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  • I said it thirteen hours ago, but now that I think I've got it grammatically correct, it bears repeating, so:

    :lapis_ani_lili:Všetci! Moja priateľka je úžasná a ja ju veľmi ľúbim!:lapis_ani_lili:
    Všetci! Moja priateľka je úžasný a báječný a ja ľúbim ju veľa!

    Pravdepodobne som to pokazila. Odpusť mi, drahá mäta.
    I'm unusually tired for 1:39 AM CT (speaking of which, I haven't seen Ketobot tonight...), and when I get tired, I get sappy.

    So I just wanna say I love you all, y'all are amazing, and y'all deserve all the joy in the world. :akasakiminato_lili:
    I'm not gonna lie, I wish I could've seen these guys live during their early days... their concerts seemed like an amazing time, and holy hell, that drummer!

    My journey to rolling my Rs has unexpectedly advanced! I can make a rolling-type noise, but only with air; when I try making noise to go with it, my tongue freaks out and stops. So I'll just be silently RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRing to myself for the next several days until I get the hang of it!
    There's a V2 Miki for $50 on Mercari.

    Part of me thinks that, if I get her and she's unregistered, then I could also get her V4 at the upgrade price (which is also $50), so I'd ultimately be paying $100 for like $230 worth of product.

    Another part of me has to remind myself that, once I factor in the shipping cost and proxy service fees for both Mikis, I'd end up paying way more than $100.

    And then another part has suddenly remembered I don't even want Miki... but that PRICE...

    And then the final part of me has to remind myself that I don't even HAVE $50. But since when have I ever listened to the voice of reason?
    Whoa really? Haha. That's wild when I just ordered a V2 Miki off there for about $70 :D
    We could twin and both get V2 Mikis :D

    I'm really hoping mine is unregistered so I can beg for an import code asldf;kf
    AHS products are weird with registration -- I believe it'll register the product regardless if it's already registered on someone else's account or not (I actually typed in an incomplete serial just to see if it would take it, and it did. So I have a random product registered with half the serial typed in stuck on my page, since there's no option to remove them)

    I'm not sure what issue, if any, will come from asking for an import code if AHS realizes the product is registered on two accounts though orz.

    (But honestly, I'm really guilty of buying products I don't want/need just because they're cheap as well. I saw someone selling a brand new Tsukuyomi Ai for $30 on Yahoo Auctions once... and had to stop myself because I already owned her. orz)
    Hey, thanks for the heads up! That's good to know for if I ever see a used V2 Kiyo or Yuki before I get around to just buying them myself lol
    I think I've fully gotten into the swing of Waveform! I don't have to keep DAW-hopping to fully render all of my pieces anymore - all of my plugins work, I love the colorful layout, the program itself is nice and lightweight! I do wish the the automation was a bit more flexible (as in, I wish you could draw in automation, rather than manually making and dragging points around), but that's about my only complaint against it.
    Well, she still sounds pretty rough around the edges, but here's what I have so far! What'd'y'all think?
    I think she sounds great so far!! Lovely work as always Peaches :D

    Here's this just in case you didn't know about the [h\] phoneme that apparently smooths them out in V2? I don't know how it works well enough to tell if you used it or not so this is just in case!
    Thank you!! I hadn't heard of that. I'll check it out!
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    This is so good!! It has improved so much since the 1st time I've heard it!! Can't wait for the full cover!! :ia_ani_lili:
    Ah, though things are still quite stressful at home, this has been an excellent week! I got a new cover up, got ACT1 working, got a girlfriend, met my mom's boyfriend (who's shockingly easy to talk to), and got to spend a relaxing Easter with my dad, roughly in that order!

    With the final month of school upon me, let's hope things keep going well... I need all the positivity that I can get.
    How the hell did Vocaloid hit peak popularity during the V2 era with such an unstable editor? God help me...
    I'll hit the play button and it'll randomly start playing a completely different section than what I'm currently on.
    Tbf most music software around that time wasn't much better :P
    V1 is even more of an unstable broken mess, as was Cantor.
    Blue Of Mind
    Blue Of Mind
    I don't think there were as many vocal synths compared to today, and I guess Vocaloid just had the best-sounding results at the time? But even then, I still heard complaints back in the day about the V1 and V2 interfaces not being user-friendly.
    How the tables turn... I consider Len V4X one of the easiest Vocaloids to work with, even easier than Rin, and I highly recommend him to anyone just starting out.

    His ACT1, on the other hand, is a million times worse than Rin's. Rin has her issues, but Len is just one giant issue in and of himself.

    My sweet Len, you've come so far~
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    Thank you so much!! Currently, I’m happy with just owning her box, but I do sincerely appreciate this!
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    No prob!! Just wanted to be sure :D
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