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  • i'm addicted to synthv teto right now. does anyone have any obscure songs to share?
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    here's mine, saw it on vocadb today. slaps and bangs and bops etcetc.

    I like teto synthv too, I think she is not too far off from utau that much when it come to her voices.
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    oh no.. did something happen? i tried downloading the lite version of synthv for another pc and i found the linux version wasn't listed on the site. i can still download the pro version, and a lite install i have somewhere else says the last build was april 4. which doesn't seem that long ago, so i'm not sure.

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    I don't use SynthV so I apologize for any mistake.. maybe they only support the linux paid version now? I tried to check their official forum page, but is not loading..
    on some ubuntu forum, I found they say it works also using Wine and the windows setup. and I found mirror links of the january build of basic version: :gumi_lili:
    (I tried checking archive.org too, but nothing)

    Wine download (I recommend the latest development version 9.9)
    out of curiosity i decided to download the windows basic to try with wine. i give my email for the download link and it turns out an "ubuntu" version, with windows and macos are all linked inside of the email. idk, maybe i just came around at a weird time with the forum down and all of it. so you can still get the linux version, just choose "windows" and the link is in the email under "ubuntu." it'll work on any distro, i'm on fedora.
    i also tried the windows version in bottles with the soda runner, works great that way too! :maki_lili: :tsurumaki_lili:

    i have an aversion to registering too many times cuz i had to go to customer service to reset my registrations before.. lol. when i decide to register my pro key, i might actually use the windows version anyway since they don't have the vst plugin available on the linux version. i was recently gifted solaria, i gotta use her! :solaria_ani_lili:

    also thanks for taking the time to look into it miku. :miku_lili: wine is always the last resort for me. apparently people have been having trouble with vocaloid6, and info on vocal synths in wine is pretty hard to come by in linux land 😅 which is a little weird to me.. because linux has a very healthy audio production community.
    when i enable jack in synth v it shows up in the patchbay as "jucejack" was synth v made with juce?
    Most plugins nowadays made with JUCE so i wouldn't surprise if synth v use JUCE since juce already have such a huge tools library (more than vst sdk).
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    lily is such an underrated voicebank.. anyone know of any lily producers? or obscure songs?
    i miss the old vocaloid music, the unprofessional sound, less than par mixes, amateurish instrumentation, and cheesy lyrics. but at the same time i like the fact that things have changed, old producer's musical styles evolved and became more polished, new producers introducing their own musical tastes, the aesthetic slowly changing over time, keeping it fresh.

    i love contradictions!
    I think there's likely a lot of unpolished yet compelling material in the Japanese userbase too, only the space is too crowded and now it's pretty hard to get recognition for those producers. I can't see a lot of classic JP producers managing to get the reach they did if they started today
    NND is full of unknown indie and novice musicans! If you look up synth names and click on random videos/interesting titles- you're bound to find more than a few! You might end up finding producers you didn't know you'd love. 💞

    *Especially* if you're looking for alternative genres/material with unpopular vocalists.

    Soundcloud and Youtube also have a fair share of production that are learning.
    Thank you for promoting the work on nicodou. Sometimes fans, justifiably behind the language barrier, make sweeping generalizations about the community that don’t necessarily hold true when you dig a little deeper. The community is still really diverse and there are a lot of sounds.
    are there any tips or resources for tuning synth v (specifically maki) for singing across octaves? it's like she has a completely different voice each octave, i just want her to sound more consistent. i'm going between 5 and the lower part of 6.
    i might be a little bit of a dingus.. i found that setting the tuning parameter on the voice to my key properly makes her sound a lot better than just placing notes to my key on the piano roll. beyond that, i also found playing with the gender and tension parameters on high notes can be interesting too.

    if anyone has articles or anything to point me too though, i'd still love to read them. still kind of a noob to this.
    i have a hulu subscription ending soon and i'm not renewing it, are there any anime i need to watch on there while i still have it?
    i have not! i've seen the memes though. it's on my list, i might just do it if i can't think of anything better.

    do you or anyone know of any completed exclusive series on hulu? the only reason i have a subscription in the first place was to watch heavenly delusion.
    I’m not sure which ones are exclusive to hulu. This reddit thread lists a couple that are exclusive.
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    i ran with summer time rendering for no other reason than it being an exclusive. did the first 3 episodes so far, seems okay. a light scifi/supernatural mystery thriller with re;zero time loop mechanics. tho i think i'll watch spy x family before my sub runs out..i'm gonna go to hidive for oshi no ko next, and spy x family isn't on there. yeah..i'm always late to things :miku2_move:
    musk is removing the block feature on twitter. the site really is on it's way out..so when is bluesky opening up? ><
    yeah, it just doesn't feel right not to be able to block people. ESPECIALLY if they post harmful, graphic, perverted, etc., content
    yeah, my thinking is that blocking is the best option for stalkers too. you probably don't want them lurking your timeline, muting isn't good enough in those cases.
    If he removes the block feature, Twitter/X would not be available on Apple App Store or Google Play Store anymore since both REQUIRE social media apps to have a block function. He would loose a huge amount of people on his platform by this, probably more than half of the users. Idk if he's truly that stupid lol, but so far I'd believe it. If he really does it, I will have to leave Twitter. I want to be able to block all the bots
    the hardest part of trying to make original music for me is trying to find a good process..

    i've been twiddling with music and all of it for years now, but i'm trying to buckle down and actually see something to completion this time.

    i'm the kind of person who never finishes anything..but i'm starting to develop a process slowly but surely! if i can do one i can do a million.
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