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  • peaches2217
    Aaaaaaaaaah there's a Rin/Len Append for $80... imagine! If I get their Appends and their ACT2s, I can say I own every version of them! (And I fully intend to purchase their NTs, so that's a title I'll still hold.)
    Ah! The SynthV license is actually closer to $90 than $80... I guess I've been conveniently ignoring the "Taxes may apply" notice on the website all these months.

    Ah well. What's an extra $6.64 if it lets me support the development of such an excellent synth? At least, whenever I actually have the money...
    While going down the rabbit hole of old Indian film production logos, I found this: two and a half minutes of a fuzzy caterpillar living his best life, set to a song from Spongebob!

    When I was in high school, I had a really bizarre fever dream/nightmare involving flames surrounding a giant statue. I remember there being outright terrifying music as well.

    Welp! Today I learned it wasn't a fever dream, and it is, in fact, a logo for an old Indian film production company that I must have seen on YouTube at some point.

    For those of y'all operating off of laptops, how much hard disk space do y'all have? I need a quad-core laptop, but everything that has more than 256GB of storage is just... astronomically expensive. My current laptop is dual-core with 1TB of space, and I've used nearly 600GB of that, so I'm terrified that, if I get a new laptop, there's no way I'll fit my synths on there... and constantly lugging around my external hard drive and keeping them all there seems extremely inconvenient.
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    Blue Of Mind
    Blue Of Mind
    It might be better just to have an external hard drive. I bought one when I got my current laptop and I needed a quick way to transfer files from my old one, and now I use it as backup memory in case my current laptop ever decides to die on me suddenly. But external drives with tons of space tend to be more expensive, but still cheaper than getting a new laptop with built-in large storage.
    Thank y'all! My external hard drive device is small enough to fit in a bag (it's about the size of my hand with all fingers extended) and it's 1TB, easily enough to fit all my banks. And since I don't use a whole bunch at any one time, I could store them on there while I'm not using them... but when I DO use them, will I have to uninstall all of the banks on my laptop in order to fit whichever ones I'm using then? That's my concern. And since I intend to get the new Piapro as well as Crypton's NTs, that's even more space I'll need...
    Eh, I suppose it could get to that point, although I think as long as you just install who you need at a given time and then uninstall them later, you should be fine!
    I GOT IT FIGURED OUT! Now I get to make Utau all colorful~

    @cafenurse there's a sakura-themed layout in the defaults! It's lovely and full of soft pinks.
    @WyndReed It is! I can't believe I'm just now finding it... I made a SynthV-esque theme, though it's rather inconvenient for Utau, so I'm sticking with Sakura until I can make something good.

    @cafenurse This video has the necessary download link and instructions on how to make custom layouts! Just copy every from the ZIP file right into your Utau folder, then open the UtauColors application; you can choose "Sakura", close out, and click "Yes", and then when you open Utau, it'll be sakura-themed! If you wanna make your own theme, the video details how to do it!
    yaaaay now i have pink utau!!!!
    perhaps i will use utau more now :miku_sakura_lili:
    utaColors is sexy. i made a colour scheme called "dark mode utau" so it looks like if UTAU had a dark mode.

    too bad utaColors doesn't work when your under admin ( i have to be under admin when i use merry kohaku ;; who i use a lot...)
    I don't have a settings.ini file in my Utau folder, and the only suggestion I could find was that I'd installed it before setting my locale to Japanese, so in order to access it I figured I'd uninstall and reinstall it. Of course, just to be safe, I'm backing up all of my voicebanks and relevant USTs!

    The problem is, I have over 15GB worth of voicebanks, so it'll be like, an hour or three... and then there's not even a guarentee this'll work...

