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  • I’m making a cover of a medely and could use some help with utau voicebanks. I made a thread about it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    Seeing a bunch of 10th anniversary stuff is really depressing. Reminds me that while I was introduced to Miku in 2009 and started with utau in 2011/12(more likely 2012) I haven’t accomplished anything and only have a few finished covers. My mom likes to remind me that I have health issues and stuff, but that’s no excuse.
    I don't know if anyone has realized but the banner for the other vocal synth section has Daisy Hapyon on it. I know that something happened with her VP and as a result she was pulled from VNN. Is there any reason why an image of her is still up?
    Blue Of Mind
    Blue Of Mind
    Wait, what happened to Daisy? I don't really follow VNN aside from news stuff.
    Is that why her lili emote doesn’t work anymore?
    I can't remember what happened exactly, but I do know that her VP/manager did some really awful things. I think the remnants are still around on twitter if you're interested in looking.
    It’s a shame that the vst version of synth v is only for pro, but I can understand why they made that decision.
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    I cruised through my folder of half made midis and found an almost complete Daydream Warrior one that I forgot about(It's missing a glitchy/sampled part). And Jingle Bells ga Tomaranai untuned. Wow I totally forgot that those were sitting around.
    Me: I haven't talked to my friends in a bit how about I message them.
    My brain: Wouldn't AiKO sound good in a cover of Lag Train. (and Yami Ryone too)

    (My mom's on a business phone call so that might determine what I end up doing)
    I ended up being able to get the 4in1 SynthV bundle. Dunno how I'm going to use Aiko yet.
    Congratulations!! How exciting! If you need any suggestions, hit me up~ a good method is to find Chinese versions of Japanese or English songs. That's often foolproof.
    Thank you for the offer! That's a really good idea. I've never used a chinese synthesizer before so this will be a fun adventure!
    Life’s been so stressful lately, think I’ll spend the day playing pikemon and watching fluffy tv. I just wish we could find a house.
    That feeling when you have no money left to spend on nonessentials, but your brain tries to figure out a way to buy synth v studio pro. :ring_ani_lili:
    It's a very valid question actually!! Moving out tomorrow and trying to justify it LMAO
    In the midst of being sick and generally not feeling great, I finally bought Project Diva Mega Mix. Liking it so far, but I haven’t played Diva in about a year in a half so relearning the controls is going to be tough. Thank god for no fail mode. On a side note, the internet is so bad here that it took probably 14-15 hours to get the version with dlc downloaded. Never had a game dl take that long before.
    Looks like Vocaloid Piko is officially dead. rip
    Saw a waterfall today!!! A good way to spend a day out of the toxic hotel. Supposedly there are hundreds of waterfalls here. I’d like to see them all one day.(I suppose you could call this challenge Waterfall Go. lol) Also two ducks stood a few feet away! Waterfowl are the coolest.
    Twitter for pic:
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