also this was already on the site but worth summarizing for people here:
It is available for pre-order already. It will come at the price of $99, with 3 free voicebanks - Liam, Mo Xu, amd Mai 2- to choose from. There will also be a discount on all SV2 voicebanks on the site as well (check the link for the detail and window of time).
Most importantly, for those of us who have SV1...
"Existing users of Synthesizer V Studio Pro version 1 will be able to upgrade to the version 2 editor for $49, with a discounted price of $39 until April 20th, 2025" additionally, you get to pick one of those three voicebanks for free when you upgrade.
I am a little unsure about how that adds up, honestly... am I missing something? wouldnt it be cheaper to get the $99 full price with Mai 2, Liam, and Mo Xu...? Instead of the $39 upgrade with one free voice? Because if I were to go off and buy two of those other three, I would have to be paying for two seperate banks at the price of $69 each assuming I get it during discount period. Then that would be like $177 by the end.
Though theres then the problem of upgrading our existing voices to the "SV2 version", like Hayden SV1 to Hayden SV2. They show a large chart of the prices, which will change depending on the amount of voice yuou upgrade but the starting price is $19 each. But for 5+ voice it is a total of $79 on discount and $89/$99 after, which is actually a great deal and seems fair to me. I was a little unsure about this process of upgrading old banks to new versions, as I dont really know all it offers in terms of better quality and use of the voices. They do note some voices have new/additional vocal modes in their new versions though. Of course, other companies will make their own prices, so we will have to wait and see...
Also, SV2 is cross compatible! That is, as long as those voices get proper updates to be used in SV2.
interesting note from Dreamtonics on their Standard voicebank: "The Standard (non-AI) version of Saki voice from version 1 will receive an update with re-trained models, effectively converting it into AI-based voices. The updated voice will have the same specifications as the compatibility updates for other version 1 voices".
There is also some new app/hub thing you will get to use that allows you to better track your licenses, buy voices, download stuff etc so, thats nice too i guess.
Overall? I am pretty okay with the pricing and offers. Nice to have the discounts for a certain period and the upgrade price for SV2 from SV1 users seems fair, except for my current confusion about offering one free voice but not the other three. if i am correct on my math here, i would probably just spend the full price in the end...