    Ah well! With that many VBs, I was overdue to back them all up anyway. I guess I've got plenty to do in the meantime.
    I like Utau, but my God it does NOT like me.
    Ya girl’s got a job now!!! I filled out a consent to a background check form and once that goes through, I’ll be employed!
    Vector's tricky as heck... I signed up for their notification emails when I bought Minato and Yuudai because I wanted to know if they ever went on sale, not realizing that Vector sells like... everything. In the six, almost seven months since then, I haven't gotten a single relevant email, so I decided to unsubscribe to the emails.
    • Problem #1: there's no Unsubscribe option. No worries! I'll just send all the emails to the Junk folder, and they'll automatically go there from then on out.

    • Problem #2: I've been doing that for two weeks, and the emails still materialize in my main mailbox. Okay! So I'll unsubscribe from my Vector page.

    • Problem #3: Either an "Unsubscribe from our massive flurry of emails" option doesn't exist, or in my thirty minutes of searching I just still can't find it.
    So! Let's search some more. Worst case scenario, I'll just nuke my account and sign up again with a different email.
    I haven't done it before, but shouldn't the emails have a section for blocking/black listing the email address from Vector so you don't see their emails at all?
    The only problem with that is, I still need to get emails from them when I buy more CeVIO vocals... though given the emails are going to a different address than what I have registered, maybe I could block them from the email getting them but not from the email I have registered? It's just a really weird situation.
    Is there a chance you signed up for the marketing emails with a different address than you use for the actual account stuff? Or do you have Gmail checking the Yahoo account, or have the emails forwarded?

    If it's good enough to keep Gmail clean, you might be able to do that with some filtering rules or something--like let in all emails from the Vector address, but only if something appropriate and distinctive (based on the other emails you've already gotten that you want to keep getting) is present in the subject/body.

    Or you could unsubscribe, maybe. I'd hope that emails with serial codes/etc. wouldn't be included in the stuff you can unsubscribe from.
    Ooh! This Cicaplast stuff said it was safe to use on lips, so I tried it out of curiosity, and it made them all nice and soft~ I'd use it on my hands, but the tube is so small, and it's $15 a tube... so I'll stick to using it on keloids and lips for now.
    is it the one i told you to eat?
    Nope! This stuff is tasteless but has a really strange lingering texture. 2/10 not the worst snack in the world, but certainly not the best.
    • Haha
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    Hmm... I'm burnt out. I'm burnt out from covers, I'm burnt out from writing, all I wanna do is eat and watch my shows and GrayStillPlays... any recommendations? Should I just embrace it?
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    Tbh yeah, agreed. Don't push yourself!! There's no pressing need. Chill out for a while until inspiration strikes again!!

    Btw if you ever wanna chat in a more "immediate" fashion, I'm nearly always around on Discord! I'm currently Chipotlaaayyy#2510 lol
    agreed w everyone above. take a day or two (or however long) until you feel like you actually want to do something. i'm sure a lot of people are feeling unproductive and lazy since we're all stuck inside. this whole isolation process has taken a mental toll of me too, so you're not the only one feeling shitty <3

    netflix, animal crossing, and watching niconico have pretty much been the only things that've kept me semi-busy these days.
    While I definitely agree with everyone above, I'd also recommend limiting yourself to how long you laze about. I often get writer's block, and how I usually combat it is forcing myself to sit down and write. I know that if I just let myself sit around and wait for inspiration, I'll never get anything done!

    I'll also add that, if there are no pressing deadlines, you can relax a little longer. Just don't go like... a month without doing anything.

    Hopefully, this doesn't sound preachy, because that's NOT what I'm trying to come across as, haha.
    I'm still in the running!! I called Office Depot, and the manager they connected me to said he'd been planning to call me later today; he wants me to come in on Monday for a chat! He didn't specify what we'd be talking about, but he said I don't need to bring anything, so I'm hoping that's a good sign!
    I found out a couple of days ago that they're releasing a new Saw movie this year, and I've been on a minor Saw kick ever since, watching clips on YouTube and such... for its issues, I always thought it was a deeply creative series, and I've always admired it as such.

    Fun fact: Billy TERRIFIED me until my mid-teens, and then my brother had me sit down and watch the sixth movie with him, at which point I was like "Ah, the puppet's like the tamest thing about this." Though I do still think he's rather creepy.
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