanatan she’s amazing!!) because there are many who sound like they’re all trying to imitate the same voice (like voice acting) the ones that are unique sound really, really good though! I’m not big on English utaites but that’s mostly because I don’t really feel like a lot of the songs work in English and pair that with me not caring for most of the voices it just makes it hard to listen.
Sep 21, 2019
Yes!! Nasally vocals are great. Though, I’m a bit biased because I like using Tei and Mayu a lot and they’re both a bit nasally (Mayu moreso than Tei).
(I totally agree with Tema as well, though. Nasally has kind big lost its meaning in terms of vocals because I can’t really name a voicebank that hasn’t been called that at some point. Akdkjsbd)
Jan 11, 2020
A lot of people seem to associate nasality with bad singing technique, which is not true. nasality can create some incredibly distinct vocal tones which are amongst my favourite in Vocaloid. I mean sure, there's a fair few nasally queens, but there's also chesty and rich vocals like Iroha and Merli that no one's stopping them (the ones complaining) from using.

Also, a large portion of vocaloids are voice acted... if companies were like "no nose voice pls xx" the diversity in voice types would most likely dwindle.


Oct 8, 2019
Speaking of nasally voices!!!! Nemu isn't a bad vocaloid!!!! I see many calling her one and I don't personally think that's the case at all!! While her tempo-range is a tad bit limiting she's otherwise very smooth and her overall quality is high and she's got very recognizable voice :ia_ani_lili:


Jul 18, 2019
I think when people talk about nasal ness I think they talk about added nasal tone made from synthesis seen is voices like mayu and cyber diva where that tone isn't there originally in their voice providers.
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Passionate Fan
Jun 27, 2019
I too have wondered if the nasalness in vocal synths is a byproduct of the concatenative* synthesis methods that they use. Similar to how I wonder if the resonance issue with SynthV voices at D5 and above are a byproduct of SynthV rather than the voicebanks themselves.

*Concatenative: Yet another word that I've read and typed, but never spoken or heard...
Jan 11, 2020
It's definitely possible! However, comparing voice providers and Vocaloids makes me think it could be a bit of both. Jenny Shima has a noticeable twang in her songs, but doesn't sound like she's holding her nose unlike Cyber Diva. That makes me think the engine probably emphasises nasality to some degree... Either that, or her recordings were done in a voice that wasn't her natural singing voice, which is a possibility, given Yamaha's pursuit of perfect pronunciation with the english VY's. Thankfully that was rectified with the advent of Cyber Songman.


Still misses Anri Rune
Apr 8, 2018
Oh, I've also never been a huge fan of a lot of utaites/youtaites because a lot of them sound more like theyre doing character voices. (Or like...voice-acting singing? If that makes sense? Idk how to describe it) I think it works well for voice synths because it gives them kind of a personality to make up for what synthetic voices cant do compared to a human vocal, but when a human voice does it, it comes across as a little too over the top for my tastes. This is all personal preference though, a lot of these singers are undeniably very talented, they're just appealing to a certain audience and I am not that audience.
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