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  • So... do they actually sound like rock vocals? Not able to listen for quite a while today so wanted to ask. My fingers are crossed??
    ANRI is still not really my personal taste, but I'm excited to see AO's new vocal!
    Today is the last day of niconico's current update designation, (Re). Tomorrow, a new era begins!!
    The names aren't being used to define strict software designations anymore, but are trying to define the "mission statement" or next big social push for the website, as it were. This time, they've flipped the letters to represent the eR in "singer, producer, dancer" and by association creator, animator, etc
    I might make a forum signature. I haven't done that since I was, like, literally 10 years old on the old pokefarm forums (lying about my age of course, sorry admins from back then :( lol. they rightfully gave me trouble about the fakeage on my account) but I feel like it would be a lot of fun. I'm gonna have to dig through the deviantart archives to pin down the style of those old signature designs
    ah yes. oh, you know, I was born in 1922. I'm just a very spry 100 year old, you know? thank you, please let me back into the pokemon (this is NOT a condonement of this behavior btw I know there are pretty young people on these forums I am simply reminiscing on my own tomfoolery)
    Blue Of Mind
    Blue Of Mind
    I used to have those old school signatures on a SpongeBob forum when I was around 13! Nowadays, they would fit right in with the 'Old Web' aesthetic.
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    I’ve never entered an art competition before, but I might try my hand at the Coestation contest just for fun. I found out that their character MK II is based on a vtuber that makes IRL motorcycling/super cub travel videos, and cute illustrations of the character and 3D models are superimposed over the footage. I’ve been experimenting with photography on my phone so maybe it’d be possible to make something kinda similar?!
    I've been having a bad day but somehow, the CUL anni collab popped up in my recommended videos! It really made me smile... everyone seriously did such a good job. I'm so glad I got to participate, I learned a lot from the experience, and I feel like next time something like that happens I'll be able to contribute something of greater quality... but yeah. It was so much fun.
    I brought my school's radio club back from the dead as a freshman. Now I'm a sophomore and all of the new members are freshmen and I got to run everyone's first antenna building event and it made me so happy :mikoto_lili: Everyone had so much fun and learned a lot. Times have been real tough recently so I'm really really grateful to have this.
    I just listened to a full cover with Chifuyu for the first time and oh man her voice is so cute!! TOKYO6 nailed it, it sounds good and convincingly soft! It's like the voice type isn't "fighting with the engine" for lack of a better term.
    I was really surprised when I found out Kairiki Bear wrote Miku's 25th anniversary song. I love Kairiki Bear, but I think his music is good when he digs so deep into bad emotions and the human condition, so hearing Miku sing to his music with such an obliquely uplifting message feels wrong. (even though it is transparent about life being hard). I might really like it after more listens, but for now I'm going to bed.
    Telesto Teles and Anheru are still some of my favorite things ever. I don't mind at all that Kairiki Bear makes a lot of "similar music" because something is almost always interesting every time (with only a few exceptions)
    1st PLACE has expanded their NFT pursuits outside of the ARIA characters and into their stake on Kagerou Project, specifically on Sidu (しづ)’s art.
    It is really clear to me that this is a financial pursuit on 1st PLACE's end and not an expression of love for the community or artwork. It is also unclear to me how much money, if any, Shidu is making off of the actual exchange of the NFT, because Shidu isn't the distributor and only 1st PLACE's corporate account is present in the Discord server. She was probably commissioned, and then 1st PLACE is reselling the NFT itself.

    Since I was a kid I've tried to grasp every side of the internet and its many communities by lurking and learning about them. And I have to say, I have not seen a single NFT-related community where the people involved were not primarily composed of "NFT people"-- people present because of the NFT itself, not any surrounding element. That's what people mean when they say "NFT grift". There is no substance, there is no excitement. The goal is to make money.

    This sentiment is a different in Japanese communities surrounding the intent, but in Japanese communities, there is also far less knowledge about what NFTs actually are.
    I just found out today that Keina Suda (Balloon) did a whole collaboration EP with Frederic in 2021. WTF. That's crazy.
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